Conspiracy theory that I find interesting


Todd's Tiki Bar
Jun 4, 2004
The US government asks saudi arabia to sell weapons to North Korea and in return, we replace those weapons that Saudi arabia sold. The money that the Sauds gets from the sale gets transferred to revolutionaries in Crimea who are waging a war against Ukraine on behalf of Russia.

Stupid and insane. Can you name one US weapon system in N Korea?

Actually came here to post this exact response. 85 got one right for once.

The norks use all Chinese or Soviet hand me downs, and starting to use some indigenous stuff. Completely idiotic "theory", makes about as much sense as your young Earth creationist bullshit.
The US government asks saudi arabia to sell weapons to North Korea and in return, we replace those weapons that Saudi arabia sold. The money that the Sauds gets from the sale gets transferred to revolutionaries in Crimea who are waging a war against Ukraine on behalf of Russia.

I would say it’s not plausible but who knows what the CIA is doing. There are a lot of things on that list that don’t jibe with our policies though.
Is this just something you randomly dreamed up or did you actually read this somewhere?
I guess some theories are just to crazy to believe.

No, I didnt read this or make it up, I just replaced Iran with North Korea, israel with saudi arabia, and Nicaragua with Crimea. It's the iran contra scandal. Funny how conspiracy theories are sometimes true.
anything is possible, but that scenario seems highly unlikely.

I posted it because there is a theory being raised now that the Ukrainian aid that Biden threatened to withheld was actually going to fund the Russian-Crimean war. Most people will dismiss it out of hand, just like the scenario I laid out which was almost identical to the Iran Contra affair, just different countries.
I posted it because there is a theory being raised now that the Ukrainian aid that Biden threatened to withheld was actually going to fund the Russian-Crimean war. Most people will dismiss it out of hand, just like the scenario I laid out which was almost identical to the Iran Contra affair, just different countries.
yea the cia planned to bomb miami, so it is possible.
Yeah man, crazyhole thinks the earth is 6,000 years and dinosaur bones were put here by Satan to trick us (I made that last part up but wouldn't surprise me if he actually believes it)
Do you remember the thread where Crazyhole said he is open to the idea of a flat earth? Like he wouldn't commit to agreeing the earth was flat but he was defending their ideas and said he himself is open to it. That's when I realized he's mostly just a contrarian not actually that smart.
I do not know why flat earthers like crazyhole get to vote on scientific issues like global warming when they've basically rejected science as a whole.
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I do not know why flat earthers like crazyhole get to vote on scientific issues like global warming when they've basically rejected science as a whole.

Can you actually link to this thread? If you’re going to call him a flat earther.
Can you actually link to this thread? If you’re going to call him a flat earther.

Bro you tried to argue for three straight pages that you didn't like one of chemmies posts when everyone and their mother could see you did.

It's a little late to pretend that facts influence your belief system.
Do you remember the thread where Crazyhole said he is open to the idea of a flat earth? Like he wouldn't commit to agreeing the earth was flat but he was defending their ideas and said he himself is open to it. That's when I realized he's mostly just a contrarian not actually that smart.
I'll listen to any theory and the flat-earth one is no exception. I think it's stupid but it can lead to more understanding of our planet. Isnt it better to accept something that opposes our viewpoint as a reason to do research than just dismiss anything that our bias goes against? I know the earth isnt flat because I've seen the curvature of it myself, I dont rely on pictures or statements that other people tell me are real. There are interesting questions raised by flat-earthers, but that doesn't mean you have to agree with the overarching premise and disregard all of it.
I understand the point of not just accepting what's told to you as being factual and agree with it to a point. At some point we have to stand on the work of others or we'll never makes progress. Where's that line..I don't know. But I'll admit I haven't given flat esrthers enough time of day to even know what good questions it is they have. What are they??
I understand the point of not just accepting what's told to you as being factual and agree with it to a point. At some point we have to stand on the work of others or we'll never makes progress. Where's that line..I don't know. But I'll admit I haven't given flat esrthers enough time of day to even know what good questions it is they have. What are they??

I guess the first one that comes to mind is why do rivers like the Mississippi or Nile flow towards the equator when elevation isnt enough to counter the curvature of the earth. Is gravitational pull greater at the equator than it is the further from it you get? Line of sight doesn't really explain it like the flat earthers try to claim, but it is kind of interesting to look at a globe with elevations, because it really doesn't make sense.

