Did Trump just sell out Taiwan?

the best part about the trump presidency is that the media is actually being critical of the office again. unfortunately, they arent being fair in the assessments anymore.
Why doesn't Trump just negotiate like a giant pûssy & tell everyone exactly what he is going to do so other countries can take advantage of us accordingly?
Apparently he agreed to the One China policy while talking to China's President Xi over the phone. Previously, Trump indicated he wouldn't go for One China without some sort of deal. I wonder what deal he struck.
He is getting a $0.001 discount from the company that fabricate his ties and shirts. His deal making skills are so good that we are going to end up paying for the freaking wall to be built by a Chinese company using Mexican labor. Like all Chinese crap, it will fall apart after 6 months
Well China's economy is becoming increasingly capitalistic, I think 40-50% of their GDP is from state run companies with the rest being a market economy. Some economists predict the state run side will continue to shrink down to about 20% GDP.

The GDP numbers I saw for 2015 has the US Govt (Federal, State, and Local) at about 11% of GDP.

China's making a slow transition towards an economy that resembles ours in many ways. I don't think One China means the same thing for the US that it did 20 years ago.