Boris Johnson tests positive for Democrat Hoax...errr COVID 19

Remember when Trump in the state of union mentioned the Coronavirus. Then Pelosi ripped up the speech. ;)

50% or more can get Coronavirus and not even get symptoms.
Imagine that. Another leftist idiot celebrating a case of covid-19. I'm sure FC and shuckster will be along any minute to condemn the disturbing comments that this failed abortion, waste of oxygen, child rape supporter has made.
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Imagine that. Another leftist idiot celebrating a case of covid-19. I'm sure FC and shuckster will be along any minute to condemn the disturbing comments that this failed abortion, waste of oxygen, child rape supporter has made.
How many times has it been apparent that these SICK people rather have Americans DIE than praise or not prove some sort of ridiculous point that’s against Trump?

The list on this limited board is several. I could just imagine the number in the general population
How many times has it been apparent that these SICK people rather have Americans DIE than praise or not prove some sort of ridiculous point that’s against Trump?

The list on this limited board is several. I could just imagine the number in the general population

I honestly believe that most people in this country want a positive outcome with limited deaths on the other side of this. This board is not an accurate representation of that, because here every leftist is celebrating each and every hospitalization and death that gets reported. Its disgusting. They want more and more deaths just because it validates their political bias against trump.
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I honestly believe that most people in this country want a positive outcome with limited deaths on the other side of this. This board is not an accurate representation of that, because here every leftist is celebrating each and every hospitalization and death that gets reported. Its disgusting. They want more and more deaths just because it validates their political bias against trump.
Just say all cases and deaths ended tomorrow abruptly. Due to Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin.

Do you honestly believe that members of this board would be upset to a degree?

I truly believe that they would be. Then they would come up with every lame excuse in the book
Just say all cases and deaths ended tomorrow abruptly. Due to Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin.

Do you honestly believe that members of this board would be upset to a degree?

I truly believe that they would be. Then they would come up with every lame excuse in the book
No question in my mind that they would be. It would turn into "thank god somebody in france figured this out, trump would have let us all die", which is what I 100% believe will happen. Zero credit will be given to him no matter what happens and all of the blame will be laid at his feet. Then we will get a page 3 footnote in the NYT about how China admits that they knew how contagious and deadly it is and nobody on the left will say a fvcking word because it would challenge their pro-death, anti-US narrative. People like FC and shuckster will praise China and the WHO while ignoring the fact that they facilitated the deaths of 250,000 americans and claim that we need to be more like them, just as long as their party is in charge of everything
No question in my mind that they would be. It would turn into "thank god somebody in france figured this out, trump would have let us all die", which is what I 100% believe will happen. Zero credit will be given to him no matter what happens and all of the blame will be laid at his feet. Then we will get a page 3 footnote in the NYT about how China admits that they knew how contagious and deadly it is and nobody on the left will say a fvcking word because it would challenge their pro-death, anti-US narrative. People like FC and shuckster will praise China and the WHO while ignoring the fact that they facilitated the deaths of 250,000 americans and claim that we need to be more like them, just as long as their party is in charge of everything
Yep. Spot on
Yep. Spot on
You have to know that secretly they want every person that supports trump, even in an objective manner, to catch this virus and be hospitalized or die. Just look at the OP in this thread. What the hell does boris johnson have to do with anything other than being friendly with trump, and we have a mouth-breathing mongoloid child-rape supporting (typical) Democrat celebrating it. I spent 5 years doing family support work with kids who were abused and literally mentally retarded kids, and not a single one of them would have celebrated someone coming down with a life-threatening illness because "muh politics". Its utterly pathetic.
Hope he fully recovers from the hoax. Once hospitalized, the prospects don’t look good. Hopefully they are just being extra cautious.
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Hope he fully recovers from the hoax. Once hospitalized, the prospects don’t look good. Hopefully they are just being extra cautious.
Perfect example of what I'm talking about. "The hoax". You're smart enough to use sarcasm but too stupid to realize that you just made an ass out of yourself.

