Biden drops out of the Presidential race


can one of the resident retards like @DaShuckster translate this logic for us normal folk?
Ready for the good news guuuuyyys?

We will be having a vegetable run the country for nearly 6 more months who’s not fit to run for the office of the POTUS.
What took so damn long?
Put Joe in the body of a 50-year old and he'd be beating Trump in a fricking landslide. But he's old -- and gasp! -- the old man was starting to act his age! The idea that Trump might actually win in November was freaking out way to many people. It should never have gotten to this point, but it did. It is beyond crazy that our moron Attorney General snail-walked charging Trump for his crimes for fear of looking political (SMH.) Look what the fcuk THAT brought us!!!

I feel sorry for Joe. Despite the morons who claim otherwise, he had a good first term--and history will be kind to him. But this was the right move. Harris will bring some sanity back to the 2024 race.
But he's old -- and gasp! -- the old man was starting to act his age!
Took your warped brain how long to discover what the rest of us sane people have been saying and seeing for years?

But…, but.., but, i thought that he was just having a bad night?

“It wasn’t that bad.” RIGHT GUUUUYS?
And your point is?? He’s not a 50-year old anymore than you are. Retard
People were freaked that he was acting like an old man. If you want to talk retard, there is no way on God's Green Earth that a convicted felon like Donald Trump should have ever been nominated for President again. THAT is truly batshit crazy.
The idea that Trump might actually win in November was freaking out way to many people.
Howabout this guy named Adolf Shuckler who was overloading the internet with Google searches on moving companies that serve the Canadian Rockies
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It is beyond crazy that our moron Attorney General snail-walked charging Trump for his crimes for fear of looking political (SMH.) Look what the fcuk THAT brought us!!!
So.., Adolf. Tell us “what it brought us?”

In your warped world, Trump gets convicted and jailed and we get a now proven vegetable president for another 4 years +

Wonderful alternative

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People were freaked that he was acting like an old man. If you want to talk retard, there is no way on God's Green Earth that a convicted felon like Donald Trump should have ever been nominated for President again. THAT is truly batshit crazy.
Pretty much
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Respect to Biden for making this tough decision..I wish it was sooner but better late than never

Given the political leaning of most of this board I don’t expect many to agree but his legacy will age very well. The next President will be reaping the benefits of the Infrastructure Bill.
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Respect to Biden for making this tough decision..I wish it was sooner but better late than never

Given the political leaning of most of this board I don’t expect many to agree but his legacy will age very well. The next President will be reaping the benefits of the Infrastructure Bill.
Are you serious?

He was forced out and it took way too long. It wasn’t his choice. He was probably still fighting this until the end
Given the political leaning of most of this board I don’t expect many to his agree but his legacy will age very well
His legacy will be forever tarnished by a term full of deceiving the American people about his cognitive state

JFC. Just take the L on this one
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Dems are still in a pickle.

Kamala is Hillary 2.0. She might lose worse than Comatose Joe.

Newsom? Dude spends money like UCFBS in the food tent at the state fair. Fried Twinkies don't stand a chance.

Mayor Pete? Great mind, but he's gay. I couldn't care less about that, but rednecks like UCFBS in his double wide and the rest of the racists in shithole Nebraska don't want no damn hummersexual.

Who else? The Hester Prynne-looking wench from Michigan? She's dumb as hell.
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Respect to Biden for making this tough decision..I wish it was sooner but better late than never
It's not that late, Poolside. We're still weeks away from the Democrat Party Convention and the traditional 'kick-off' to the general election isn't until Labor Day.
Harris will beat Trump.
😂😂😂. Says the same IMBECILE who was telling us for months that Trump had no chance against Bifen

Totally credible statement on your part.

Better keep those moving vans in top condition. The drive to Canada from Nebraska is kind of cold and treacherous in November
No he hasn’t and nobody who is sane agrees with you. Google him in a few years
Many of the "sane people" who don't agree with me are going to vote for a guy who accomplished next to nothing while in the white house other than saying crazy shit on twitter.
Many of the "sane people" who don't agree with me are going to vote for a guy who accomplished next to nothing while in the white house other than saying crazy shit on twitter.
That has absolutely nothing to do with it. The guy had been incompetent for months or years

This didn’t happen overnight. The guy that you thought and still think was one of the best presidents ever well…,, wasn’t really acting as the president.
That has absolutely nothing to do with it. The guy had been incompetent for months or years

This didn’t happen overnight. The guy that you thought and still think was one of the best presidents ever well…,, wasn’t really acting as the president.
None of this means anything. Presidents legacies are based on what their administrations accomplished, not what people on twitter say about them.
None of this means anything. Presidents legacies are based on what their administrations accomplished, not what people on twitter say about them.
Nice try moving the goalposts.

I guess these guys are the ones you are praising.

😂😂😂. Says the same IMBECILE who was telling us for months that Trump had no chance against Bifen

Totally credible statement on your part.
Yeah, silly me. I should believe you and the other Einsteins here who think the crazy old narcissist who a) is a convicted felon, b) tried to blackmail Ukraine; and c) had his minions storm the capitol in an attempt to circumvent Biden's election in 2020 is....(cue trumpet-fanfare)....the winning ticket in 2024. :rolleyes:
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