Buttigieg is plenty gay

But your assertion that democrats will only accept a minority seems to be media driven. Democrats want ideas and stability and reimstated norms.

60% of those polled are currently choosing a straight white "commie socialist scum bag. No one this cycle seems to be focused in on minority status or gender or sexual orientation as the reason they are making their decision.

I agree with you on the first one. Fixed the second for you.
Return? It never went away lol. Obama was elected with a Democratic majority that didnt necessarily appeal to his progressive candidacy. That was manufactured for a Hillary regime....and it was rejected. Twice.
Obama wasn't "good ole boy politics". He was a storm of identity politics, pent up disillusionment, and novelty. He rode that wave like Kelly Slater to effect a good deal of change before his inexperience and lack of connections killed the momentum. After that, he played the politics of division, or plain ole "stop me if you can" politics. But, IMO, very little of it was a result of him leveraging the establishment with the exception of when he'd throw them a bone, like with ACA.
You may be right. I may be overreacting to the backlash we've witnessed to Beto's candidacy and his dumb, knee-jerk 'apologies' for remarks that weren't that bad to begin with. I still think that the only white guy who has a legit shot in the Democratic primaries is a 37 year old gay veteran.

“The center of gravity of the American people is way to the left of the center of gravity of Congress and, in many ways, to the left of the national Democratic Party,” Buttigieg said earlier in an interview with The Washington Post. Buttigieg announced Monday that he had raised about $7 million in the first quarter of 2019, a surprisingly large sum for an outsider candidate.

He said this. You sure you want to support that? You may piss off your WC friends even more. :D
Obama wasn't "good ole boy politics". He was a storm of identity politics, pent up disillusionment, and novelty. He rode that wave like Kelly Slater to effect a good deal of change before his inexperience and lack of connections killed the momentum. After that, he played the politics of division, or plain ole "stop me if you can" politics. But, IMO, very little of it was a result of him leveraging the establishment with the exception of when he'd throw them a bone, like with ACA.
If you say so....
Obama wasn't "good ole boy politics". He was a storm of identity politics, pent up disillusionment, and novelty.

I agree with this assessment. He surprised the Old Guard and stormed the party.

He rode that wave like Kelly Slater to effect a good deal of change before his inexperience and lack of connections killed the momentum. After that, he played the politics of division...

WTF? Who was playing the politics of division?

I must have misinterpreted what Rushbo and Congressional Republicans meant in 2009 when they proudly proclaiming they "wanted Obama to fail," when he took office.
I agree with this assessment. He surprised the Old Guard and stormed the party.

WTF? Who was playing the politics of division?

I must have misinterpreted what Rushbo and Congressional Republicans meant in 2009 when they proudly proclaiming they "wanted Obama to fail," when he took office.
They played off of each other. But Obama was a master at prying at those lines to his advantage, so in a way those you mention played right into his strengths. You can look it up if you don't believe me, I don't have the energy to do it for you.
Its not like he came out of left field like Bernie and his socialist stigma did. His speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention pushed him as a star on the rise.
Obama wasn't even a one-term Senator at that time. Prior to that speech, had you ever heard of him? It's not like he'd been on the Hill for 20+ years.
Obama wasn't even a one-term Senator at that time. Prior to that speech, had you ever heard of him? It's not like he'd been on the Hill for 20+ years.
And he was a great president (no one arrested from his campaign or staff either) so I don't think experience matters as much as we all think.
Buttigieg probably needs to change his race or gender to have a shot. Bernie's ready to sling some socialist mud his way too.
I said they called him a star on the rise. That isnt out of left field. He didnt flying under the radar without praise and he didnt have a 20 year socialist stigma/gimmick attached to his name either.
Obama polled at 17 percent before announcing his candidacy.

