Bill Browder to testify: Fusion GPS and Russia lawyer colluded to smear Trump


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
The Democrats used a parliamentary trick to block his testimony yesterday but he will get his say. And he claims that this famous "lawyer" who arranged the Kushner meeting was actually working hand in hand with Fusion GPS, a PR company founded by 2 Wall St Journal reporters with ties to establishment politicians on both sides, including the DNC.

Fusion GPS is now famous for providing to Buzzfeed the totally discredited "Trump dossier", which accused him of being peed on while in Moscow. Browder now asserts that that dossier came straight from the Kremlin to smear and embarrass Trump. Worse, it was given to Fusion via the Russian lawyer that visited Kushner later.

Browder is a financer who took on the Kremlin and tried to expose their corruption. He hired a Russian lawyer named Magnitski who was later killed by the KGB and had a sanctions law passed in his name.

Hmm.....a DNC linked PR firm, working with this Russian lawyer, to push Fake News dossiers which originated at the Kremlin, to slander Trump? And I'm to believe the Russians were fully in Trump's corner and "colluding"? Or could it be that Russia simply wanted to f*ck up our election and didn't give a shit who won?

It's past due time to investigate the Democrats' ties to their own Russian sources, including this collusion between Fusion GPS and the Kremlin to attack the Trump Campaign with falsified material.
The Fusion GPS angle is the reason I didn't take a side in the Kushner meeting debate. If it's shown that a political oppo company working for establishment politicians on both sides (ties to Clinton and Jeb Bush) set up this meeting, it illustrates the problems with politics today. Spinning a web like that to ensnare an opponent and spin it to play on the fears of the public is reprehensible, even for Washington.

Don't get me wrong, Kushner and company were extremely stupid for even accepting that meeting and even stupider for not reporting it. It illustrates their lack of experience with the rules surrounding politics, but that falls into an entirely different debate.
LOL Delaying his testimony 1 day is "blocking." Funny.

And I agree that the DNC should be investigated too for their collusion. Remember, (among his many explanations) Jr. said the meeting was to discuss the "proof" that the DNC was getting Russian funding, but that never appeared anywhere else. That charge alone is worth investigating.
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LOL Delaying his testimony 1 day is "blocking." Funny.

And I agree that the DNC should be investigated too for their collusion. Remember, (among his many explanations) Jr. said the meeting was to discuss the "proof" that the DNC was getting Russian funding, but that never appeared anywhere else. That charge alone is worth investigating.
Mueller is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Maybe president Dumb should shut his mouth and allow the investigation to progress and find how far the Russian went. The only reason people say that the Dumb campaign colluded with the Russians is because he keeps trying to block the investigation (that and having a moron for president is great for Russia)
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Mueller is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Maybe president Dumb should shut his mouth and allow the investigation to progress and find how far the Russian went. The only reason people say that the Dumb campaign colluded with the Russians is because he keeps trying to block the investigation (that and having a moron for president is great for Russia)

When has he tried to block the investigations?
Mueller is investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Maybe president Dumb should shut his mouth and allow the investigation to progress and find how far the Russian went. The only reason people say that the Dumb campaign colluded with the Russians is because he keeps trying to block the investigation (that and having a moron for president is great for Russia)
Russia's interest in Trump being president has less to do with his aptitude and more to do with Hillary being a Russia-hawk, which is in direct contrast with Obama's light handed approach to Russia. Russian's did not want Hillary so it was Trump by default.
Russia's interest in Trump being president has less to do with his aptitude and more to do with Hillary being a Russia-hawk, which is in direct contrast with Obama's light handed approach to Russia. Russian's did not want Hillary so it was Trump by default.

Really? Hillary greenlighted a deal while at State to transfer US uranium to Russia via a Canadian brokerage firm that had long standing ties to the Clinton Foundation. She sold out our domestic uranium reserves to our "GREAT FOE!". Doesn't seem they'd fear dealing with her very much.
Really? Hillary greenlighted a deal while at State to transfer US uranium to Russia via a Canadian brokerage firm that had long standing ties to the Clinton Foundation. She sold out our domestic uranium reserves to our "GREAT FOE!". Doesn't seem they'd fear dealing with her very much.
She was talking about increased sanctions in the primaries, as were all of the establishment candidates. The Washington establishment on both sides of the aisle were pushing Russia. The cynic in thinks it was to sell more Lockheed Martin THAAD systems to NATO allies. But whatever the reason, she was certainly more Hawkish than Trump regarding Russia.
Russia's interest in Trump being president has less to do with his aptitude and more to do with Hillary being a Russia-hawk, which is in direct contrast with Obama's light handed approach to Russia. Russian's did not want Hillary so it was Trump by default.
That's one theory. There are a few others, including Russia feeling they had potential to blackmail Trump, or that they could adversely impact his business interests. There'a few floating around. I don't think any of them are true. If anything, Russia may have seen Trump as a political imbecile, who could be easily manipulated due to his naivete and his penchant for bringing in more people who may also suffer from the same inexperience. That honestly seems the most plausible.
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Russia may have seen Trump as a political imbecile, who could be easily manipulated due to his naivete and his penchant for bringing in more people who may also suffer from the same inexperience. That honestly seems the most plausible.
I think this is correct. They know the USA will be distracted for the next 3 1/2 years dealing with this idiot.
There's a reason Obama stayed out of this. Not only does a lot not stick, but nearly all of the same insinuations flies right back at him in 2012 as well.

