Thank you for your service. I appreciate a person willing to stand a post or watch and volunteer to actually die if need be to defend the Constitution. I don't care how you vote , you earned to say what you will.
You also stood a post for guys like Trump, Pelosi,Obama ,Clinton Bush and on and on. Much of what you wrote you could insert any politician in there. They all suck.
I see some folks on here when I pop in from time to time and it's the same stuff. Just it's a different day. The problem with our country is not Trump or Obama, it's this. 100 years ago we strayed from the Constitution.
founding fathers had no intention of the President being this king, all powerful person. If you look at , study, read things like the Federalist papers, the framers did everything they could do dilute power. They put in checks and balances. The said the government is responsible for 18 things. That's it and the 10th Amendment says all powers not specified here in are reserved to the states and the people.
So, back in 1913 when we amended the Constitution to allow the direct election of the senate and removed them from being appointed by the states , we lost a crucial check on the growth and ridiculous power of what the Federal government has become. We need to repeal the 17th amendment in my opinion and restore this vital check of states rights and the sovereignty of each state against the will of the Federal government.
The problem with Trump is the problem with all the President's since I was born. The federal government is too damn big and the President honestly has too much influence in our daily lives. That's not how the Republic was supposed to be. The government that is closest to us is the government that is the best. It's the most responsive to both needs and yes, sometimes government can by tyrannical and local government often gets a swift kick in the ass when it oversteps it's roll. The federal government not so much.
So, you guys can argue and debate personality all you want but the core problem is the federal government is failing to do things it's charged with and doing things it's not charged to do per Article 1 Section 8 not good at all either.
You mention the department of education. Please good Marine, show me in Article 1 Section 8 of the 18 enumerated powers where the federal government has any responsibility with education? We have 50 State Department of Educations in this country. Here are some fun facts. We invented the telephone, electrical systems, the radio, TV, manned flight, the atomic bomb , cured polio, unlocked the mystery of DNA, sent a man to the moon, invented the computer, microwave oven, the VCR, heart by pass surgery , the automobile, the submarine , satellites, UCF and more , and did it all without the Federal Department of Education.
So, I ask everyone, why in the hell do we need the Federal Department of Education? The answer is we don't. The other answer is it is not in the damn Constitution giving the federal government the authority over it. The states and the local school boards have the sole authority per the 10th Amendment.
This is the core problem. We need freaking Jesus to be the President because honestly only God knows how ridiculous bloated and over reaching our federal government has become in the last 100 years. You, or we will never have a person who is good enough to be President over a bureaucracy that is growing and doing stuff badly.
The irony is the more folks want a socialist unconstitutional state, the more authoritarian the government becomes and the more powerful one person has over our lives. It's a place I don't want to live in.
I will say this though, I was 9 years old during our Bicentennial Celebration in 1976. I went to Philadelphia, visited all the history there and Valley Forge. I love my country. I think America is exceptional not because we are the best, we are exceptional because in terms of our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, we stood up and threw off the most powerful nation in the world. We stood up to tyranny and my family members who stood up in Pennsylvania militia in George Washingtons Army and said no more , built a nation where the oppressed did not become the new oppressors. In every world Revolution to date, the oppressed rise up only to become the new oppressors. Well, that didn't happen here in America. When Washington peacefully stepped aside from power and elected a new President , we became exceptional right then and there. I will not apologize for my love of my country, my love for the declaration of Independence or the Constitution. I want politicians to love it too. I want politicians to consider American citizens and tax payers first. I don't give a rats ass what France does or says about us because they don't impact me daily or even annually.
If Trump appeals to anything to me it's I think he truly loves this country. He is deeply flawed, as most of us are and while I think his style is grating and his personality is odd and for the longest time I thought he was an ass, I have watched over the past 3 years I find a guy who loves America and does want to put my interest as citizen and tax payer, business owner ahead of all other countries. He is our President and his obligation is the protect, defend and uphold the Constitution. That's it.