Bernie? 3 percent
Right. But prior to his speech in 2004, nobody had ever heard of him. Even he said that he didn't know why they selected him for that speech. But he read a hell of a speech and started developing his own cult of personality. Especially since he had almost no resume at that time (he was only the nominee for an Illinois senate seat at the time). I would say that from an unknown entity with no reputation and no resume to candidate in 2006 is about as "out-of-left-field" as you can possibly be.
Right. But prior to his speech in 2004, nobody had ever heard of him. Even he said that he didn't know why they selected him for that speech. But he read a hell of a speech and started developing his own cult of personality.
Fair enough. The play by play were hyping him as he took the stage...something about being a rising star. Thats what i recall. I could be wrong.
Fair enough. The play by play were hyping him as he took the stage...something about being a rising star. Thats what i recall. I could be wrong.

Nope, you are right. "Rising star of the party" was definitely part of the Obama hype in 2007-08. Though not nearly as strong as it was for Obama, Pete Buttigieg has gotten the same kind of buzz, including from Barack Obama.
lol well it happened. Lil Petey got dinged hard from the Woke Left so he showed up at Fraudster Sharpton's conference yesterday to apologize for daring to say "all lives matter" and start his march towards adopting the Woke Left platform.

He's going to get used to this type of language from the Woke Left and Bernie Bros though. And who the hell is Wayne Messam?

Wayne Messam, the Democratic mayor of Miramar, Fla., and a long-shot 2020 presidential contender, said Buttigieg’s comments “lack true understanding of the issue at hand.”

“Black Americans have organized all across this country because we have an unequal justice system, not because anyone demands special privileges,” Messam said in a statement. “‘Black lives matter’ doesn’t mean that all lives do not matter, rather it is a cry for equal treatment in the greater circle of justice for all Americans. This is an important issue and we should not muddy the water as Democrats.”

And then:

Some local activists have for years been critical of Buttigieg’s economic policies, which they say have disproportionately benefited white residents while doing little to address a higher unemployment rate among minorities. His critics also say Buttigieg’s comments as mayor don’t always stack up against his progressive rhetoric as a presidential candidate.

“That’s four years ago, but it was not that long ago. It was not a time when ‘all lives matter’ was a smart thing to say, or reflective of someone who is concerned about black people being killed by the police,” said Nate Levin-Aspenson, a local organizer in South Bend.

“Take a look at what he is saying now, and compare that to his record as mayor. See what you find,” Levin-Aspenson told CNBC.
lol well it happened. Lil Petey got dinged hard from the Woke Left so he showed up at Fraudster Sharpton's conference yesterday to apologize for daring to say "all lives matter" and start his march towards adopting the Woke Left platform.

He's going to get used to this type of language from the Woke Left and Bernie Bros though. And who the hell is Wayne Messam?

Wayne Messam, the Democratic mayor of Miramar, Fla., and a long-shot 2020 presidential contender, said Buttigieg’s comments “lack true understanding of the issue at hand.”

“Black Americans have organized all across this country because we have an unequal justice system, not because anyone demands special privileges,” Messam said in a statement. “‘Black lives matter’ doesn’t mean that all lives do not matter, rather it is a cry for equal treatment in the greater circle of justice for all Americans. This is an important issue and we should not muddy the water as Democrats.”

And then:

Some local activists have for years been critical of Buttigieg’s economic policies, which they say have disproportionately benefited white residents while doing little to address a higher unemployment rate among minorities. His critics also say Buttigieg’s comments as mayor don’t always stack up against his progressive rhetoric as a presidential candidate.

“That’s four years ago, but it was not that long ago. It was not a time when ‘all lives matter’ was a smart thing to say, or reflective of someone who is concerned about black people being killed by the police,” said Nate Levin-Aspenson, a local organizer in South Bend.

“Take a look at what he is saying now, and compare that to his record as mayor. See what you find,” Levin-Aspenson told CNBC.
Yes, excellent, embrace your wokeness Pete.
Yeah, this issue is strictly a “liberal thing.” You’d never ever see conservatives play the “are you conservative enough?” game. :rolleyes:
Dumbass. Every conservative questioned trumps conservitism because he was once a democrat. The result is someone who falls in the middle but the dems still scream racism at every chance they get, even though most of his policies are very reasonable.
lol well it happened. Lil Petey got dinged hard from the Woke Left so he showed up at Fraudster Sharpton's conference yesterday to apologize for daring to say "all lives matter" and start his march towards adopting the Woke Left platform.