And I won't even get started with Hillary as Secretary of State.

In any case, most of the InfoSec community laughed at the FBI's '4 points.' They applied in 2012 as well. Most of us are so sick of this.

I actually feel for the FBI right now. They are being used, politically, and have for some time.
That's one theory. There are a few others, including Russia feeling they had potential to blackmail Trump, or that they could adversely impact his business interests. There'a few floating around. I don't think any of them are true. If anything, Russia may have seen Trump as a political imbecile, who could be easily manipulated due to his naivete and his penchant for bringing in more people who may also suffer from the same inexperience. That honestly seems the most plausible.
The Russians interfere in every election! I've been reading the public Czech BIS since Russia invaded Georgia, and that utterly opened my eyes.

So ... the difference in the US in 2016 from years prior?

It was the first time the Republican candidate was promoting non-interference and re-approachment with Russia. Both McCain and Romney were the total opposites of Obama. Everyone forgets 2012 especially.

Which is why 9 out of 10 nuggets that come out of the US media are completely attributable to the prior administration as well. Everything from backchannels to hacking incidents. It's laughable that it's all Trump.

I mean, to experts, it's a joke at this point. Even one of my long-term colleagues got his name mentioned in the media about the hacking, and he was like, "WTF?!" The US media doesn't care about facts.

The only, real problem here is that Trump refuses to recuse himself and stay away from conflicts-of-interest. Where have we seen that before?

Oh, that's right, Hillary Clinton ... not just Secretary of State, but all the way back to Travelgate. As I warned my conservative colleagues, they had better how Trump learned to recuse or distance himself from any conflicts-of-interests.

So far the President has only dove head-first into them! Dumb, dumb, dumb! He's going to get himself in serious trouble that way. Actually, he already has ... just as bad as Hillary.
Notice the resident anti Trump hate mongers avoided this thread?
The best part of all of this is the Dems keep digging their own grave. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is starting to have side effects. The Obama Administration is falling back into the investigation. Obama and all of his top aides were spying on Trump and the transition team, but they couldn't find any of the conversations between Trump and Putin to take down Killary. Hahahhhahaha
Notice the resident anti Trump hate mongers avoided this thread?
I am waiting to see the big news (with proof) that come from his testimony. It has to be something really big for the Dems to "block" his testimony for a day.
From your own words (with small edit): Hmm.....a DNC linked PR firm, working FOR this Russian lawyer, to push Fake News dossiers which originated at the Kremlin, to slander Trump? And I'm to believe the Russians were fully in Trump's corner and "colluding"? Or could it be that Russia simply wanted to f*ck up our election and didn't give a shit who won?
I think that is what everybody is asking for except the orange dummy, who thinks Mueller is out to get him.
Still ignoring
Since you're interested, his testimony was rather benign but did raise some points of note:

1. Russia definitely knew of the meeting and likely had it monitored by their intelligence, meaning more than likely they had a hand in setting it up:

"(CNN)Bill Browder, a businessman behind a Russian sanctions law, testified Thursday that he believes a Russian lawyer went into a June 2016 meeting with top aides to the campaign of President Donald Trump with something to offer, and that Russian intelligence likely monitored the meeting.

"I can tell you with 100% certainty that the Russian intelligence services would have been aware of that meeting in advance as they were plotting it out, there would have been weeks spent studying how to best achieve the results in that meeting," Browder told the Senate judiciary committee Thursday

2. The lawyer was almost certainly working for Russia:

There’s no doubt” Veselnitskaya was working on behalf of the Russian government, Browder told the Senate Judiciary Committee. Not only was she working for a family in Russia closely tied to Putin, but she also worked for Russian security service the FSB “in the Moscow region where she’s from,” Browder said."

3. Much of the Fusion GPS testimony was done in private:

"The hearing with Browder had originally been planned as a blockbuster event with requests of public testimony from Trump Jr., Manafort and Glenn Simpson, whose firm helped craft the "Steele Dossier" with stunning allegations against Trump. But all three witnesses negotiated with the committee to appear in private instead."
Since you're interested, his testimony was rather benign but did raise some points of note:

1. Russia definitely knew of the meeting and likely had it monitored by their intelligence, meaning more than likely they had a hand in setting it up:

"(CNN)Bill Browder, a businessman behind a Russian sanctions law, testified Thursday that he believes a Russian lawyer went into a June 2016 meeting with top aides to the campaign of President Donald Trump with something to offer, and that Russian intelligence likely monitored the meeting.

