another fake hate crime


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 7, 2011
Meanwhile.....EVERY single act of domestic terrorism in 2018 was linked to right wing groups.
A 12-year-old African-American girl who claimed three white classmates pinned her down and cut her dreadlocks has admitted the claims were fabricated, her school said.
Thank goodness a lying 12-year old can give you guys something to get really indignant about since your usual TDS claims are sounding awfully hollow. :)

A girl who claimed white classmates cut her dreadlocks admits she made the story up

A 12-year-old African-American girl who claimed three white classmates pinned her down and cut her dreadlocks has admitted the claims were fabricated, her school said.

guess her parents never read the story of the boy who cried wolf when she was younger.

What are the chances that her parents didn't know/encourage this lie?
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Thank goodness a lying 12-year old can give you guys something to get really indignant about since your usual TDS claims are sounding awfully hollow. :)

What's funny is that this case has a lot of parallels to the Covington kids fake news/fake accusation story and you tripled down on that one.

These 3 kids were falsely accused and had prominent national figures calling them racists and Nazis. You're all cut from the same cloth.
What's funny is that this case has a lot of parallels to the Covington kids fake news/fake accusation story and you tripled down on that one.

These 3 kids were falsely accused and had prominent national figures calling them racists and Nazis. You're all cut from the same cloth.
Jesus, this has become Old News Day for some very strange reason.

Gee, I wonder why? :)

And for the umpteenth time, I was TOTALLY EXONERATED in the Covington kids story. Smirking Boy's lawsuit that the story was fake was laughed out of court.
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Thank goodness a lying 12-year old can give you guys something to get really indignant about since your usual TDS claims are sounding awfully hollow. :)
Well let's see. Since the initial accusation made all of the national news outlets, it was thrust into the public discussion. Congresspeople were even calling it out.

But yeah, it's us making a mountain out of a molehill. Not to even mention that, despite a pile of evidence to the contrary, you continue to act like the media is perfect and we're all delusional for calling out the sad state of journalism in this country.
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But yeah, it's us making a mountain out of a molehill.
A President who's entire tenure has been about asking what his country can do for HIM instead of what HE can do for his country is "making a mountain out of a molehill"???

Not to even mention that, despite a pile of evidence to the contrary, you continue to act like the media is perfect and we're all delusional for calling out the sad state of journalism in this country.
Yeah, this mess is REALLY all about the 'sad state of journalism', right? God knows your President does everything 'Perfect.' :)
A President who's entire tenure has been about asking what his country can do for HIM instead of what HE can do for his country is "making a mountain out of a molehill"???

Yeah, this mess is REALLY all about the 'sad state of journalism', right? God knows your President does everything 'Perfect.' :)
Nope. I've criticized Trump's twitter feed and verbal diarrhea. You project this strawman that anyone that counsels patience when it comes to media narrative thinks Trump is a god and can do no wrong.
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Jesus, this has become Old News Day for some very strange reason.

Gee, I wonder why? :)

And for the umpteenth time, I was TOTALLY EXONERATED in the Covington kids story. Smirking Boy's lawsuit that the story was fake was laughed out of court.


No one digs in like delusional ol' Shookster
Nope. I've criticized Trump's twitter feed and verbal diarrhea. You project this strawman that anyone that counsels patience when it comes to media narrative thinks Trump is a god and can do no wrong.
For such an open-minded guy, you sure defend Trump a lot.
Parents of mini AOC in July, "We got death threats we can't force our daughter to make MiniAOC videos anymore."

Also parents of Mini AOC, continues tweeting and forcing an 8 year old to make videos with most recent being 5 min ago.

Just to clarify for everyone, Shook Chicken and Shookster think that sending an 8 year death threats is warranted if she and her parents post political satire videos on social media that mock someone from their team.

In fact, he's basically admitting that he's pissed that the death threats didn't work, since he's butthurt that they are still posting videos.
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Parents of mini AOC in July, "We got death threats we can't force our daughter to make MiniAOC videos anymore."

Also parents of Mini AOC, continues tweeting and forcing an 8 year old to make videos with most recent being 5 min ago.
i was told the other day that people should not attack greta because shes a child. what is (D)ifferent with the mini aoc? are you or are you not advocating for death threats against an 8 year old because of politics?

i guess they decided to stand up to the bullying from the tolerant left.
Just to clarify for everyone, Shook Chicken and Shookster think that sending an 8 year death threats is warranted if she and her parents post political satire videos on social media.
Yeah, Chicken and I are really into death threats, particularly ones sent to 8 year-olds. :rolleyes:
Grow up.
Yeah, Chicken and I are really into death threats, particularly ones sent to 8 year-olds. :rolleyes:
Grow up.

in the vary thread about mini aoc getting death threats you did not once condemn the people that made the death threats. instead you victim shamed the 8 year old and her parents.

your own words:
In this case, Mom and Dad threw that little girl into the social media sewer and were SHOCKED she got slimed.

Who could have ever imagined that little girl getting all kinds of trollish shit thrown at her because of a harmless political parody, right guys? :rolleyes:
you are a partisan hack that is ok with this type of action as long as its against the other team. you are what is wrong with todays politics. you should look in the mirror but knowing that you are in your late 60s, you arent going to change. its very sad.
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you are a partisan hack that is ok with this type of action as long as its against the other team. you are what is wrong with todays politics.

