autism, allergies, adhd


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 10, 2002
You guys know where this all comes from right? I understand your willful blindness. I used to be a sheep also before covid

I thought my brother’s autistic kid was genetic up to five years ago. My neighbors kid has “allergies” ADHD and will probably have auto immune disorders his adult life

But if you've been around autism you know everything this guy says is 💯. Now they're mandating c19 poison on children and infants in the care of the state of MA. All those refugees better roll up their sleeves 💰🤦‍♀️

You guys know where this all comes from right? I understand your willful blindness. I used to be a sheep also before covid

I thought my brother’s autistic kid was genetic up to five years ago. My neighbors kid has “allergies” ADHD and will probably have auto immune disorders his adult life

But if you've been around autism you know everything this guy says is 💯. Now they're mandating c19 poison on children and infants in the care of the state of MA. All those refugees better roll up their sleeves 💰🤦‍♀️

Why do you identify as a female? This would explain a lot of things.
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I thought Autism was related to using Dursban and Round Up? They pulled Dursban off the shelf citing environmental and health reasons. Man, that was some good stuff killing bugs in your lawn.

Looking back I think my dad had Asbergers. He was born in 1933 and was a twin. He was socially awkward and very smart . He didn't pick up on social cues at times. My point is, Autism is being diagnosed like everywhere today and was not a thing but then . It wasn't that it wasn't a thing, it was more like we just said that guy is quirky or strange or has a tick. I think Autism was always there ,we just wrote it off as something different. In the end we are all on the spectrum. 😆. I miss Dursban though.

We don't know what causes it and since we don't know what we don't know we can easily say vaccines or Dursban or wind turbines or 240 KV power lines or lithium ion batteries riding in Teslas.

Maybe it's sugar? After World War II our sugar consumption has sky rocketed and when you look at the foods toddlers love to eat, it's loaded with sugar. I say this because kids with epilepsy have significantly more seizures on high sugar and carbohydrate diets. I have two kids with epilepsy . One is from a severe brain trauma and he was on the ketogenic diet for 6 years and by cutting out sugar and carbs it stopped his seizures.

What they seem to know Autism develops around 18 to 24 months. The question is is it environmental or genetic? Or is it something genetic and we are predisposed to it and something triggers it in the environment?
Well if "A Midwestern Doctor" said it on his blog then it must be true.
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Well if "A Midwestern Doctor" said it on his blog then it must be true.
There's no conclusive proof on autism, agreed.

But the Midwest Doctor blog has ended up true on many things, so ... don't be so quick to dismiss him ... even if there is no proof in this case.

Although it wouldn't shock me if the rise in autism is due to women becoming impregnated while on the pill. The timing of the increase in use does line-up well.

Of course, it also lines up well with our fresh water table being tainted by various chemicals WWII - Vietnam as well, before environmentalism took hold by the '70s through '80s. Plastics may be yet another.

But it will never be studied. It's politically untennable to study it, especially since 55% of women very much do need the pill for hormonial control.
There's no conclusive proof on autism, agreed.

But the Midwest Doctor blog has ended up true on many things, so ... don't be so quick to dismiss him ... even if there is no proof in this case.

Although it wouldn't shock me if the rise in autism is due to women becoming impregnated while on the pill. The timing of the increase in use does line-up well.

Of course, it also lines up well with our fresh water table being tainted by various chemicals WWII - Vietnam as well, before environmentalism took hold by the '70s through '80s. Plastics may be yet another.

But it will never be studied. It's politically untennable to study it, especially since 55% of women very much do need the pill for hormonial control.

Please read what real researchers say about this, fatty.

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There's no conclusive proof on autism, agreed.

But the Midwest Doctor blog has ended up true on many things, so ... don't be so quick to dismiss him ... even if there is no proof in this case.

Although it wouldn't shock me if the rise in autism is due to women becoming impregnated while on the pill. The timing of the increase in use does line-up well.

Of course, it also lines up well with our fresh water table being tainted by various chemicals WWII - Vietnam as well, before environmentalism took hold by the '70s through '80s. Plastics may be yet another.

But it will never be studied. It's politically untennable to study it, especially since 55% of women very much do need the pill for hormonial control.
consider that people have likely always been autistic, but being that it wasn't even recognized until the 20th century, it is more commonly diagnosed as it it being understood.

autism is mostly genetic. nobody goes from normal to calculating the square root of pi because they got a flu shot.

have you even considered the implications of a shot being able to drastically alter someone's brain in that manner? were that the case, it would've been optimized to create teams of geniuses.
Hi. I grew up with a brother with severe autism, and I work with that population as a behavior analyst. So I’m quite intertwined with the autism community. Back about 15-20 years ago, the anti-vax stuff was really gaining steam within the community. This was centered mostly around the MMR vaccine and the mercury-based preservative used in them called thimerosal. The big voice in the scientific community on this was a doctor named Andrew Wakefield. A big study by him came out linking autism to these vaccines. However, it turns out that it was discovered that he falsified this data and he wound up losing his license. He also did a whole bunch of other weird shit throughout his career that undermines any credibility that he had. Further studies have not found any conclusive link between vaccines and autism.

