Are co-workers (Gator fans mostly) losing their shit ? Mine are & trying to get me to quit or fired!


Bronze Knight
Oct 17, 2017
As the title suggests, I have had more than a few colleagues start to go really overboard with UCF's National Title. Backstabbing, emails behind my back, threats, etc...

Things came to a head when I told a few of them to go eff themselves over their constant harassment.

Hate to lose my job so early in the year but if people are going to become this psychotic then I don't want to work with them.

Going to discuss with the owner but as things stand right now, well, see ya might be on the table....
As the title suggests, I have had more than a few colleagues start to go really overboard with UCF's National Title. Backstabbing, emails behind my back, threats, etc...

Things came to a head when I told a few of them to go eff themselves over their constant harassment.

Hate to lose my job so early in the year but if people are going to become this psychotic then I don't want to work with them.

Going to discuss with the owner but as things stand right now, well, see ya might be on the table....
It’s just sports. No reason to lose cash over it
Jesus where the heck do you work.

A small business. Construction. Ironically though the owner is a Gators alum and he doesn't have a problem with me on any of this. Hell, he even said I could put up a national champion banner in the warehouse.

However, there are a few others who are trying to make it so unbearable that it isn't worth it anymore. Regardless, I have loyalty to the rest of the good people I work with to not leave. I am going to see about doing work from home for a while until this smooths over.
Yes. They are hating hard. I ask them why they love Georgia so much.
It’s just sports. No reason to lose cash over it

Yes, I agree with you. However, they don't seem to understand that continued name calling and harassment behind a colleagues back is a major issue.

Hell, I don't care about criticism. I can be called out on my eff ups all day long. Hell, I deserve to be called on the carpet when I screw something up but this is an all together different situation.
Where do you work that you can tell your coworkers to eff off?

Construction. That is all I will say. (You know that UF has a construction school, right ? That is why there are so many PM's, design professionals, and Superintendents that are hardcore Gator idiots)
I work with a lot of ucf alum but on a whole the company is probably more p5 people. Everyone likes it or has a civil disagreement here.
Not sure why they are so pissed about this one, but Gator fans weren't happy with me when I declared Boise State as the only undefeated national champion in 2006.
Construction. That is all I will say. (You know that UF has a construction school, right ? That is why there are so many PM's, design professionals, and Superintendents that are hardcore Gator idiots)

You taught me something new today. Didn't know you could major in construction at UF.
Just tell them UCF and other similar football programs refuse to sit in the back of the bus anymore :) that they should take their prejudice some where else.
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You taught me something new today. Didn't know you could major in construction at UF.

Most major construction sites in the area have at least one superintendent, design professional, or PM that is a UF alum.

I know Welbro pretty much gets every employee of theirs through that pipeline.

It is a good thing though, despite everything. Construction is WAY short on good, skilled people.
How is this even a work issue? It blows my mind how anyone would care so much to make this an issue for themselves or co workers.

I agree. When UF won their titles I was overwhelmed with indifference. However, in this case, I think there is more than meets the proverbial eye. I think they are using me as a vehicle for something else that is messing with them. Maybe marital or such, I don't know but when I have a people throwing their weight around and act like they are the bathroom bully from the 3rd grade I just can't comprehend the immaturity.

I mean, hell, good and competent people are tough to find these days. If I can find a good CAD assistant that like USF then who am I to make their life miserable over that ?

Jesus H!

I mean, Good Lord! We put a man on the moon 50 years ago! People put aside their differences to accomplish that but today a few gator fans are losing their minds over something that doesn't even bother them.
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It (opinions) can get pretty brutal at construction sites.
Little known fact from the Soprano's Director's cut, David Chase said Vito was a Gator fan
It (opinions) can get pretty brutal at construction sites.

Yes, but I work for a sub-contractor. In the office. In a specialty MEP field. But yes, the big, fake alpha male BS egos are still all the same. Especially from the middle aged guys that still live vicariously through their teams.
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I work with a bunch of Gators, Dawgs, Auburn, and Alabama Fans.But we have 6 UCF'ers here as well. We just make them bow in the presence of greatness.*

A lot of friendly banter about how UCF is or isn't National Champions. Most think we have a real claim but want to give me a hard time because we're all friends here.
I'm a PM in a construction field and I work with a bunch of Gators, Dawgs, Auburn, and Alabama Fans.But we have 6 UCF'ers (mostly engineers, go figure) here as well. We just make them bow in the presence of greatness.*

A lot of friendly banter about how UCF is or isn't National Champions. Most think we have a real claim but want to give me a hard time because we're all friends here.
As the title suggests, I have had more than a few colleagues start to go really overboard with UCF's National Title. Backstabbing, emails behind my back, threats, etc...

Things came to a head when I told a few of them to go eff themselves over their constant harassment.

Hate to lose my job so early in the year but if people are going to become this psychotic then I don't want to work with them.

Going to discuss with the owner but as things stand right now, well, see ya might be on the table....

Stopping working with ignorant rednecks and/or their opposite, elitists.

Try and get onboard at great construction companies that are owned/lead by UCF Alums like Schmid Construction.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
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Stopping working with ignorant rednecks and/or their opposite, elitists.

Try and get onboard at great construction companies that are owned/lead by UCF Alums like Schmid Construction.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

We've done some work with Schmid. They're good folks.
Not sure why they are so pissed about this one, but Gator fans weren't happy with me when I declared Boise State as the only undefeated national champion in 2006.

They most likely didn't even go to school at UF and have no real skin in the game other than to be twats. This is where ownership comes in and refocuses the team on the job at hand - if they are any good.
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Fortunately, I'm in the C-suite at my company. I had one person try to say something and I shut that shit down straight away. I won't put up with anybody disrupting the corporate team or mission outside of a quick good-natured comment.
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I have a mixture of Alumns in my field. There is one outspoken biotch that always talks about the gators. The best thing is--she didn't go to UF.

Well, last week she started running her mouth about our National Title--and all I had to say was "Where did you go to school again?" lol ...crickets.

Anyway, like was posted before---this isn't worth losing cash over.
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