Democrats are anti-law enforcement


GOL's Inner Circle
Gold Member
May 6, 2003
The House passed a measure of support for the men and women at ICE yesterday, but sadly 34 Democrats voted "NO", flatly stating that they do not support immigration law enforcement, and 133 D cowards voted "Present", since they were too scared to take a stance on the thing that their left wing base is rabidly calling for.

Fitting, I guess. They want open borders, unchecked mass illegal immigration, and now want to get rid of any law enforcement capability to deport people breaking the law here. Gotta have as many illegals here as possible when the mass amnesty happens.
The House passed a measure of support for the men and women at ICE yesterday, but sadly 34 Democrats voted "NO", flatly stating that they do not support immigration law enforcement, and 133 D cowards voted "Present", since they were too scared to take a stance on the thing that their left wing base is rabidly calling for.

Fitting, I guess. They want open borders, unchecked mass illegal immigration, and now want to get rid of any law enforcement capability to deport people breaking the law here. Gotta have as many illegals here as possible when the mass amnesty happens.

I can't believe they are doubling down on this. They're just asking to get wiped out in the mid-terms.
Abolish ICE will be a winner in ultra liberal areas and will kill campaigns in swing states.

The whole immigration thing is a loser really for dems because of how it gets presented against us. It's because dems message is a little confusing but is actually pretty common sense.

Most dems are
Pro legal immigration
Anti illegal immigration

But the following two details get used against us

- Pro humane treatment of immigrants
- Anti deportation of nonviolent criminals who have established lives here

Redhats yell that if you want people to be treated well you're for "open borders."

Redhats yell that if you're not cool with deporting contributing members of American society you're for "abolish ice."

It's a gross misrepresentation of the left.
Abolish ICE will be a winner in ultra liberal areas and will kill campaigns in swing states.

The whole immigration thing is a loser really for dems because of how it gets presented against us. It's because dems message is a little confusing but is actually pretty common sense.

Most dems are
Pro legal immigration
Anti illegal immigration

But the following two details get used against us

- Pro humane treatment of immigrants
- Anti deportation of nonviolent criminals who have established lives here

Redhats yell that if you want people to be treated well you're for "open borders."

Redhats yell that if you're not cool with deporting contributing members of American society you're for "abolish ice."

It's a gross misrepresentation of the left.

Actually it's a perfect representation. For 40+ years Democrats have waived the false flag of border security in exchange for multiple rounds of Amnesty and that's basically where we're back to now. Even when the D's had super majorities in Congress and Obama in the WH, they did absolutely nothing by way of passing immigration reform. Why? Because illegal immigration is a wedge that they think is useful to them and their left wing base.

Just this year Pelosi went on record stating that criticism of illegal alien MS-13 brutal gang members is wrong.

Abolish ICE is now a fully ingrained part of the Democratic Party. Just look at this vote. They want a country in which there is no federal law enforcement agency dedicated to enforcing existing immigration laws. They're pushing further left every day and it's dangerous.
Abolish ICE will be a winner in ultra liberal areas and will kill campaigns in swing states.

The whole immigration thing is a loser really for dems because of how it gets presented against us. It's because dems message is a little confusing but is actually pretty common sense.

Most dems are
Pro legal immigration
Anti illegal immigration

But the following two details get used against us

- Pro humane treatment of immigrants
- Anti deportation of nonviolent criminals who have established lives here

Redhats yell that if you want people to be treated well you're for "open borders."

Redhats yell that if you're not cool with deporting contributing members of American society you're for "abolish ice."

It's a gross misrepresentation of the left.

I can kind of agree with you on that, but voting to abolish ICE is taking a step that is pretty clear to voters.
That's why only dems from the ultra left voted for it.

lol! Almost the entire D House voted NO or PRESENT. And let's be honest- the PRESENT people are on the Abolish ICE train, they're just too big of pussies to make it known since they understand that the overwhelming majority of this country doesn't want to abolish ICE.
most people in the country are for legal immigration and against illegal immigration. most people want to fix some of the issues regarding legal immigration. trump even said he was willing to make some deals, but the dems wouldnt take it. most people dont want open borders. i think this will hurt them in the mid terms.
85, you are the most dramatic person I have ever witnessed on a message board. Like queen, you sure you ain't gay?

Just matching the leftie hysteria from a few days ago

Isn’t calling someone gay as an insult homophobic?
BTW- it's not dramatic to say they're anti law enforcement when they quite literally just refrained from voting to support federal law enforcement.
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Only if you're as dramatic as 85.
He is dramatic, but if that's the litmus then most of the cooler is gay. I think it might be the love-hate fest between him an Ninja that is a more significant tell.
It's interesting that bq only chimes in to call posts "dramatic" when it's a conservative leaning post. He's totally absent on ridiculous posts from FC or otherwise.
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It's interesting that bq only chimes in to call posts "dramatic" when it's a conservative leaning post. He's totally absent on ridiculous posts from FC or otherwise.

Yes. Very interesting.

P.S. - the Trump hysteria was by a lot more than just "the left". So maybe there was some merit to it? Whether you personally believe it or not.
Open borders work... but that's not what the Democrats support.

Open borders work when you document everyone, don't give them any benefits, prosecute them for fraud, deport them when the commit crimes (including fraud) , etc...

It would also nuke the big business organized crime that the Democrats support right down to their homes... in amnesty cities.
Those Dems want open borders.... Maybe they should relocate to the borders and then taste some real "multiculturalism".