Anthony Bourdain killed himself


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
Found dead in France by way of suicide- he was there filming for his CNN show

He did some pretty good travel shows for a few different networks. However I had read a few years ago that people around him were concerned we about his booze and drug abuses that he struggled with.
And in this corner we have: the moron version of a thread that already exists.
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chemmie created a thread about this earlier this morning. here is a quote from him:
I have thousands of things to say about this...
Bourdain's shows revolve around a simple philosophy that biases, racism, and political differences, can be better understood and conquered by simply opening your mind through travel, food, and discussion. He is correct.
He has been a hero of mine for a while now. The world needs more people to spread the message the way he has. We are all human beings, and we all want the same things no matter what the people in political power want us to think about each other.

then what does he do? turns around and posts how big of a moron you are for creating a separate thread in here.

its sad he cant even follow his own words moments later.
chemmie created a thread about this earlier this morning. here is a quote from him:
I have thousands of things to say about this...
Bourdain's shows revolve around a simple philosophy that biases, racism, and political differences, can be better understood and conquered by simply opening your mind through travel, food, and discussion. He is correct.
He has been a hero of mine for a while now. The world needs more people to spread the message the way he has. We are all human beings, and we all want the same things no matter what the people in political power want us to think about each other.

then what does he do? turns around and posts how big of a moron you are for creating a separate thread in here.

its sad he cant even follow his own words moments later.

I said it earlier but it rings true again- he’s a disgusting shit tier human being. He’s vile and beneath engaging with.
I said it earlier but it rings true again- he’s a disgusting shit tier human being. He’s vile and beneath engaging with.

Hilarious coming from you: a person who has sent death threats on here and has literally cyber stalked board members wives on Facebook. What has chemmie done? Called you (correctly) a moron?
Hilarious coming from you: a person who has sent death threats on here and has literally cyber stalked board members wives on Facebook. What has chemmie done? Called you (correctly) a moron?

Is he a moron for starting another thread? That seems like a pretty loose definition of that word.
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Is he a moron for starting another thread? That seems like a pretty loose definition of that word.

It's just added to a long list of moronic things 85 has done. He is know here for posting something that is 100% wrong, and then lashing out insulting anyone who calls him out.
It’s cool, he was part of the #Resist! Campaign. Joking about a wish for the President to die a horrid death is just par for the course.
dont forget the part about leaving behind a young child to live the rest of their lives wondering if there was something they missed or something they couldve done differently.
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dont forget the part about leaving behind a young child to live the rest of their lives wondering if there was something they missed or something they couldve done differently.
Didn't know this. What a swell guy. Neat TV show bro!
Look at our Christian warriors. So loving and respectful...unless they think you're a f*cking liberal.
So people are supposed to have respect for someone who kills themselves?
Respect whom and what you want, Copernicus. But your lack of understanding and empathy of suicide only shows more people what I already know about you.
Whenever someone was mean to me when I was a kid my mom would always say that there was probably something worse going on in that person's life to make them lash out so instead of hating them I should try to be understanding. It didn't make me hurt less, but it did make me have empathy for others. So many people on this board obviously never were taught this lesson and it's truly sad to see.

Please look inward and assess what is making you so nasty and ugly to your fellow humans. If you feel the need to incessantly insult others and dehumanize them you're just destroying yourself more. Anthony Bourdain was all about bringing people together and understanding differences. If you can't live by his example, you shouldn't talk about him.
Respect whom and what you want, Copernicus. But your lack of understanding and empathy of suicide only shows more people what I already know about you.
Empathy: the ability to share and understand the feelings of others". Trust me, you are so far away from Bourdain that you cant possibly understand him.
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I blame this new world culture of everything's relative everything's everything, always a victim, kill the unborn, all about me me me hedonism, do drugs, get fat whatever. Should be teaching black/white don't kill yourself; especially if you have a family.
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Empathy: the ability to share and understand the feelings of others". Trust me, you are so far away from Bourdain that you cant possibly understand him.
chemmie thinks hes better than you in every single way. so obviously youre the one that has no empathy and are a piece of sh;t moron
Whenever someone was mean to me when I was a kid my mom would always say that there was probably something worse going on in that person's life to make them lash out so instead of hating them I should try to be understanding. It didn't make me hurt less, but it did make me have empathy for others. So many people on this board obviously never were taught this lesson and it's truly sad to see.

Please look inward and assess what is making you so nasty and ugly to your fellow humans. If you feel the need to incessantly insult others and dehumanize them you're just destroying yourself more. Anthony Bourdain was all about bringing people together and understanding differences. If you can't live by his example, you shouldn't talk about him.

Great post.
chemmie thinks hes better than you in every single way. so obviously youre the one that has no empathy and are a piece of sh;t moron
My nature is to be respectful, but how can you do that when a person continually calls other people morons and insults their intelligence or sensibilities non-stop?
Why is it so hard for Wayne and Crazyhole (and others) to understand that the "you should be more tolerant of my intolerance" argument is piss poor?
You are truly crazy if you haven’t learned by now there are certain people here you cannot rationalize with.

Which is why I put a few people in ignore. They are nothing but hate filled, vile people who say some of the worst things possible. They find enjoyment in insult and degradation.

........and those people still apparently launch into attacks on me, knowing I don't even see their posts. That in itself is a testament to how these people think and operate.
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Which is why I put a few people in ignore. They are nothing but hate filled, vile people who say some of the worst things possible. They find enjoyment in insult and degradation.

........and those people still apparently launch into attacks on me, knowing I don't even see their posts. That in itself is a testament to how these people think and operate.

You have literally sent death threats to people on here. Go fuk yourself hypocrite.
........and those people still apparently launch into attacks on me, knowing I don't even see their posts. That in itself is a testament to how these people think and operate.

You do see them. We know you see them. Everyone knows you see them. You're the only one in here who thinks you actually ignore us, because you're delusional.
Because you dont ask for tolerance. You ask for compliance. Frigging nazi.

I've never even asked for compliance. I've simply called you, and others, out for being what you are. That's the point.

There is no need to be empathetic and tolerant of people who completely lack empathy and tolerance, like yourself. You can keep blaming others because you receive ridicule, but you deserve it and nobody is under any obligation to understand why you are so small-minded.
Go to middle eastern countries as a homosexual...I would say be scared of people. Walk around Chicago with their ridiculous murder rates...I would say be scared of people. Go to a biker bar as a nerdy computer engineer...I would say be scared of people.

but I get what he is saying...Don't judge a book by the cover.

Some people just don't want to walk on this earth anymore. It's not money, fame, experiences, family to live for... it's still not enough. Mind boggling. It has to be the wiring of their brain. Sad for everyone.