Charlie Strong..."No we are not that team that went undefeated..."

He also joked that some recruits still need a little help in knowing exactly who the Bulls are.

"'Weren't y'all the team that went undefeated?'" some would ask him.

"No," he said he replied, "we weren't that team.


"Plus, he said, there's just the matter of trying to schedule practices and classes around Florida's unpredictable rain showers."

Just a small picky comment but when I was in Florida you could almost accurately predict when it would rain- every day, hence the real need for an indoor facility.
I get the need for an indoor facility, just not one that costs $40 Million. Maybe the idea is that they need 10 Million and if they push for 40 they will get 15. Maybe they will get 40, but seems to me that the priority should be getting one, not getting the biggest and most expensive one.
I get the need for an indoor facility, just not one that costs $40 Million. Maybe the idea is that they need 10 Million and if they push for 40 they will get 15. Maybe they will get 40, but seems to me that the priority should be getting one, not getting the biggest and most expensive one.

Meh, USF should just add a $1 surcharge per each ticket sold. That should get them $25-$30 every game.