"I can tell you with 100% certainty that the Russian intelligence services would have been aware of that meeting in advance as they were plotting it out, there would have been weeks spent studying how to best achieve the results in that meeting," Browder told the Senate judiciary committee Thursday

2. The lawyer was almost certainly working for Russia:

There’s no doubt” Veselnitskaya was working on behalf of the Russian government, Browder told the Senate Judiciary Committee. Not only was she working for a family in Russia closely tied to Putin, but she also worked for Russian security service the FSB “in the Moscow region where she’s from,” Browder said."

3. Much of the Fusion GPS testimony was done in private:

"The hearing with Browder had originally been planned as a blockbuster event with requests of public testimony from Trump Jr., Manafort and Glenn Simpson, whose firm helped craft the "Steele Dossier" with stunning allegations against Trump. But all three witnesses negotiated with the committee to appear in private instead."
Need a Fox quote because I still don't see the part of the testimony that the Dems were trying to "block"
Right. As I said this entire meeting pretense was likely a set up to entrap Trumps associates. And it was orchestrated by the same woman who was working with Fusion GPS to push fake dossiers that smeared Trumps name.

Oh and by the way- that fake Kremlin created dossier was used by our frigging FBI as a large part of their investigation. Our FBI (or at least Comey) is so inept that they were totally embarrassed by some Kremlin writer and a female lawyer.

Imagine the laughs Putin had, watching the NYT run with stories about their dossier while the FBI admits they're including it in their investigation?

It's past time to investigate who from the DNC was colluding with this lawyer and her Kremlin buddies when it appeared they had dirt to sling on Trump.
Right. As I said this entire meeting pretense was likely a set up to entrap Trumps associates. And it was orchestrated by the same woman who was working with Fusion GPS to push fake dossiers that smeared Trumps name.

Oh and by the way- that fake Kremlin created dossier was used by our frigging FBI as a large part of their investigation. Our FBI (or at least Comey) is so inept that they were totally embarrassed by some Kremlin writer and a female lawyer.

Imagine the laughs Putin had, watching the NYT run with stories about their dossier while the FBI admits they're including it in their investigation?

It's past time to investigate who from the DNC was colluding with this lawyer and her Kremlin buddies when it appeared they had dirt to sling on Trump.
How do you know the dossier is fake? Some parts were confirmed. Obviously not the watersports portion, but some of it was. And people named in it keep dying.
It's past time to investigate who from the DNC was colluding with this lawyer and her Kremlin buddies when it appeared they had dirt to sling on Trump.
That should be the next step since we now know who from Trump's campaign was colluding or was open to collude with the Russians. Whatever they say now, dumb and dumber were happy to take the dirt the Russians were offering.
If the meeting had been arranged to talk about the adoptions and the Russians had showed up with material against Clinton and they had said "no, thank you", we wouldn't be talking about it.
Trump Jr. was offered the material and his best defense is: she didn't bring it to the meeting
That should be the next step since we now know who from Trump's campaign was colluding or was open to collude with the Russians. Whatever they say now, dumb and dumber were happy to take the dirt the Russians were offering.
If the meeting had been arranged to talk about the adoptions and the Russians had showed up with material against Clinton and they had said "no, thank you", we wouldn't be talking about it.
Trump Jr. was offered the material and his best defense is: she didn't bring it to the meeting

Where is the evidence of collusion? More than a year later and we're still waiting.
Unverified doesn't absolutely mean fake, but it could be. And he only admitted to that part about Gubarov being unverified.

Ok, fine. It's no big deal that the FBI was using a dossier that may or may not be totally fake as a cornerstone of their investigation.
Ok, fine. It's no big deal that the FBI was using a dossier that may or may not be totally fake as a cornerstone of their investigation.
I am guessing the FBI may check the information in the dossier before they do anything, hence the investigation part. I think we pay them to find out if shit is true or not
The Russians are interested in collaborating with investigators now ... after initially downplaying it. Why? Trump is not so much looking like a 'puppet' in his actions.

So tired of the US media, even though I can't stand Trump.
The Russians are interested in collaborating with investigators now ... after initially downplaying it. Why? Trump is not so much looking like a 'puppet' in his actions.

So tired of the US media, even though I can't stand Trump.
I think you are talking about the veto-proof majority in congress that pushed the sanctions
I think you are talking about the veto-proof majority in congress that pushed the sanctions
The Republicans have been complaining about the Russians since the mid '00s! It wasn't until after 2014 the Democratic party actually started listening, especially since 2016 was the first Presidential election where the Russians didn't want the Democratic party to win!