He's going to get used to this type of language from the Woke Left and Bernie Bros though. And who the hell is Wayne Messam?

Wayne Messam, the Democratic mayor of Miramar, Fla., and a long-shot 2020 presidential contender, said Buttigieg’s comments “lack true understanding of the issue at hand.”

“Black Americans have organized all across this country because we have an unequal justice system, not because anyone demands special privileges,” Messam said in a statement. “‘Black lives matter’ doesn’t mean that all lives do not matter, rather it is a cry for equal treatment in the greater circle of justice for all Americans. This is an important issue and we should not muddy the water as Democrats.”

And then:

Some local activists have for years been critical of Buttigieg’s economic policies, which they say have disproportionately benefited white residents while doing little to address a higher unemployment rate among minorities. His critics also say Buttigieg’s comments as mayor don’t always stack up against his progressive rhetoric as a presidential candidate.

“That’s four years ago, but it was not that long ago. It was not a time when ‘all lives matter’ was a smart thing to say, or reflective of someone who is concerned about black people being killed by the police,” said Nate Levin-Aspenson, a local organizer in South Bend.

“Take a look at what he is saying now, and compare that to his record as mayor. See what you find,” Levin-Aspenson told CNBC.

LOL. Messam is just trying to gain any traction whatsoever. No idea why he's running (along with quite a few other people who are throwing their name in the race).

This is a non-story, hit piece. Buttigieg is getting popular so the attacks are coming but so far none have any substance to them. The line was taken out of context (and IMO didn't need to apologize but he did). He also said it BEFORE the phrase was coined as an anti-BLM phrase.

If you want to see what people in his community feel about him, watch this video:

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Uh oh. Lefties lost their shit when people were daring to remark that all lives matter previously.

Surely they wouldn't let Mayor Petey off the hook for such offensive remarks?
WRONG. See this is the thing. Most conservatives are like the red hat in chief, they always look at things with a 3rd grade education in mind.

Lefties lose their shit when some red hat says black lives don't matter BECAUSE all lives matter. Which is a dumbass response. Everyone, inlcluding BLM people, believe all lives matter but they aren't focusing on ALL LIVES.

Kind of like the Breast Cancer people are pretty much aware that ALL CANCER sucks ass but they still focus on doing things for breast cancer sufferers.
Great speaker, short on details. Where have we seen this before?
LMFAO! He was a great speaker that provided plenty of details. Unlike someone saying wind energy won't turn on your TV if the wind isn't blowing. Or saying the great lakes have record deepness. Or like saying PR is an island surrounded by water.

Jesus, I could waste the morning with Idiot in Chief's mind-numbing stupidity.
From the Times.

How do Democrats properly vet their candidates for president without cannibalizing them? How do they rightly insist on sensitive and inclusive leaders while making allowances for past mistakes, present quirks, human messiness and the differences in the conversation and the culture now versus 10 or 20 or 40 years ago?

That’s emerging as a central challenge of the Democratic presidential primary. And it’s worrying me.

Don't worry me at all, it is pretty fun to watch.
WRONG. See this is the thing. Most conservatives are like the red hat in chief, they always look at things with a 3rd grade education in mind.

Lefties lose their shit when some red hat says black lives don't matter BECAUSE all lives matter. Which is a dumbass response. Everyone, inlcluding BLM people, believe all lives matter but they aren't focusing on ALL LIVES.

Kind of like the Breast Cancer people are pretty much aware that ALL CANCER sucks ass but they still focus on doing things for breast cancer sufferers.

lol no one says that. Can you point to a conservative who said that they don't care about the lives of black people? I bet you can't because you talk out of your ass all the time.

Lefties lose their shit because they're precious little shook snowflakes. That's why.
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Buttigieg said all lives matter at the end of a speech in march 2015 before 'all lives matter' was used to trivialize 'black lives matter' in mid to late 2015.

