US Media = National/International Narrative
Local Media = By, Of and For the Local Community
That's why both the 1st and 2nd Amendments break down. Because they were both supposed to be the free and individual assembly by, of and for the local community, into a press with their individual right to free speech, and a militia with their individual right to bear arms.
But now, just like in 1770 and 1775, respectively, it's no longer about the local community knowing what is best, or having a say for their local communities, but letting National Media, Governments and Forces dictate alternative narratives.
I've been watching the local Portland, and Minnesota, media for a good year, and all the minority business and religious leaders challenging BLM supporters not to allow chaos tourists to 'get away' with things. And they have told people to 'call out' national media when they lie.
E.g., when Atlantan African-Americans marched on CNN after they reported countless, privately owned, buildings with minority businesses, as government buildings according to CNN.
This is the problem, front'n center.