This is true, and is the reason why you should be supporting Bernie Sanders.
You may despise Social Democracy, but the vast majority of his socialist ideas will never be implemented with our current Congress. What Bernie Sanders does provide, is the best chance at an alternative to the status quo. No other candidate provides that and actually has a fighting chance.
Now I've heard it all. "Hey- the guy is full of shit and nothing he promises will ever get done, but vote for him because he's a cool idealist and says things that sound awesome in a vacuum!".
If you take away his ridiculous proposals, that won't get anywhere, what are you left with? Basically a senile old man that has spent his entire life in politics, is clueless on foreign policy matters, and someone who likely would fall asleep at Joint Services Meetings as Commander in Chief.
By the way, I can't help but laugh at the narrative developing on the left. Obama is awesome and he's been awesome for the country, BUT, things are also so f*cked up that we need Sanders to rectify all of the shit wrong with the country! But of course none of this is Obama's doing- it's meanie Republicans fault!