COVID Deaths Per Million People - By Country (disfavored fact by the media)

Like you mean like these "Trump facts"?
  • Jan. 22: "We have it totally under control."
  • Feb. 2: We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
  • Feb. 24: "The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA...the Stock Market is starting to look very good to me!"
  • Feb. 25: "CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling the Coronavirus."
  • Feb. 25: I think its a problem that's going to go away. They have studies it and know very much. In fact, we're very close to a vaccine."
  • Feb. 26: "The 15 cases within a couple of days is going to be down to zero."
  • Feb. 27: "One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear."
  • Feb. 28: "We're ordering a lot of supplies We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that, frankly, we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical."
  • Mar. 2: "You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that could have an impact on corona?"
  • Mar. 2: "A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they're happening very rapidly."
  • Mar. 4: If we have thousand of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work -- some of them go to work, but they get better."
  • Mar. 5: "I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work."
  • Mar. 6: "I think we're doing a really good job in this country of keeping it down -- in fact, a tremendous job of keeping it down."
  • Mar. 6: "Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. And the tests are beautiful. They are perfect just like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect, right? That was not as perfect as that but pretty good.
  • Mar. 6: "I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, "How do you know so much about this?" Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for President."
  • Mar. 6: "I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault."
  • Mar. 8: "We have a perfectly coordinated and fine-tuned plan at the White House for our attack of the Coronavirus."
  • Mar. 9: "The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power to inflame the Coronavirus situation."
  • Mar. 10: "It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away."
  • Mar. 13 - National Emergency Declaration
I particularly love this Trump gem:
  • Mar. 17: "I felt this was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."
How life would be under “President” Biden

January 31- Should we shut down China Joe?

Biden— “Hell no!!
‘China is going to eat our lunch?’: Joe Biden dismisses Beijing as threat to US

MAY 5th, 2020— 1,000,000 Americans are dead!
Every country on that list has at least double the population density of the USA (some up to 10 times). That is except for Sweden who is about 1/3 lower than the US. We are doing better than Sweden.
I think it's incredible that I post facts showing that we as a country are doing comparatively better than other peer group countries and the usual suspects swoop into to crap on the idea.

I guess cheerleading death for political reasons is just easier.

Weren't these European nations with their sweet government run healthcare supposed to fare so much better than us with our horrible everything?
I think it's incredible that I post facts showing that we as a country are doing comparatively better than other peer group countries and the usual suspects swoop into to crap on the idea.

I guess cheerleading death for political reasons is just easier.

Weren't these European nations with their sweet government run healthcare supposed to fare so much better than us with our horrible everything?
It’s incredible that you post a new thread topic and then wilt at any pushback or discussion about said topic.
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Give it up, Crazy.
Trump's desperation to jump-start the economy is only going to make a bad situation for his reelection worse. Turn out the lights, gang, this party's over.

What jump start? We are opening up the businesses that can open the safest, with very limited capacity, and social distancing and mask requirements. We are crawling out of this lock down, bottom line this virus is going no where any time soon, and the country will be destroyed long before we get a handle on it. If we keep on lockdown.
Like you mean like these "Trump facts"?
  • Jan. 22: "We have it totally under control."
  • Feb. 2: We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
  • Feb. 24: "The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA...the Stock Market is starting to look very good to me!"
  • Feb. 25: "CDC & my administration are doing a GREAT job of handling the Coronavirus."
  • Feb. 25: I think its a problem that's going to go away. They have studies it and know very much. In fact, we're very close to a vaccine."
  • Feb. 26: "The 15 cases within a couple of days is going to be down to zero."
  • Feb. 27: "One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear."
  • Feb. 28: "We're ordering a lot of supplies We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that, frankly, we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical."
  • Mar. 2: "You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that could have an impact on corona?"
  • Mar. 2: "A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they're happening very rapidly."
  • Mar. 4: If we have thousand of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work -- some of them go to work, but they get better."
  • Mar. 5: "I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work."
  • Mar. 6: "I think we're doing a really good job in this country of keeping it down -- in fact, a tremendous job of keeping it down."
  • Mar. 6: "Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. And the tests are beautiful. They are perfect just like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect, right? That was not as perfect as that but pretty good.
  • Mar. 6: "I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, "How do you know so much about this?" Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for President."
  • Mar. 6: "I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault."
  • Mar. 8: "We have a perfectly coordinated and fine-tuned plan at the White House for our attack of the Coronavirus."
  • Mar. 9: "The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power to inflame the Coronavirus situation."
  • Mar. 10: "It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away."
  • Mar. 13 - National Emergency Declaration
I particularly love this Trump gem:
  • Mar. 17: "I felt this was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."
Fauci was saying the same things in Feb, and even early march. Pelosi was busy inviting people to China town, and Cuomo was say NY was in great shape to deal with it. Bottom line was and is China lied, the WHO backed up their lies, and the CDC didn't see it coming. and yet Trump is supposed to know more than all of the experts. Get a grip.
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It’s incredible that you post a new thread topic and then wilt at any pushback or discussion about said topic.

