Covid deaths pushing toward 5k per day.

Is Covid-19 worse than the flu?

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If you really think China only had 80,000 cases, I have digital ocean front property to sell you. Our cases are probably over 200,000 with many kids that won't show symptoms. Some healthy already had it and recovered. Not tested

I have never once believed Gina's numbers.
It’s pretty easy to tell who does and doesn’t need to work from this thread, so responses are irrelevant
This virus thing has really unhinged you. You've always been a diehard conservative, but you used to be a reasonable guy. But now?

WTF are you doing???!?

In the midst of a dangerous, nationwide pandemic, the very notion of ridiculing people who are heeding the experts' advice and staying home as much as possible as "unemployed libs" is batsh*t crazy talk.

Yes, our economy depends on people working. But for now, until we can beat this virus, lives depend on most Americans, young and old, staying at home and not spreading the virus. Why is that so repugnant to you?
This virus thing has really unhinged you. You've always been a diehard conservative, but you used to be a reasonable guy. But now?

WTF are you doing???!?

In the midst of a dangerous, nationwide pandemic, the very notion of ridiculing people who are heeding the experts' advice and staying home as much as possible as "unemployed libs" is batsh*t crazy talk.

Yes, our economy depends on people working. But for now, until we can beat this virus, lives depend on most Americans, young and old, staying at home and not spreading the virus. Why is that so repugnant to you?
All jokes and criticism aside:

First of all, none of this applies to me. I’m on lockdown and have been completely compliant which is more than I can say for most of the nation. I’m following all of the guidelines and you’re damn sure that I haven’t spread a thing and either has my workplace

I’m in an “essential” industry and I’m needed
to work. Financially, I don’t need to work, but don’t mind working. My employees HAVE to work and are all under 35. Most 25-30

Once again,

1). Will this be enforced?
2). Will it work for the USA?
3. How long is a lockdown required?

I’m not a fan of a half-ass lockdown and further and irreversibly ruining the economy and lives if this isn’t THE SOLUTION

A police officer said yesterday that he CANNOT ENFORCE THIS LOCKDOWN. Orange County, Florida
All jokes and criticism aside
This was the most reasoned post you've made here since this corona virus thing first broke out.

I appreciate the thoughtfulness and seriousness of your response. This was the Ucfmikes I've known.
I’m in an “essential” industry and I’m needed to work. Financially, I don’t need to work, but don’t mind working. My employees HAVE to work and are all under 35. Most 25-30.
I think most Americans are very aware of -- and appreciative of -- the workers in "essential" industries that allow the rest of us to hunker down in our homes. They do their jobs at great personal risk so that most of the country can adhere to the recommendations of the health experts.
Once again,
1). Will this be enforced?
2). Will it work for the USA?
3. How long is a lockdown required?
1) Will this be enforced? There are idiots in every society. We've got to hope that most people will take this seriously. I watched one special report on TV yesterday that showed how a single person can be responsible for an incredible contamination spread.

2) Will it work for the USA? It will if communities take this seriously and men don't play the macho "Real Men don't stay home sick" game that was the norm when I was growing up.

3) How long is a lockdown required? The signs from China and South Korea are encouraging that this thing won't last indefinitely. But we have GOT to practice serious social distancing until the number of new infections is on the downside of the bell curve. As things currently stand, the numbers are still rising in the U.S.
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The Imperial College researcher, whose model claimed we'd lose 2.2M people here, came out today to say - yea, I was probably way off. Like, 10x way off.

The UK should now be able to cope with the spread of the covid-19 virus, according to one of the epidemiologists advising the government.

Neil Ferguson at Imperial College London gave evidence today to the UK’s parliamentary select committee on science and technology as part of an inquiry into the nation’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Read more:
Just curious. Is Nebraska on lockdown? I have no idea
Sort of. Schools are suspended indefinitely. Most business are voluntarily following distancing protocol but not by government decree, some of it to a ridiculous degree. We'll be fine here as we always are.
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Sort of. Schools are suspended indefinitely. Most business are voluntarily following distancing protocol but not by government decree, some of it to a ridiculous degree. We'll be fine here as we always are.
So.. restaurants are open for sit down?
Damnation, we can catch Gina by sundown if we really try. 435 cases and we are there.
That's a genuinely staggering statistic.

U.S. population: 327 million people.
China's population: 1.39 billion people.

And WE had the benefit of being 'late to the party' yet we are going to blow away everybody else's numbers!!!

Can somebody please reassure us again what a 'great' job Trump has been doing handling this crisis??!?
That's a genuinely staggering statistic.