That's the reality. Even the Czech BIS has been saying this for a dozen years now. And did you miss Romney in 2012?!

Remember, Trump != Republican establishment. That's why the silent majority of Republicans voted for him. They don't like the Russians interfering at all, which has nothing to do with Trump not like people saying they're why he won.

Trump was just the first Republican candidate the Russians wanted ... or thought they wanted -- in fact, his actions seem to be at odds with what the Russians wanted, so they are all anti-Trump now (right up to providing anything needed to Congress) -- and that's what I'm growing tired of.

No one in the US media cared before Trump.

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.

After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump’s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.

Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.

After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Didn't we already know the DNC funded Fusion GPS, and picked up the project that was started by Rubio's campaign? I guess the real revelation here is that Steele was hired by Fusion after the HRC campaign took it over. That doesn't make the dossier less factual though (if it was even factual in the first place, but some of it has been confirmed - just not the pee tape).
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Didn't we already know the DNC funded Fusion GPS, and picked up the project that was started by Rubio's campaign? I guess the real revelation here is that Steele was hired by Fusion after the HRC campaign took it over. That doesn't make the dossier less factual though (if it was even factual in the first place, but some of it has been confirmed - just not the pee tape).
Agree. I thought the bigger question was whether the Russian Lawyer who set up the Kushner meeting had a tie to Fusion GPS for the political oppo work purchased by the Hillary and Rubio campaigns. I don't believe that was ever confirmed but would illustrate how dirty political oppo work is.
This is what I warned Progressives about ...


"First among those reasons is paying a foreigner for opposition research for an American political campaign. Given Democrats' argument that Russia's interference on Trump's behalf was beyond the pale, the Clinton camp and the DNC paying a Brit for information would seem somewhat problematic.
Separately, the firm that the Clinton camp and the DNC paid also has alleged ties to the Kremlin. In Senate testimony in July, Hermitage Capital Management chief executive William Browder accused Fusion GPS and its head, Glenn Simpson, of running a smear campaign against Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian whistleblower who in 2009 was tortured and killed in a Russian prison after uncovering a $230 million tax theft. Magnitsky worked for Browder, and he is the namesake of a law containing sanctions that was passed by Congress and is a sore spot between the U.S. government and Russian President Vladimir Putin."

The company former MI6 agent Steele keeps and works for, the various interests Fusion GPS has served (and their recent threat to plead the 5th Amendment), etc... is just as problematic as even the Manafort connection for Trump.

Every time the Progressives go after Trump on "foreign influence," I have to cite that the DNC is going to find itself having that finger pointed right back at them. Even if the argument is that Steele is a former British agent, an ally of the US, he's not only no longer working for the UK gov't, but he has served the interest of various, non-allies of the US, including Russia.

This is why the laws are written in the US to protect the US from all foreign interests. This is why the DNC and its associates are going to be in as much hot water as Trump and his associates.

As a freedom loving, American Libertarian, I'm so tired of this bi-partisan BS that happens on both sides.
So the gist of the story is the Clinton Foundation paid a company to dig up dirt on Donald and they published discredited information?
So the gist of the story is the Clinton Foundation paid
No. And it looks like the DNC dollars were actually involved. That's a registered -- and even formally subsidized (by the US gov't) -- political party.

This is really bad for the DNC, beyond Clinton.
This is just as as Manafort is (allegedly) for the RNC, beyond Trump.

a company to dig up dirt on Donald
Again, I warned most Progressives that pushing so hard on "foreign interests" could come back to bite them. And I wasn't specifically talking about this either.

For me, it's always been more about the Clinton Global Initiative, than the Clinton Foundation. But now we're talking the DNC itself. This is really bad for them.

and they published discredited information?
Some of it is proven, some of it is unproven, and some of it is disproven or at least discredited. But that's not the issue.

I end up defending Republicans more than Democrats because of the one-way mudslinging that happens in the mainstream US media, unless we're talking Fox News, then I end up going the other way.

But in any case, this "foreign interest" argument has really had be upset, because the left has been talking out of its rectum for way, way too long. The Russians always "influence" (not so much "interfere"), and have indirectly assisted the Democratic Party ... before 2015.

This was just the first time the Russians wanted a Republican candidate for President.

I've been reading the public BIS reports since the Georgian War. The Russians are always expending efforts to get the populations of various nations to undermine themselves. They don't change votes, but they do target swaths of voters to break their confidence in candidates they dislike.

The Czechs have been dealing with this forever. They were the Russian's #1 target until 2015. Now the US has been since the Obama administration "flipped the script."
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Evidently it's illegal for these parties to dig up dirt on their opponents? Does anyone here honestly not think both sides are not doing this? Am I the only one that has seen House of Cards? I get that pushing the wrong info is messed up and I am not advocating pushing false narratives, but I thought this was a supposed to be a big deal?