My dawg is still clean as a whistle except that he doesn't support free college.
Buttigieg said all lives matter at the end of a speech in march 2015 before 'all lives matter' was used to trivialize 'black lives matter' in mid to late 2015.

My dawg is still clean as a whistle except that he doesn't support free college.


Shook Chicken is now mounting a defense that involves asserting that Petey used this term and it wasn't REALLY a "thing" until a few months after. It was totally invented only after Lil Petey used it!

Shook Chicken is now mounting a defense that involves asserting that Petey used this term and it wasn't REALLY a "thing" until a few months after. It was totally invented only after Lil Petey used it!
Saying the words all lives matter before it was used to discredit the BLM movement shouldn't be a big deal.

Here's what he said. What do you take issue with?
“There is no contradiction between respecting the risks that police officers take every day in order to protect this community, and recognizing the need to overcome the biases implicit in a justice system that treats people from different backgrounds differently, even when they are accused of the same offenses,” Buttigieg said at the time. “We need to take both those things seriously, for the simple and profound reason that all lives matter,”
Dumbass. Every conservative questioned trumps conservitism because he was once a democrat. The result is someone who falls in the middle but the dems still scream racism at every chance they get, even though most of his policies are very reasonable.

The ‘moderate’ policies of Donald J Trump???!?
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Saying the words all lives matter before it was used to discredit the BLM movement shouldn't be a big deal.

Here's what he said. What do you take issue with?
“There is no contradiction between respecting the risks that police officers take every day in order to protect this community, and recognizing the need to overcome the biases implicit in a justice system that treats people from different backgrounds differently, even when they are accused of the same offenses,” Buttigieg said at the time. “We need to take both those things seriously, for the simple and profound reason that all lives matter,”

It's so much of "not a big deal" that he had to go crawl in front of a total jackass like Al Sharpton and conduct a Mea Culpa campaign exactly over the quote you just provided.

Jesus Christ. Once again you're crying over conservatives when it's the Woke Left in your own shitty party that are the ones demanding that this guy be held accountable or apologize for what he said.
LOL. Messam is just trying to gain any traction whatsoever. No idea why he's running (along with quite a few other people who are throwing their name in the race).

This is a non-story, hit piece. Buttigieg is getting popular so the attacks are coming but so far none have any substance to them. The line was taken out of context (and IMO didn't need to apologize but he did). He also said it BEFORE the phrase was coined as an anti-BLM phrase.

If you want to see what people in his community feel about him, watch this video:

No issue with what Messam is saying at all.

Actually when all is said and done, Messam isnt about being popular and political, but whats best for this country. He says it like it is despite what the status quo thinks.
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Saying the words all lives matter before it was used to discredit the BLM movement shouldn't be a big deal.

Here's what he said. What do you take issue with?
“There is no contradiction between respecting the risks that police officers take every day in order to protect this community, and recognizing the need to overcome the biases implicit in a justice system that treats people from different backgrounds differently, even when they are accused of the same offenses,” Buttigieg said at the time. “We need to take both those things seriously, for the simple and profound reason that all lives matter,”
Sounds like Kamela Harris to me.
Buttigieg said all lives matter at the end of a speech in march 2015 before 'all lives matter' was used to trivialize 'black lives matter' in mid to late 2015.

My dawg is still clean as a whistle except that he doesn't support free college.

Translation: He said the words before we as a party decided it hurt our feelings to hear such an inclusive statement. But we as a party decided "#AllLivesMustPayForMyGenderTheoryDegree".

If JFK were alive to witness this, he'd probably ask to be shot.
Mayor Pete decided to weigh in on Trump’s animals quote and condemn him for being racist. Of course, he’s ignoring the fact that’s Trump was responding to a statement about MS-13 and calling the gang members animals. So it ends up coming out like he’s defending MS-13 once you put it in context. The comments on his tweet are interesting.

Almost as interesting as seeing how he is going to court both the moderates and the radicals in the next 6 months.
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