Bortles needs Tom Coughlin


Diamond Knight
Oct 17, 2013
If he is hired by the Jags, I don't think Coughlin is a fan of Bortles, but I do think he needs an "in your face, hard knocks" coach like GOL.
He needs a fire lit under him. He's way too laid back.
Coughlin is too old now. That hire would not be good. Jags are going to turn into the Browns. A new coach and QB every 2 or 3 years.
I don't think Coughlin's approach works anymore in today's NFL.

If I were the Jags I would trade their 1st Round Pick as part of a package for Sean Payton, that would be a home run hire. There are rumors he might want out of New Orleans since Drew is getting close to retirement and he's a QB Guru.
I don't think Coughlin's approach works anymore in today's NFL.

If I were the Jags I would trade their 1st Round Pick as part of a package for Sean Payton, that would be a home run hire. There are rumors he might want out of New Orleans since Drew is getting close to retirement and he's a QB Guru.
I don't really see him being a QB Guru. Plus they need their first round picks. He may be interested in the Rams job also so he is going to use that as leverage. Best to go in another direction.
I don't think Coughlin's approach works anymore in today's NFL.

If I were the Jags I would trade their 1st Round Pick as part of a package for Sean Payton, that would be a home run hire. There are rumors he might want out of New Orleans since Drew is getting close to retirement and he's a QB Guru.
Trade a super high first round pick for a coach??? With an unstable situation at QB and offensive line that's below average at best
Get your QB a solid offensive line first and then decide who QBs. Jags need three offensive line draft picks this off seasons (#1, #2 and later round). Don't waste pick on QB yet. See if Bortles can play with good offensive line and running game before ejecting. Defensive rookies are maturing so D is okay for now.
I don't understand your infinite hate for Bortles. It's like c-monty's hate for GOL. (Did he steal your girlfriend or something) It doesn't matter what coach you get when your o-line, defense, coaching, running game sucks and the best receiver you have would be a number 3 on any other team. While Bortles has had a subpar season, I can't believe Jags fans that are ready to jettison him after 1 subpar season. I wish the jags would trade him to either the cardinals or the jets. Hewould flourish. (Although as a Dolphins fan I'd hate to face him 2 times a year)
Get your QB a solid offensive line first and then decide who QBs. Jags need three offensive line draft picks this off seasons (#1, #2 and later round). Don't waste pick on QB yet. See if Bortles can play with good offensive line and running game before ejecting. Defensive rookies are maturing so D is okay for now.
Thing is, it takes time for rookie lineman to develop even if they pan out and aren't busts. I think it's more to it than the line as he's made bad mistakes when he has had protection and a running game. Russell Wilson has neither.

I think it's mental and mechanics.
Trade a super high first round pick for a coach??? With an unstable situation at QB and offensive line that's below average at best
The Bucs did it and won a Super Bowl.

Having a Top 5 pick every year doesn't matter if your Coach & GM suck. The best organizations build their rosters in Rounds 3-6.
I don't understand your infinite hate for Bortles. It's like c-monty's hate for GOL. (Did he steal your girlfriend or something) It doesn't matter what coach you get when your o-line, defense, coaching, running game sucks and the best receiver you have would be a number 3 on any other team. While Bortles has had a subpar season, I can't believe Jags fans that are ready to jettison him after 1 subpar season. I wish the jags would trade him to either the cardinals or the jets. Hewould flourish. (Although as a Dolphins fan I'd hate to face him 2 times a year)
I went to 4 home games this year and have his jersey. No need to get personal. Go to a game, and hear what fans are saying before you open your mouth.

Take your UCF blinders off and watch a game and follow the professional analyzers of football. Again, it's not blasphemy to criticize a player and call it as I see it.

Second time we have went down this road.
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They can hire whoever they want and it won't make much of a difference. Winning starts at the top and Jags ownership sucks.
I've watched every game and can say how many times early in the season I saw Luke the joke (who the organization gave 5 years) get manhandled. Or how many times the offense started at first and 15 or twenty due to a bad penalty. Or how about the fact that Blake has only 127 less rushing yards than yeldon (the jags leading running back) for the whole season. Or how many drops the receivers (particularly Robinson) had.

Is jalen a number one corner cause he got tourched repeatedly all season.

And when you cant run, the defense drops an extra man or two in the passing lanes leading to ..... bad passes and interceptions.

In another thread I saw a comparison to Troy Aikmen .... why don't you look up his stats for the first 3 years of his career. Here I'll do it for you... 9 td's 18 interceptions, 11td's 18 interceptions, 11 td's 10 interceptions...and that was with the benefit of the greatest running back in NFL history.

But be like the idiot jags fans clamoring for Tebow or Allen.
How does the Jags need a line make me a Bortles hater?
I think he MAY HAVE been referring to me, but actually I'm a huge Bortles fan. 2 best memories of my UCF fan career. The Louisville drive and his stellar Fiesta bowl performance. I only go to Jaguar games to watch him and hope he comes back and shines next week and next year for a new coach as a Jag. Watching games, I'll argue with anyone, that it's much more than the offensive line. That's not being negative or a hater.
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I think he MAY HAVE been referring to me, but actually I'm a huge Bortles fan. 2 best memories of my UCF fan career. The Louisville drive and his stellar Fiesta bowl performance. I only go to Jaguar games to watch him and hope he comes back and shines next week and next year for a new coach as a Jag. Watching games, I'll argue with anyone, that it's much more than the offensive line. That's not being negative or a hater.
Here are the facts we know about Bortles on the Jags this season: 1) he has to live with his stats which many people are highly critical of; 2) he has never had a good OL on this team; 3) the RB they picked up in off season was injured for large part early in season which put a big damper on chances of having multi-dimensional offense; 4) the WRs dropped a lot more balls this season and 5) like many QBs when they are put in this situation, they are overwhelmed by having to make ALL the plays.

As far as Blake's character is concerned, have NO reason to say anything bad about this young man and he was a thrill to watch at UCF!
Here are the facts we know about Bortles on the Jags this season: 1) he has to live with his stats which many people are highly critical of; 2) he has never had a good OL on this team; 3) the RB they picked up in off season was injured for large part early in season which put a big damper on chances of having multi-dimensional offense; 4) the WRs dropped a lot more balls this season and 5) like many QBs when they are put in this situation, they are overwhelmed by having to make ALL the plays.

As far as Blake's character is concerned, have NO reason to say anything bad about this young man and he was a thrill to watch at UCF!
So many dropped passes by his receivers this years. Those dropped passed could have led to some wins. Just sayin :)
I think it was more of the top 5 Defense that helped the team. Bortles stats were pretty much similar.
well I was wrong about Coughlin but a player personnel role is different than just the Head Coach