You're right, you offered another solid contribution. Europe has densely populated urban centers, the US does not. That explains it.
You're right, you offered another solid contribution. Europe has densely populated urban centers, the US does not. That explains it.
I’m glad you agree. It’s clear that Belgium (for example) with 376 persons per square mile across the entirety of the country would have a faster spread of the virus (country wide) than the United States which has 34 persons per square mile across the country. The only country on your list that is even close to comparable from a nationwide population density standpoint is Sweden. I conceded that we are doing better than Sweden. The population centers in the US are where the majority of the cases are. It’s the same in Europe.
I’m glad you agree. It’s clear that Belgium (for example) with 376 persons per square mile across the entirety of the country would have a faster spread of the virus (country wide) than the United States which has 34 persons per square mile across the country. The only country on your list that is even close to comparable from a nationwide population density standpoint is Sweden. I conceded that we are doing better than Sweden. The population centers in the US are where the majority of the cases are. It’s the same in Europe.

What's swedens unemployment rate like now? Are they 4 trillion in debt because of their response?

We have hands down the worst combination of deaths and economic disaster. Who would have thought a reality TV star wouldn't make a good president during an international pandemic?
Cuomo has been a huge failure. He said that New Yorks problems were coming for the rest of us. Lol... great leadership
Haven’t you heard that he’s taxing the first responders heavily that came to NYC to help out
Its this kind of thing that means the final numbers will be revised down.

Flu season is mostly over by mid March or early April, and the height of flu season typically over by the end of February. Yes, you can obviously find some cases of the flu year around, but this isnt flu season, so you wouldnt expect to have many flu deaths this time of year.
Flu season is mostly over by mid March or early April, and the height of flu season typically over by the end of February. Yes, you can obviously find some cases of the flu year around, but this isnt flu season, so you wouldnt expect to have many flu deaths this time of year.
No, and ive said that when it is revised down it will probably be within 5% of what is being reported. Almost everybody that dies from this have co-morbidities so they will categorize some of these deaths into what the rolling average would have been.
So to fight a pandemic we are going to have people sit indoors getting unhealthy instead of doing outdoor activities. But let's go to a crowded target!
Again with your dumbass false comparisons. :rolleyes:

Trump's own Federal guidelines state that the first step in the reopening process is 14 days of declining coronavirus numbers. In the interim, you could go to the grocery and drug store, drive-thru restaurants and some hardware stores practicing social distancing.

What was so g'damned draconian about that?

As it is, most states aren't following the guidelines anyway -- meaning we'll be prolonging this nonsense well into the summer. If folks hadn't have been such knuckleheads about this, we'd already be on the down side of the bell curve.
People are getting unhealthy staying inside. Depression is a record levels. Loss of jobs. Suicide. Economy wrecked.
So let's add a prolonged economic standstill because of new coronavirus infection spikes!

That'll certainly help matters. :rolleyes:
Almost up to 42,000 deaths nationwide outside of New York/New Jersey. Other than Cuomos incompetence, we basically have a bad flu season.
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Almost up to 42,000 deaths nationwide outside of New York/New Jersey. Other than Cuomos incompetence, we basically have a bad flu season.
Crazy's gem reminded me of this classic quote from DC Mayor, Marion Berry, when he asked about his city's crime:
Give us the daily numbers and everyday after that. I think that 40% was only one day. Deaths are low in Georgia.

They upped their testing significantly a couple of weeks ago so it makes sense that their numbers spiked.
Some of y'all have never been through a global pandemic and economic crash with a reality TV show star as president who can't lead, repeatedly disregards scientific warnings, his own administration's guidelines and it is really starting to show.
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