Originally posted by goodknightfl:
Originally posted by NinjaKnight:
Originally posted by goodknightfl:
Originally posted by fabknight:
I like Cruz. Why is everyone hating?
Lady on TV yesterday was going nuts because he talked of our rights being from God and not man. Guess she never read the preamble to Constitution. That was what he was referencing. As of today, I have no idea who I will be voting for, but it will not be Hillary, Jeb, or Christy. I have had enough of Business as usual politicians.
Please tell me how many times god is mentioned in the constitution, including the preamble. I'll wait. It shouldn't take long (even for you) to count to 0.
Please do your brain a favor and turn off fox news.
First off I don't get Fox news. I have cut the chord 5 years or more ago. You are correct Preamble doesn't say God the term it used is Creator.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That
to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving
their just powers from the consent of the governed,
There is no seperation of church and state in the constitution. It simply tries to keep the govt out of religion. They were trying to avoid a church of England type situation where the govt establishes and forces a faith on its people. It was not desgined to keep people of any faith (Christian, Muslim, Jew, or atheist) from bringing their values into the govt.
The vast majority of those writing the Constitution were Christian, and there is little doubt when they talk of man being created and there being a creator who they were speaking of. They came from different faiths Catholic, Lutheren, Baptist, or even Jewish, they had somewhat different views of the same God. Now you can try and say, they were talking some generic may the force be with you power, but looking at the individuals involved that becomes laughingly idiotic.
Lastly as of today I am not leaning toward Ted Cruz for prez. I prefer some one with executive experience.
This post was edited on 3/25 8:59 AM by goodknightfl