Ben Shapiro says feminism is actually all about that Wet Ass P-Word

fake tweet.

yall have a weird obsession with Ben Shapiro's dick tho
The left is obsessed with sex, so what do you expect? They define themselves by it. It used to be "what do you do for a living?". Now, it's "are you are lesbian, transsexual, pederonormative, gender fluid, or cis-bi-homoerotic cosplay-sadism-polyamorous?". They seriously have gone 100% Kinsey.
The left is obsessed with sex, so what do you expect? They define themselves by it. It used to be "what do you do for a living?". Now, it's "are you are lesbian, transsexual, pederonormative, gender fluid, or cis-bi-homoerotic cosplay-sadism-polyamorous?". They seriously have gone 100% Kinsey.
found a perfect post for that, in fact.

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found a perfect post for that, in fact.

Notice the response that I got when I said I am abstaining from sex or female relationships since my divorce because I value my vows?

"Can't get laid" , "needs to get laid", "incel", etc. These people literally define themselves by their genitalia and what they do with them and will mock you for not being as shallow as they are. How many times have you seen jerk-off memes posted as a response? A TON. It's all about what they have between their legs and what they do with it.
And this is why the French make fun of American and, to a lesser extent, British 'Liberals.' They are utterly and totally, sexually immature. Our US teenage STD rates are out of control, followed by the British, the worst in all the EU. The French teenage rate is nearly 1/10th of ours.