Serious question: do you have nightmares about firetrucks since your first memory as a child was your parents setting fire to the house in hopes that you would die a painful death?
Perfect example of what I'm talking about. "The hoax". You're smart enough to use sarcasm but too stupid to realize that you just made an ass out of yourself.

Serious question: do you have nightmares about firetrucks since your first memory as a child was your parents setting fire to the house in hopes that you would die a painful death?
Exhibit “A”. Nightmares about fire trucks. Lmao
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“Hope he fully recovers from this hoax”

Sounds genuine enough [roll]

Translation— Hope he dies so that the we can use that hoax statement (again, taken out of context) to blame Trump for murdering him.
Not China. Not the Coronavirus sent here by China, but only Trump killed him
Hope he fully recovers from the hoax. Once hospitalized, the prospects don’t look good. Hopefully they are just being extra cautious.

Wonder if Trump has another snide comment about Johnson, like he did when he found out on live TV about Mitt Romney's covid status.

The only bigger human dumpster fire than Trump are people still mind boggling stupid enough to support him still in April of 2020.
Wonder if Trump has another snide comment about Johnson, like he did when he found out on live TV about Mitt Romney's covid status.

The only bigger human dumpster fire than Trump are people still mind boggling stupid enough to support him still in April of 2020.
Wonder if Trump has another snide comment about Johnson, like he did when he found out on live TV about Mitt Romney's covid status.

The only bigger human dumpster fire than Trump are people still mind boggling stupid enough to support him still in April of 2020.
Let's be honest here. With all due respect, (none deserved) why should anybody who doesnt jerk off to japanese anime porn give 2 shits to anything you have to say? You dont care about boris Johnson, Mitt Romney, nancy pelosi, or anyone other than your mom who pays your bills and secretly hopes that you die in your sleep tonight because she's tired of you living in her basement.
Funny you guys always use the Democratic hoax line when it was more directed specifically at Democrats. Disregarding Trump's state of the union that Pelosi ignored while partying in Chinatown. Remember her ripping up the state of the union speech? Trump warned of the virus coming from China.

There would have been extra weeks of travel if it wasn't for Trump.
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A lot of people are dying that had no power to stop or slow this. I feel bad for them. One's status as an elected official doesn't make me feel worse for them over someone else.

If Boris dies he'll be one of the very very few that had a chance to save his own life and didn't. Most others must sacrifice their lives because their dumb shit government won't do things like include church gatherings in restricted activity.

He wanted herd immunity. He bragged about shaking hands with corona patients. Sucks that he has to learn the hard way but hopefully people learn from his mistakes.
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Funny you guys always use the Democratic hoax line when it was more directed specifically at Democrats.
That's right, Trump didn't say the virus was a hoax, it was all about those g'damned Democrats who 'claimed' his Administration didn't have it under control. Those stupid bastards!!!*
That's right, Trump didn't say the virus was a hoax, it was all about those g'damned Democrats who 'claimed' his Administration didn't have it under control. Those stupid bastards!!!* the guy that banned travel before anyone wanted. Like the guy that added it to his state of the union speech which was ripped up by a politician with TDS.

Cuomo would have this under control....riiight? Biden? Riiight

It's a virus. It is going to spread. Probably just peaked though.
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That's right, Trump didn't say the virus was a hoax, it was all about those g'damned Democrats who 'claimed' his Administration didn't have it under control. Those stupid bastards!!!*
We already went over this. The Democrats tried to politicize this virus. Shockingly, many still are
Funny you guys always use the Democratic hoax line when it was more directed specifically at Democrats. Disregarding Trump's state of the union that Pelosi ignored while partying in Chinatown. Remember her ripping up the state of the union speech? Trump warned of the virus coming from China.

There would have been extra weeks of travel if it wasn't for Trump.
What was the hoax then?

Trump shut down travel from China and then did nothing but joke about CV, waited another 2 months to shut down travel from Europe effectively negating the decision to shut down China. 430,000 people visitors from China came to the US after we learned about CV. 90 million visitors came from Europe after we shut down the flights from China.