Dementia and AIDS finally kicking in for Donald.

Yes he is your President

Awesome take out of this thread.

Every single intelligent person in this country is absolutely embarrassed by this idiot as our Commander in chief, and you're in here treating it like a pathetic sports team, mindlessly cheering on your side.
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Awesome take out of this thread.

Every single intelligent person in this country is absolutely embarrassed by this idiot as our Commander in chief, and you're in here treating it like a pathetic sports team, mindlessly cheering on your side.
:rolleyes: TDS
Awesome take out of this thread.

Every single intelligent person in this country is absolutely embarrassed by this idiot as our Commander in chief, and you're in here treating it like a pathetic sports team, mindlessly cheering on your side.
He’s your President too Ninja . And god loves you as well . Have a blessed day
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It seems that Trump “genuinely doesn’t remember important facts,” the official writes in the book. And the president often “can’t remember what he’s said or been told,” the official warns

The official recalled Trump once saying he wasn’t sure he had “ever even heard of a Category 5” hurricane. The problem, however, is he had been briefed, according to the official, on at least four previous Category 5 hurricanes.

The official wondered, “Was he forgetting these briefings? Or more problematic, was he not paying attention at all? These are events that affect millions of Americans, yet they don’t seem to stick in his brain.”

Probably just tds.
It’s gonna be tough on some of you when he wins re-election and the country continues to do excellent

Man, it's so hard to run a country when you are racking up trillion dollars deficits while handing out tax cuts to the wealthy and corporate welfare to farmers and bankers.

Dipshit pedophile supporting moron.
It’s gonna be tough on some of you when he wins re-election and the country continues to do excellent
Itll be even tougher when he announces his successor and the dems dont have a legitimate shot at the oval office until 2032. Maybe by then it won't be the democrat party because they will have destroyed themselves
Itll be even tougher when he announces his successor and the dems dont have a legitimate shot at the oval office until 2032. Maybe by then it won't be the democrat party because they will have destroyed themselves
Nah, the country goes by a grass is greener cycle. 2016 was a statistical anomaly in that trump won so many states by razor thin margins and actually lost the popular vote by 2.1%. He was also running against one of the most unpopular presidential candidates in history. Republicans were much more popular in the 70s and 80s, but the country has trended less conservative recently. So much so that 6 of the last 7 elections, Democrats have won the popular vote (only outlier was 2004 where Bush won narrowly after declaring a re-election war on the basis of weapons of mass destruction). The one thing going for Republicans is that the main democratic candidates are all ancient and relatively unelectable.
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I’m so hoping that this president wins in 2020.
My stocks are going through the roof and at this pace, I won’t even be working in 2024. Maybe even 2023.

Best president ever!
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The one thing going for Republicans is that the main democratic candidates are all ancient and relatively unelectable.
This will seal the deal. I just want a win and don’t care about all the BS irrelevant theatrics

The UKRAINE!!!! Russia!!!! :weary::weary::weary:

The economy and safety is what’s important to me as an everyday working American.
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Question, let's say Biden wins the nomination for his party. What say you on his senility, his gaffs and his creepy vibe? That guy is truly losing it.

Search my post history on biden and then come back and apologize for being a partisan hack. You epitomize all that is wrong with American politics.

There's no need for hypotheticals with Donald. He's the POTUS and is clearly mentally unhinged.
Search my post history on biden and then come back and apologize for being a partisan hack. You epitomize all that is wrong with American politics.

There's no need for hypotheticals with Donald. He's the POTUS and is clearly mentally unhinged.
Typical left wing extremist. Too worried about trying to bash Trump and his supporters and no energy spent on anything constructive or productive.

Democrats have spent nearly 4 years on trying to discredit Trump, bash his style, and be the exact opposite with their proposed policies and ideologies.

They haven’t tried in the least to just be better without all his theatrics.
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Watch out for Bloomberg. Biden is short on cash and behind in Iowa and NH.

Bloomberg has basically unlimited money - he has been all over TV/Radio ads already and it’s only going to ramp up. No idea what Biden’s money situation is but I wouldn’t be surprised if Bloomberg pulled ahead of the field
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Omg he’s clearly on drugs and is probably pondering which Ambassador to order killed next

Still no explanation from you, or anyone to explain any of these threads. You've said in the past that Trump suffers from mental illness and dementia, why wouldn't you say the same thing now when he's clearly and obviously mentally incapacitated?

No one has managed to offer an explanation for Trump. All we have are the typical inbred "hurr durr the stock market". No shit the stock market is doing well, when you are running a trillion dollar annual deficit and record low interest rates.
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Still no explanation from you, or anyone too explain well these threads. You've said in the past that Trump suffers from mental illness and dementia, why wouldn't you say the same thing now when he's clearly crazy?

Again bitch
Question, let's say Biden wins the nomination for his party. What say you on his senility, his gaffs and his creepy vibe? That guy is truly losing it.
not to mention thanks to the dnc and their attempt to lower the bar for impeachment some gop senators have suggested the ability to launch an impeachment of biden on day 1.
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"very stable genius"

"very stable genius"
Americans saw this and what did they do? Elect him the president of the United States. Why? Because that bullshit wasn’t a big enough deal. Only to the TDS shook. Admittingly, not very presidential. Shocking
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Americans saw this and what did they do? Elect him the president of the United States. Why? Because that bullshit wasn’t a big enough deal. Only to the TDS shook. Admittingly, not very presidential. Shocking
I don’t know when Presidential meant acting like European royalty. Seems to me, if you view us from the Euro model, we’ve had a pretty good history of our President’s being uncouth savages. Trump is more reverting to the norm than wild outlier. Although he probably is the most uncouthest of all.
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I don’t know when Presidential meant acting like European royalty. Seems to me, if you view us from the Euro model, we’ve had a pretty good history of our President’s being uncouth savages. Trump is more reverting to the norm than wild outlier. Although he probably is the most uncouthest of all.
Freaking Clinton shoved a cigar in an interns p____y and came all over her dress and NinjaKnight is posting Trump shaking/imitating a reporter that is probably taken out of context at least 4 years ago now
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