Did the “everybody already had Covid and recovered” ship sail?

Over 50% get the Coronavirus and have no symptoms. So guessing the real number of infected in the US is already over 1 million. Who knows.
It's pretty easy to come to the conclusion that patient zero was in this country WAY before there was an outbreak.
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Imagine being petty enough to start a new thread to push something that was never said.
I think I had COVID last month. Stiff neck and my ears were hot. I took 2 zinc pills/day and recovered in about a week.

At least you didn't chug bleach like Q Anon suggested as a cure. Probably what happened to galahad and wayne, or is it just a coincidence our two biggest Q Anon fans both stopped posting right after Q Anon came up with that cure?
Probably what happened to galahad and wayne, or is it just a coincidence our two biggest Q Anon fans both stopped posting
They’ve been here. You just snowflaked and blocked them probably by accident and can’t see them Professor Ninjaknight
I'm wondering if COVID-19 ran it's course through my house late december early jan when my son had pneumonia and my girlfriend had a cold that had her in bed for a week.
I'm wondering if COVID-19 ran it's course through my house late december early jan when my son had pneumonia and my girlfriend had a cold that had her in bed for a week.

Very possible... Orlando is a hub of international travel.
The first recorded case of this in china goes back to November 17th in a 55 year old man. It's highly unlikely that he was patient zero, so this probably was around for at least a few weeks prior to that, possibly a few months because it was undefinable. So let's just say that october 15th is the origination date. With as infectious as this is, it's pretty safe to say that it was in the US prior to january 21, considering how much international travel occurs in and out of China, probably going back as far as the beginning of November.
Known child rape supporter makes a joke about people dying and you say "good one".

Seriously, you should take up a new hobby. Maybe something that is commensurate with your mental aptitude like watching grass grow.
His TDS fried a brain that was never that functional to begin with
To the original topic who ever said everyone had it and recovered? Just making up threads now?
To the original topic who ever said everyone had it and recovered? Just making up threads now?
Nobody, but it is worth discussing.

I still go back to that "mysterious illness" back in September that was hitting people that vape. That was the first time I'd heard the term "shattered glass" as a description of a lung disease. That's how they also describe covid-19. Coincidence? Probably. But who knows.
We know testing was not done until a few weeks ago. And before people were looking for corona, it likely was just lumped in with flu. The numbers would have been low enough compared to the flu that no alarm bells would have been rung. I expect you can at least triple the 400k number and probably even more.
We know testing was not done until a few weeks ago. And before people were looking for corona, it likely was just lumped in with flu. The numbers would have been low enough compared to the flu that no alarm bells would have been rung. I expect you can at least triple the 400k number and probably even more.
Well yeah. The low end of the Oxford mode was .0072 of the population and high end which was claimed as the “model result” was .56. .0072 of the US population is 2.4 million.
Want to shove a squab in your nose back to almost your ear for the fun of it?
I'm still trying to figure this one out. How do they get these swabs back to your ear? Is there a nasal passage that gives them a direct route to the ear without going over the top of your ears? How do they maneuver the swab to get there? Not questioning it, just curious how that works.
I'm still trying to figure this one out. How do they get these swabs back to your ear? Is there a nasal passage that gives them a direct route to the ear without going over the top of your ears? How do they maneuver the swab to get there? Not questioning it, just curious how that works.

Still want to do the test for fun?
Still want to do the test for fun?
Is there a hole at the base of your nose that leads directly to the ear? I'm just asking about the physiology, because this seems weird. I thought the sinus traveled over top of your eyes and dropped back down on the upper side of your ears. Probably wrong, but I see that picture and don't understand where the hole is that low in your nose.
Is there a hole at the base of your nose that leads directly to the ear? I'm just asking about the physiology, because this seems weird. I thought the sinus traveled over top of your eyes and dropped back down on the upper side of your ears. Probably wrong, but I see that picture and don't understand where the hole is that low in your nose.

Just saying how deep that test goes. This isn't a test you want to randomly take.
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Is there a hole at the base of your nose that leads directly to the ear? I'm just asking about the physiology, because this seems weird. I thought the sinus traveled over top of your eyes and dropped back down on the upper side of your ears. Probably wrong, but I see that picture and don't understand where the hole is that low in your nose.
No. That’s totally bullshit
Which part? I'm just asking if the diagram is right.
Meh. It’s not really that It’s off. It’s usually explored with lubrication and something flexible like a scope. You don’t usually insert something rigid. It’s very uncomfortable and could cause bleeding
Meh. It’s not really that It’s off. It’s usually explored with lubrication and something flexible like a scope. You don’t insert something rigid
OK. I'm obviously a novice here. So does the swab go up over and around like I was thinking? I've just seen that picture shared several times and was like, "how does this work?"
We know testing was not done until a few weeks ago. And before people were looking for corona, it likely was just lumped in with flu. The numbers would have been low enough compared to the flu that no alarm bells would have been rung. I expect you can at least triple the 400k number and probably even more.
It’s going the other way right now too, though. You’ve got COVID-19 being diagnosed only from symptoms that is probably just influenza.