U.S. population: 327 million people.
China's population: 1.39 billion people.

And WE had the benefit of being 'late to the party' yet we are going to blow away everybody else's numbers!!!

Can somebody please reassure us again what a 'great' job Trump has been doing handling this crisis??!?

Here I was just thinking, "Wow, a whole day went by without Shookster shilling for the Communists and pumping out their propaganda, like he did yesterday."

I should have known you had plenty of time to come back and do your duty in the name of rabid TDS.
That's a genuinely staggering statistic.

U.S. population: 327 million people.
China's population: 1.39 billion people.

And WE had the benefit of being 'late to the party' yet we are going to blow away everybody else's numbers!!!

Can somebody please reassure us again what a 'great' job Trump has been doing handling this crisis??!?

I don't for one second buy China's numbers. As of my posting this, they have reported 67 new cases. Horse shit.
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I don't for one second buy China's numbers. As of my posting this, they have reported 67 news cases. Horse shit.

Shookster thinks that the upstanding Chinese Communist Government is giving us the real facts, real numbers, and did such a super awesome job "containing" the virus.

He's never seen communist propaganda he did not like, so long as it allows him to obsess over Trump.
Shookster thinks that the upstanding Chinese Communist Government is giving us the real facts, real numbers, and did such a super awesome job "containing" the virus.

He's never seen communist propaganda he did not like, so long as it allows him to obsess over Trump.

How is that doctor doing who discovered this? Or the one who tried to alert the world to what was going on? Or that billionaire who magically disappeared after he criticized Gina's gov't?

If they didn't own half our shit and produce 90% of our antibiotics, we'd probably be at war with them right now.
But any other president and this would have been over, right guys? :rolleyes:

Glad most Americans as stupid as the crap posted here
No... probably 250,000 at least. The really young might not show symptoms. So basically only the really sick get counted.
I'd be willing to bet that its 10x that at least. With what we know about this virus and how easy it is to transmit it, it's highly unlikely that there are less than 10 million people who have/had it. Just consider the airports. If this virus truly can live on hard surfaces for 2 weeks or more, there are millions of people walking around with it.
Florida is only 8th. WTF? We wouldn’t even make the playoffs
The Imperial College researcher, whose model claimed we'd lose 2.2M people here, came out today to say - yea, I was probably way off. Like, 10x way off.

The UK should now be able to cope with the spread of the covid-19 virus, according to one of the epidemiologists advising the government.

Neil Ferguson at Imperial College London gave evidence today to the UK’s parliamentary select committee on science and technology as part of an inquiry into the nation’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Read more:

I saw Clay Travis tweet this out earlier and failed to get the point of the article. The original #s were based on a worst case scenario. The #s now are different because of the approaches we have taken. This is stated in the article.

He said that expected increases in National Health Service capacity and ongoing restrictions to people’s movements make him “reasonably confident” the health service can cope when the predicted peak of the epidemic arrives in two or three weeks. UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000, he said, and could be much lower.

That is the 3rd paragraph of the article that for some reason people are overlooking.
I saw Clay Travis tweet this out earlier and failed to get the point of the article. The original #s were based on a worst case scenario. The #s now are different because of the approaches we have taken. This is stated in the article.

He said that expected increases in National Health Service capacity and ongoing restrictions to people’s movements make him “reasonably confident” the health service can cope when the predicted peak of the epidemic arrives in two or three weeks. UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000, he said, and could be much lower.

That is the 3rd paragraph of the article that for some reason people are overlooking.
Shut the front door. Somebody is surprised that the death toll won't be catastrophic because measures that everybody expected were taken? Count me in the category of SHOCKED!
Shut the front door. Somebody is surprised that the death toll won't be catastrophic because measures that everybody expected were taken? Count me in the category of SHOCKED!

Great post. Thanks for taking time out of your day to provide us with such insight.
I saw Clay Travis tweet this out earlier and failed to get the point of the article. The original #s were based on a worst case scenario. The #s now are different because of the approaches we have taken. This is stated in the article.

He said that expected increases in National Health Service capacity and ongoing restrictions to people’s movements make him “reasonably confident” the health service can cope when the predicted peak of the epidemic arrives in two or three weeks. UK deaths from the disease are now unlikely to exceed 20,000, he said, and could be much lower.

That is the 3rd paragraph of the article that for some reason people are overlooking.

This never made sense even on a “worst case@ scenario. It would make this 80x more deadly than the flu. No doctor would ever agree with that.