Cawthorn on DC


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Oct 21, 2001
Not a shocker. But I spent over 5 years working in DC. It's the most anti-PC, most racist/sexist city, I've every been in ... even below those Elites. They make fun of boyscouts like myself, and think we're 'weird.' Why? Because there's no 'leverage' to get over people like me.

The fact he said "he looked up to these people" means it has to be Republicans he is talking about right? I am sure they are thrilled by him telling everyone this.

(and yes, I am sure Democrats do it too, but I highly doubt he would admit to looking up to Democrats)
The fact he said "he looked up to these people" means it has to be Republicans he is talking about right? I am sure they are thrilled by him telling everyone this.

(and yes, I am sure Democrats do it too, but I highly doubt he would admit to looking up to Democrats)
Actually, a lot of parties are bi-partisan.

But yes, GOP members are no less likely than DNC members ... as the 1994 'Family Values' freshmen all proved by the 21st century in divorce rates and scandals.

DC is just a f'ing cesspool.
Apparently some Republicans are pissed at Cawthorne and McCarthy is going to have to talk to him lol. I dont think anyone doubts stuff goes on in DC, but I could also see this being something Cawthorne made up to make DC look bad. Whether he made it up or not though, he did basically throw his own party under the bus.
The same group that published all the stuff on Cawthorn is now saying that Boebert was an escort up until 2019, and the fun part, is she had 2 abortions from being an escort. If this is true then holy shit, Republicans truly will just vote for anyone with an R by their name, including a HS dropout who worked as an escort.
But I spent over 5 years working in DC. It's the most anti-PC, most racist/sexist city, I've every been in ... even below those Elites. They make fun of boyscouts like myself, and think we're 'weird.'
As an old Eagle Scout, I'm going to go out on a limb and take a wild guess they make fun of you for other reasons.
As an old Eagle Scout, I'm going to go out on a limb and take a wild guess they make fun of you for other reasons.
Most Eagle Scouts I've know are rarely 'straight-laced.'
I.e., it was a 'figure of speech' that isn't meant to be taken literally.

It bothers many because I seemginly live extremely conservatively.
Especially in DC, which is a cesspool.

If you've been there, you know.

Do you like the fact that he was made fun of?
Even the people who made fun of me told me "Don't change." And when they had issues themsevles, I was still the person they came to because ...
  1. I have integrity, and don't kick people when down, and ...
  2. I'm the one person they knew could be discrete about it, and honor their wish to keep it private.
My wife sometimes hates the fact that I still do this, especially with people who have wronged me the most. But she also respects it, like they do.
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