Again, thank you for serving the greatest nation on the earth.
You also stood a post for guys like Trump, Pelosi,Obama ,Clinton Bush and on and on. Much of what you wrote you could insert any politician in there. They all suck.
I see some folks on here when I pop in from time to time and it's the same stuff. Just it's a different day. The problem with our country is not Trump or Obama, it's this. 100 years ago we strayed from the Constitution.
founding fathers had no intention of the President being this king, all powerful person. If you look at , study, read things like the Federalist papers, the framers did everything they could do dilute power. They put in checks and balances. The said the government is responsible for 18 things. That's it and the 10th Amendment says all powers not specified here in are reserved to the states and the people.
So, back in 1913 when we amended the Constitution to allow the direct election of the senate and removed them from being appointed by the states , we lost a crucial check on the growth and ridiculous power of what the Federal government has become. We need to repeal the 17th amendment in my opinion and restore this vital check of states rights and the sovereignty of each state against the will of the Federal government.
The problem with Trump is the problem with all the President's since I was born. The federal government is too damn big and the President honestly has too much influence in our daily lives. That's not how the Republic was supposed to be. The government that is closest to us is the government that is the best. It's the most responsive to both needs and yes, sometimes government can by tyrannical and local government often gets a swift kick in the ass when it oversteps it's roll. The federal government not so much.
So, you guys can argue and debate personality all you want but the core problem is the federal government is failing to do things it's charged with and doing things it's not charged to do per Article 1 Section 8 not good at all either.
You mention the department of education. Please good Marine, show me in Article 1 Section 8 of the 18 enumerated powers where the federal government has any responsibility with education? We have 50 State Department of Educations in this country. Here are some fun facts. We invented the telephone, electrical systems, the radio, TV, manned flight, the atomic bomb , cured polio, unlocked the mystery of DNA, sent a man to the moon, invented the computer, microwave oven, the VCR, heart by pass surgery , the automobile, the submarine , satellites, UCF and more , and did it all without the Federal Department of Education.
So, I ask everyone, why in the hell do we need the Federal Department of Education? The answer is we don't. The other answer is it is not in the damn Constitution giving the federal government the authority over it. The states and the local school boards have the sole authority per the 10th Amendment.
This is the core problem. We need freaking Jesus to be the President because honestly only God knows how ridiculous bloated and over reaching our federal government has become in the last 100 years. You, or we will never have a person who is good enough to be President over a bureaucracy that is growing and doing stuff badly.
The irony is the more folks want a socialist unconstitutional state, the more authoritarian the government becomes and the more powerful one person has over our lives. It's a place I don't want to live in.
I will say this though, I was 9 years old during our Bicentennial Celebration in 1976. I went to Philadelphia, visited all the history there and Valley Forge. I love my country. I think America is exceptional not because we are the best, we are exceptional because in terms of our Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, we stood up and threw off the most powerful nation in the world. We stood up to tyranny and my family members who stood up in Pennsylvania militia in George Washingtons Army and said no more , built a nation where the oppressed did not become the new oppressors. In every world Revolution to date, the oppressed rise up only to become the new oppressors. Well, that didn't happen here in America. When Washington peacefully stepped aside from power and elected a new President , we became exceptional right then and there. I will not apologize for my love of my country, my love for the declaration of Independence or the Constitution. I want politicians to love it too. I want politicians to consider American citizens and tax payers first. I don't give a rats ass what France does or says about us because they don't impact me daily or even annually.
If Trump appeals to anything to me it's I think he truly loves this country. He is deeply flawed, as most of us are and while I think his style is grating and his personality is odd and for the longest time I thought he was an ass, I have watched over the past 3 years I find a guy who loves America and does want to put my interest as citizen and tax payer, business owner ahead of all other countries. He is our President and his obligation is the protect, defend and uphold the Constitution. That's it.
Again, thank you for serving the greatest nation on the earth.
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