Bill Browder to testify: Fusion GPS and Russia lawyer colluded to smear Trump

Evidently it's illegal for these parties to dig up dirt on their opponents?
No, you're utterly missing the point. It is completely legal to dig up dirt.

What is far more questionable is to use foreign entities tied to various governments. Several laws forbid it. In the case of taxpayer funded parties -- and yes, both the DNC and RNC are partially taxpayer subsidized, and do not have do things other parties do (e.g., don't have to get signatures in many locales -- Johnson had to secure almost 1M signatures, in various locales, just to get on the ballot, and he did, in all 50 states + DC) -- it may result in them losing their preferential status and/or taxpayer funding.

E.g., even the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) is currently amid a lawsuit, that a judge has allowed to proceed forward, that will strip them of their non-profit status as a judge has refused the CPD's motion to dismiss. I.e., The plaintiffs claim the CPD is a bi-partisan organization, and not a non-partisan organization, and therefore not eligible for non-profit status, as they are a political entity serving 2 specific parties, not all parties.

That's a basis for them to not only lose their non-profit status, but possibly have to provide disclaimers and other transparency that they only serve the interests of the DNC and RNC and no other parties.

Does anyone here honestly not think both sides are not doing this?
Do you even read what I'm saying?

"This is really bad for the DNC, beyond Clinton.
This is just as as Manafort is (allegedly) for the RNC, beyond Trump."

Am I the only one that has seen House of Cards?
Sigh ... I'm into civics, not media. If I wanted media, I'd remove my civics-based Libertarian views and just turn on the TV.

Seriously dude ... this is what gets me about Progressives, which I see you repeatedly siding with. You complain about something, but when the DNC is exposed of doing the same (or worse), you fall back to "well, I think both parties do it."

I'm just an American Libertarian. I want everyone exposed for who and what they are. I want the end to the preferential treatment of the DNC and RNC, the appropriation of taxpayer guarantees, etc... I want full disclosures.

I get that pushing the wrong info is messed up
No, that's not the problem at all here! "Wrong info" has been an American media staple since 1770.

and I am not advocating pushing false narratives, but I thought this was a supposed to be a big deal?
That there is massive involvement of foreign entities serving many foreign interests? Of course there is!

And the fact that the DNC (via those working on behalf of Clinton) and RNC (via those working on behalf of Trump) have been involved is a major issue.
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Jesus. Friendly reminder to keep your responses less than or equal to the length of war and peace. If I wanted to read a dissertation I'd just read the article and not the usually wrong opinion of some guy who won't even tell us what party he's a part of.
Jesus. Friendly reminder to keep your responses less than or equal to the length of war and peace. If I wanted to read a dissertation I'd just read the article and not the usually wrong opinion of some guy who won't even tell us what party he's a part of.
I will never join any political party. I refuse to blindly align myself to any platform. That said, I agree with about 80% of the Libertarian platform, especially the items they've been continually right about -- drugs, equality and war.
lol are you kidding me? This goes way beyond "normal dirt".

Go re-read my first series of news articles and posts. The frigging FBI actually uses this discredited and fake dossier to kickstart the RUSSIA! investigations into the Trump campaign and BuzzFeed published it at the height of the election cycle, despite having no verifications to ANY of the credibility of the claims, which were later totally refuted.

And now we know that that Clinton campaign and the DNC itself were absolutely critical in the funding and progress of this dossier, as funneled through Fusion GPS.

So, you see the "big deal" there right? A Clinton funded smear effort produced a fake and discredited dossier of supposed Russian ties to Trump, that ultimately ended up being used by the Obama FBI and published in media friendly places as TRUTH and was used to attack Trump. Remember the whole "Russian girls peed on Trump" thing?

And to top it off, Bill Browder was testifying that in fact, a Kremlin linked attorney was integral in the Fusion GPS effort in generating many of these claims. So you had a Clinton funded campaign, using Fusion GPS, who was using the services of a Kremlin attorney, to deliberately smear the Trump campaign.

