And swastikas predate Nazis. symbols change. For black people, nooses have been used to intimidate. Its not your choice what symbols are ok and what are not. Be courteous to your countrymen. Dont be a dick. Dont defend symbols of hate. Why is this so hard for 32% of the population to understand?
Stop being a total moron. A noose has an exact, definitive meaning - something to hang black people with. Not every rope with a loop on the end is a noose, unless you're prepared to make the most insane statement otherwise. This was not a "noose". It was a f*cking rope to pull a garage door down that was put there months and months ago.
Intent matters. There are people which now includes Wallace that want to convince us otherwise. Even though this pull rope had absolutely no racist undertones, they're insisting it did because they're falsely calling it a "noose". No.