Boo-hoo. I feel your pain, Wayne. It must suck when it's proven time and time again that I was right all along.

But don't mind me. Please us all again how Trump is going to make America great again.
Boo-hoo. I feel your pain, Wayne. It must suck when it's proven time and time again that I was right all along.

But don't mind me. Please us all again how Trump is going to make America great again.
proven right time and time again? LOL

your ever growing list of failures:
calling fab a racist
covington kids
russian collusion
claiming trump nefariously moved money from a dept to a golfing buddy, only to find out it was for emergency medical for kids.
alabama woman shot while pregnant, claims racism even though shooter was also black.
victim shaming an 8 year old
hospital patient with iv being questioned outside the hospital by cops
that time you claimed mcdonalds burger flippers made $4.85
insisting betsy ross might be a racist.

but sure, you definitely got me this time.*
proven right time and time again? LOL

your ever growing list of failures:
calling fab a racist
covington kids
russian collusion
claiming trump nefariously moved money from a dept to a golfing buddy, only to find out it was for emergency medical for kids.
alabama woman shot while pregnant, claims racism even though shooter was also black.
victim shaming an 8 year old
hospital patient with iv being questioned outside the hospital by cops
that time you claimed mcdonalds burger flippers made $4.85
insisting betsy ross might be a racist.

but sure, you definitely got me this time.*

i was told the other day that people should not attack greta because shes a child. what is (D)ifferent with the mini aoc? are you or are you not advocating for death threats against an 8 year old because of politics?

i guess they decided to stand up to the bullying from the tolerant left.
Why do we need to actively condemn death threats against children? It's implied. The fact that you're assuming were pro-child-death-threat highlights your insanity.
Why do we need to actively condemn death threats against children? It's implied. The fact that you're assuming were pro-child-death-threat highlights your insanity.
feel free to reread that entire thread. shookster stayed clear of calling out the real problem and decided to shame the parents and the child instead.

sad that you would stick up for him on that, but you arent known for your sanity either. remember that time you went all in for jussie? lol
feel free to reread that entire thread. shookster stayed clear of calling out the real problem and decided to shame the parents and the child instead.

sad that you would stick up for him on that, but you arent known for your sanity either. remember that time you went all in for jussie? lol
Why would he need to call out anyone? Its implied that no one is pro child death threat. We can actually move on from that part of the conversation without spending any time on it. We don't all need to one by one post that we are against 8 year olds getting death threats. We can zip right past the common sense portion of the conversation and spend some time on the fact that inserting your 8 year old child into a toxic political environment for this long and writing cheesy dialogue designed to trigger libs is bad parenting.
i will give credit to shookster, he did not buy into the jussie thing.
Now, let's be clear here, Wayne.

While you are absolutely correct, it should nevertheless be pointed out that 85 is on record stating that he is absolutely, 100% positive that I believed Smollett.

But - Curse the Fates! - I didn't post anything about it on Husk in Butt's thread to prove it. But I'm sure that if he could just DIG DEEP ENOUGH, he'd find something -- just like Trump with Biden. :)
Why would he need to call out anyone? Its implied that no one is pro child death threat. We can actually move on from that part of the conversation without spending any time on it. We don't all need to one by one post that we are against 8 year olds getting death threats. We can zip right past the common sense portion of the conversation and spend some time on the fact that inserting your 8 year old child into a toxic political environment for this long and writing cheesy dialogue designed to trigger libs is bad parenting.

yea definitely dont reread shooksters own words.
Can't be bothered. You're obviously well informed on the topic just quote the part where he's pro death threat.
Any parent who puts his or her child out on full display in our social media sewer doing "totally innocent and harmless POLITICAL humor" has got to have a screw loose. Anything remotely political brings out the rude, crude, and batshit crazy trolls on either side of the political spectrum.

But, hey, I don't need to tell YOU that.

Pardon me if I missed your heartfelt sympathy to Colin Kaepernick regarding the death threats he received.

But at least he's a grown up and knew what the response to his actions would be. That little girl is the victim of stupid parents.

In this case, Mom and Dad threw that little girl into the social media sewer and were SHOCKED she got slimed.

Who could have ever imagined that little girl getting all kinds of trollish shit thrown at her because of a harmless political parody, right guys? :rolleyes:
these are classic examples of victim shaming. but you are definitely right chicken, hes not pro 8 year old death threat.*
feel free to reread that entire thread. shookster stayed clear of calling out the real problem and decided to shame the parents and the child instead.

Hey, if you want to use that little girl as a tool for ridiculing all the social media trolls and idiots in the world, fine by me.

But when I point out that this little girl became a natural target for these morons in the first place because dear ol' Mom and Dad set her up to be one, THAT's somehow evil beyond belief?

Whatever. :rolleyes:
these are classic examples of victim shaming. but you are definitely right chicken, hes not pro 8 year old death threat.*
If parents left a kid alone at a sexual predators house it would make sense to blame the parents for being stupid while also not condoning child rape. Unless the sexual predator was a hot teacher then we would just high five the dad for hooking his son up with some sex right