Too little. Too lateBecause it takes two parties to tango in Washington. The Republicans preferred keeping it a campaign issue they could run on instead of trying to solve it.
When Trump was Prez, he preferred 'going it alone' with his stupid border wall that MEXICO was going to fund (ROTFLMAO) to working with Congressional Democrats to do something that could actually make a real difference.
This year's border bill -- crafted by Senate Republicans -- would have made a real difference but Trump told his minions in the House to make it DOA. Surprise, surprise, Donald wanted to run on the issue.
Maybe you should ask Egypt about how border walls work
I’m sure a few other countries as well
That’s not enough though and the democrats have dragged their feet for YEARS
What the hell did Biden do in the time after he was elected?

Wrap Up: Biden Administration’s Policies Have Fueled Worst Border Crisis in U.S. History - United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability
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