AMC will soar over the next 2 weeks. Buy shares early Tuesday.

I don’t have GME but it’s up $20 premarket with a Hedge Fund in England going out of business.
Did everyone get out of the meme stocks hopefully?
You've been telling everyone to get out since January and the stocks are up multiple hundreds %.

I sold all my GME. Bought extra all the way up, too.
GME stock is at $190. Want to make a bet where this stock lands in 4 months? Over $190 I leave the board for a month...under $190 the same for you.

Your call
You were saying the same thing 5 months ago, and it was recently over 300. Stop being a moron.
And down to $190 and dropping. I said clearly in the short run gme and amc could do anything. The leveraged buying by rookies will eventually die out though. Same thing happens every 10 years.

I see you're not taking the bet
AMC bet? I’m not looking to hold them after the MOASS. Retail still owns 80% of float and Short % is at least 18 % but probably way more with naked shorts added in. Hedge Funds are still shorting the stock every day. When FTDs start it will cue the Gamma Squeeze.
Hopefully I have utilized my exit strategy by then. But am holding until it goes way higher than where it’s at now. Dropped in premarket.
ZKIN is a possible pump and dump in the next 3 weeks. Only $3.80 right now. First time I got a tip from this person so I’m treading lightly.