Perhaps there was collusion, but they're investigating the wrong people.
UCFBS, you do realize that nobody reads your posts, right? Nobody cares that you keep telling us how Libertarian you are and nobody wants to read a damn novel every time they get on this board. You're a moron, and you're the only one who doesn't realize it.
Russia's interest in Trump being president has less to do with his aptitude and more to do with Hillary being a Russia-hawk, which is in direct contrast with Obama's light handed approach to Russia. Russian's did not want Hillary so it was Trump by default.

Hawk? The woman whos husband got a huge payday for a speech, and met with Putin just before getting millions more for the Clinton foundation, just before the Hawk and Obama handed them 20% of the nations Plutonium supply. The word hawk and Hillary should never be combined. Well maybe a Chicken Hawk.
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UCFBS, you do realize that nobody reads your posts, right? Nobody cares that you keep telling us how Libertarian you are and nobody wants to read a damn novel every time they get on this board. You're a moron, and you're the only one who doesn't realize it.
Then I'm a moron who thinks for only himself. I'm fine with that.
Hawk? The woman whos husband go a huge payday for a speech and met with Putin just before getting millions more for the Clinton foundation, just before the Hawk and Obama handed them 20% of the nations Plutonium supply. The word hawk and Hillary should never be combined. Well maybe a Chicken Hawk.
That may be true. But she was pushing for a "hard line" stance towards Syria, Russia, and Iran during the election. In one of the debates, I remember coming away thinking she was a Neo-Con on foreign policy. That could have been lip service to get votes and she's really more apologetic to Russia, but I think it's more complicated than that.

Obama had more of an appeasement strategy regarding Russia and Clinton (as SoS) had to play nice to remain in the good graces of Obama - who's approval from the left was very high. If she dissented from Obama, it would have put a rift in the democratic party and threatened her ability to grab the nomination (remember the rumors of Biden running?). Party politics ruled until she won the democratic nomination. She most certainly was hawk-ish in the general election and I think her presidency would have been as well, regardless of funding.
@UCFKnight85 dont forget about some of the emails just released about the uranium deal. i mean it seems like there was some collusion going on with russia, we were just looking at the wrong people.
And now NY Times reports are reporting that the Clinton Campaign lied to them for over 1 year about their connection to Fusion GPS and the knowingly false dossier.
That's not surprising. The NYT received the dossier months before Buzzfeed published it. The NYT didn't publish it because they were trying to verify the claims and source the material, probably to find out who financed it.
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That's not surprising. The NYT received the dossier months before Buzzfeed published it. The NYT didn't publish it because they were trying to verify the claims and source the material, probably to find out who financed it.
This is what always gets people, or at least groups.

It's one thing to be caught. It's another to lie about it when caught, only to be charged with lying, and then the evidence comes out that it was a lie. So now the question becomes how high did this go, and who made those calls?

In any case, the bigger issue -- for the American taxpayer -- is the foreign involvement and interest. It's the same issue with Manafort, Trump and, allegedly, the RNC. Now we have this one report (and it's not the only one) with Steele, Clinton and, allegedly, the DNC too.

As I repeatedly told my Progressive colleagues who went on and on about Trump, I told them that should various details came out about the ongoing -- not ended, but ongoing (only the "classified spillage" portion was closed) -- Clinton investigations that proved some of the foreign interference that had been reported, it would fly right back at them.

As a freedom-loving Libertarian (yes, I know, some are sick of me saying it), I'm all for holding everyone accountable.

But I am tired, and many others are tired -- including even many true Liberals who have no love for W. or Trump -- of "The Russians are Coming!" (always a good re-read) The Russians have always been here. Nothing has changed -- except they aren't always supporting the Democratic Party any more.

The only thing has changed, since 2015, is that the mainstream US media is now suddenly not liking everything the Russians do. I wonder why?
She most certainly was hawk-ish in the general election and I think her presidency would have been as well, regardless of funding.

Had she won, the Clinton foundation would still be going on strong, The H in HRC does not have anything to do with being hawkish.
Mueller is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Maybe president Dumb should shut his mouth and allow the investigation to progress and find how far the Russian went. The only reason people say that the Dumb campaign colluded with the Russians is because he keeps trying to block the investigation (that and having a moron for president is great for Russia)

How has any investigation been impeded? Go on- tell us. We will wait.