It's not about believing some crazy conspiracy theory, it's about not dismissing everything out of hand, which was the point in the OP.
What the hell is a flat Earth??? From outer space the earth is round. It doesn’t look like a sheet of paper. I’m going to the Space Center tomorrow. I’ll report back my findings
What the hell is a flat Earth??? From outer space the earth is round. It doesn’t look like a sheet of paper. I’m going to the Space Center tomorrow. I’ll report back my findings

You're flat. Just like waynes mom.
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I guess the first one that comes to mind is why do rivers like the Mississippi or Nile flow towards the equator when elevation isnt enough to counter the curvature of the earth. Is gravitational pull greater at the equator than it is the further from it you get?







You just made my day. My sides. This board is incredible.
And the age of the earth?
Probably billions of years old. There really isnt any evidence of an actual age and i dont think it's really worth having a position on. I read an article last year that traced back human DNA to something around 120,000 years ago that all people on earth can be traced back to which was pretty interesting. Dont quote me on this but i think it suggested that all humans have a common link to a female from northern africa that lived around 120,000 years ago. It was similar to how all dog breeds have a common ancestor from northern Asia or Europe that was domesticated around 20,000 years ago.

It sounds kind of crazy but probably isnt any less crazy than the idea of evolution happening all over the world independently at the same time 10,000 years ago leading to the same species, just with different pigmentation in their skin.
Probably billions of years old. There really isnt any evidence of an actual age and i dont think it's really worth having a position on. I read an article last year that traced back human DNA to something around 120,000 years ago that all people on earth can be traced back to which was pretty interesting. Dont quote me on this but i think it suggested that all humans have a common link to a female from northern africa that lived around 120,000 years ago. It was similar to how all dog breeds have a common ancestor from northern Asia or Europe that was domesticated around 20,000 years ago.

It sounds kind of crazy but probably isnt any less crazy than the idea of evolution happening all over the world independently at the same time 10,000 years ago leading to the same species, just with different pigmentation in their skin.
I think it’s interesting that carbon dating beyond the calibration material is not really all that accurate. Disclaimer: I’m not that read up on this subject so I could be very wrong. Since C14 is produced mostly in the atmosphere, and I don’t think way to determine how steady that’s been beyond tree ring samples that are 14,000 years old (or maybe the more recent Japanese lake samples that provide about 52,000 years), has been found. So they’re either estimating the rest or assuming a steady rate. But what if the rate hasn’t been steady at all? Or what if the rate of radioactive decay of C14 is not actually constant over longer periods of time?

We tend to take this type of science as gospel (pun intended) but really there’s still a lot that we don’t have hard data confirmation and there could be unknown unknowns that swing our understandings wildly.
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Not really a conspiracy theory but lately I’ve been reading a lot on both sides as to whether or not Bob Lazar is legit and has spilled incredible alien life beans, or a massive, compulsive psychopath who lifted someone else’s story and is presenting it as his own.

Currently leading to the latter
I think it’s interesting that carbon dating beyond the calibration material is not really all that accurate. Disclaimer: I’m not that read up on this subject so I could be very wrong. Since C14 is produced mostly in the atmosphere, and I don’t think way to determine how steady that’s been beyond tree ring samples that are 14,000 years old (or maybe the more recent Japanese lake samples that provide about 52,000 years), has been found. So they’re either estimating the rest or assuming a steady rate. But what if the rate hasn’t been steady at all? Or what if the rate of radioactive decay of C14 is not actually constant over longer periods of time?

We tend to take this type of science as gospel (pun intended) but really there’s still a lot that we don’t have hard data confirmation and there could be unknown unknowns that swing our understandings wildly.

I've posted this same question before. If we dont have a known set point dating back 400 million years, why would we assume that carbon decay theories that say a bone is 400 million years old are accurate? Even artifacts from israel that are known to be 3000 years old show wildly different ages when they carbon date them.
Not really a conspiracy theory but lately I’ve been reading a lot on both sides as to whether or not Bob Lazar is legit and has spilled incredible alien life beans, or a massive, compulsive psychopath who lifted someone else’s story and is presenting it as his own.

Currently leading to the latter

The area 51 alien dude? I thought he was dead to be honest. I remember watching a show on the history channel about him and it did seem like he's probably crazy, but at the same time other people have independently said a lot of the same stuff so who knows.
I've posted this same question before. If we dont have a known set point dating back 400 million years, why would we assume that carbon decay theories that say a bone is 400 million years old are accurate? Even artifacts from israel that are known to be 3000 years old show wildly different ages when they carbon date them.
I think that’s due to the inability to remove all of the contamination on the Israeli artifacts. Any newer material that doesn’t get removed swings the dating substantially.