A bidding war? With all due respect, a bidding war for what? The Big Dawgs of the Big XII, OU and TX, are on their way out the door. At best, the Big XII is vying to be the best conference driving their boat thru the wake created by the SEC and the B1G.
And before you rip into me, note that this is not meant to be a dis. The Big XII seems to me to be in the best position between it, the Pac12, and ACC of finding a decent TV deal and setting themselves up as a viable conference in an effort to have its members included in any kind of new national championship playoff deal with the Big Two.
The next playoff deal won't involve the NCAA and the CFB Elites are going to dramatically cut the number of universities feeding at the trough. The question is: Will the Big XII be able to crash the B1G and SEC's private playoff party? I believe they can.