It was such an impediment to the investigation that absolutely nothing slowed down and not prior work was disrupted or turned away. Everyone at the FBI previously working the case remained on the case.

Such absolute weak sauce.

Besides, I thought you guys hated him? He was out to get little ol HRC!
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The stupidest thing Trump ever did was listen to the recommendation to fire Comey.

Trump should have said "I would fire Comey based on the recommendations made to me, but I cannot execute the recommendations before me because some have charged I now have a conflict-of-interest. I do not have a conflict-of-interest. I also do want to see several of Comey's investigations completely, includong on-going investigations into the former Secretary of State. But I now cannot act without others charging me. So I must recuse myself from executing my duty as President in firing Comey."

I mean, Trump could fire a lot of others, but has not. Why? Because no one has recommended they be fired.

Comey was very stupid, and knew better. But for Trump to do it makes him look like he's attempting to influence the investigation.
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The Dems paid for oppo research through a third party for $10M that wasn't reported and is tied to Russians. The Dems took $145M in bribes for uranium mining rights from the Russians. When is the MSLM going to care about facts?
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The Dems paid for oppo research through a third party for $10M that wasn't reported and is tied to Russians.
^ This is what is bad ... not reporting it.

As a Libertarian, I'm for unresticted, domestic contributions (but post-tax, possibly a "sin tax" atop). But hiding should be fraud. And accepting any non-domestic funding would be fraud as well.

The Dems took $145M in bribes for uranium mining rights from the Russians. When is the MSLM going to care about facts?
^ They won't. They'll be hypocrites, complaining about Trump, and not recognizing it's at least the exact same thing (at best), or much worse (at worst).

The fact that it's now been directly tied to the Clinton campaign is the biggest bombshell yet.

Then the fact that the FBI was investigsting the deal in the first place, and now it looks really bad. Especially considering what happened.

It reminds me of Chinagate and how everyone missed the *real* issue.

No one could prove, definitively, Loral did anything other than give technology to the Chinese to make their launch systems more reliable, which could -- obviously -- be used for ballistically launch weapons. And no one could prove, definitely, that Loral paid the Clinton administration off to look the other way.

But the facts were as follows ...

- Loral's CEO, who could have been brought up on criminal charges should it be proven he purposefully allowed classified spillage, became the largest, private donor to the Clinton campaigns among all private citizens, and ...


- The Clinton administration *prevented* the CIA from investigating and releasing their report of "classified spillage" by Loral to Congress for over 18 months

The Clinton administration *purposely* impeded an investigation and release on the damage of "classified spillage." Such reports are *not* about "blame," but identifying the "damage."

Where have we seen Bill do that again? ;)

That's what upsets me as a freedom loving American Libertarian. It's not what happened, and all that finger pointing. Its the impedment to ensure facts are not captured, and that is what is absolutely worst of all.

Especially when they country is just trying to identify the damage done.
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The Dems paid for oppo research through a third party for $10M that wasn't reported and is tied to Russians. The Dems took $145M in bribes for uranium mining rights from the Russians. When is the MSLM going to care about facts?

Better question: when will the FBI stop protecting their friends in the DNC?
Better question: when will the FBI stop protecting their friends in the DNC?
It isn't the FBI, but the DoJ. The FBI continues to do their job, but cannot say jack.

Lynch could have cleared everything up by saying, "Yes, President Clinton pressed me on various investigations, but I refused to share any information." But instead, she downplayed it, meaning either she did share or she want to protect the Clintons.

It was arranged purposely. The kicker is that Bill Clinton privately pays for his SS detail while Lynch does not. It was the one time he could get her in total privacy. And Bill is utterly a walking liability to conflict-of-interest.

Trump can be just as bad a well. So far, investigations continue on with, but only Trump is reported by the MSM. Clinton isn't closed, only the required (and completely interfered with) "classified spillage" on her devices and server.

Besides, the Russians already have a complete archive of her server. I say that because even I could have gotten one.
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