There’s an a-z list of hypothesized “causes” of autism that has been thrown out there over the course of time. The prevailing thought nowadays amongst researchers is that the “cause” is due to a very complex set of genetic/biological markers that get activated for whatever reason. Unfortunately, the surface has barely been scratched to uncover all of these variables.
consider that people have likely always been autistic, but being that it wasn't even recognized until the 20th century, it is more commonly diagnosed as it it being understood.
That still doesn't explain most of the increase. It just doesn't.

autism is mostly genetic. nobody goes from normal to calculating the square root of pi because they got a flu shot.
You're confusing general autism with autistic savants. I think you just discredited yourself. Autistics savants are extremely rare.

have you even considered the implications of a shot being able to drastically alter someone's brain in that manner?
Have you ever considered the implications that I never even said vaccines cause autism? I never did, and even argued there wasn't conclusive proof they ever have.

were that the case, it would've been optimized to create teams of geniuses.
We're pretty good at ****ing people up with profit-driven medicine en masse, for people who don't need it, under the guise of, "Well, it cannot hurt."

Improving the lives of people ... that's far more rare as of late, sadly enough.
We're pretty good at ****ing people up with profit-driven medicine en masse, for people who don't need it, under the guise of, "Well, it cannot hurt."

Improving the lives of people ... that's far more rare as of late, sadly enough.

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Most recently, both my jabbed brother and sister are diagnosed pre diabetic . As if their cancer, cardiac arrest, shingles reactivation, erratic blood pressure and chronic illness weren’t enough.

Praying for all the victims of this horrible experiment gone wrong

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Cancer. Cardiac arrest. Shingles. etc.

They sound like they are fat asses like UCFBS. Tell them to go on a diet and stop eating themselves to death.
Meanwhile in actual research.

I have no doubt MRNA shots will improve over time, and many side effects can be reduced. That said I won't be getting any boosters any time soon.
Type 2Diabetes treatment sounds interesting.
You know how these tools are always saying listen to your doctor? Here's my doctor

This anti-vax doctor points to three family members who took the jab and later on: 1) had a massive heart attack; 2) died of pancreatic cancer; and 3) had kidney failure and claims its proof the c19 vaccines were poison. Did this doctor use his medical degree from South Alabama to identify a direct link between the shots and experiencing these medical conditions? Of course not.

Doc Bubba's brilliant conclusion was that "bad things happened 'cause they took them vaccines." Nearly a billion Americans have taken them. You'd think the jab should've kept all these folks free of ALL diseases, not just the COVID virus, right Boston? :rolleyes:
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This anti-vax doctor points to three family members who took the jab and later on: 1) had a massive heart attack; 2) died of pancreatic cancer; and 3) had kidney failure and claims its proof the c19 vaccines were poison. Did this doctor use his medical degree from South Alabama to identify a direct link between the shots and experiencing these medical conditions? Of course not.

Doc Bubba's brilliant conclusion was that "bad things happened 'cause they took them vaccines." Nearly a billion Americans have taken them. You'd think the jab should've kept all these folks free of ALL diseases, not just the COVID virus, right Boston? :rolleyes:
A billion Americans took them?

Who wants to tell him?
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I think that Shookster means vaccine numbers. It’s something like 700 million now

I have had 7. Should I be worried? 🤷‍♂️
It seems like African-Americans have a genetic predisposition to adverse events of all these horrible shots. They just get the worst of it in every situation. Sickle cell, etc.

How many you tools know about this cover-up? Thank God for Florida that's all I can say

@UCFBS @nosurf2day
This thread is great because it somehow has brought liberals and conservatives together in agreement

Who is agreeing with anything? 20% of the left believe mRNA is poisoning everyone and 80% of the right think the opposite. Same with autism etc.

Stop watching mainstream media and then we can have a conversation.
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Who is agreeing with anything? 20% of the left believe mRNA is killing everyone and 80% of the right think the opposite. Same with autism etc.

Stop watching mainstream media and then we can have a conversation.

Liberals and Conservatives all agree that you are unhinged, who believes everything she reads.

That's what he means. Imagine still posting about his shit in the year 2024.
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