DNC 2020 Message: America sucks

Trump's 2016 message: make America great again...implying it's not great. Lol 85 can't even understand that. Truly must be trolling.
I don't know why this post was bumped to make a point.

Just look at the lefties on this board - they bitch and whine about most everything about America. Everything. Cuomo is one of the biggest darling left wing Mayors in the entire country and a 2020 candidate and he felt the need to shit on America to appease the left wing base.

Arizona has a Democrat running who has basically shit on her state every which way possible when pandering to progressive groups.

It's not even remotely controversial to say that left wing groups, in 2018, need to say that America sucks in one way or another to mount a campaign. If everything is racist, oppressive, or offensive, then what is left about America to say is great? Or even good

As the famed mayor of NYC said, "America was never great"
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I don't know why this post was bumped to make a point.

Just look at the lefties on this board - they bitch and whine about most everything about America. Everything. Cuomo is one of the biggest darling left wing Mayors in the entire country and a 2020 candidate and he felt the need to shit on America to appease the left wing base.

Arizona has a Democrat running who has basically shit on her state every which way possible when pandering to progressive groups.

It's not even remotely controversial to say that left wing groups, in 2018, need to say that America sucks in one way or another to mount a campaign. If everything is racist, oppressive, or offensive, then what is left about America to say is great? Or even good

As the famed mayor of NYC said, "America was never great"
The Cuomo stuff really cracked me up. He is a guy that was born with a silver spoon, never had a real job, walks into the NY gov office because his last name and he says this country has never been great. Makes you wonder what would make a guy like that happy? This is what happens when people get shit without working for it.
Listen, one of the biggest things I absolutely hate about Trump is that 'winning' BS. It was old, and I told that to my relatives (who voted Trump) early on. It sounds like a 3rd grader. In reality, I would have hated JFK for the same reason, he spoke in similar cliches (although not as many as Trump). All while doing really stupid things (don't get me started on JFK either).

But he won because Democrats keep lambasting the US. Europe is far, far worse than the US, in how it approaches other countries, as well as their reliance on the Middle East for petroleum, Russia for natural gas, and the Chinese for core, technology infrastructure. And Europeans are arrogant about their role in the world.

It's good that we Americans question ourselves. But the Democrats take it to a whole new level of self-bashing. If you listen to the Democrats, China is pro-environmentalism, and the US is destroying the world. And Democrats say we should be like Europe, when Europe itself differs greatly! My 2 favorite European countries are the Czech Republic and Switzerland, and both are more capitalist than we are, in solving real problems!

And that's why Trump won most. Because when a party just completely bashes the average American over and over, it's easy to give into a guy that says "you're great, the US is great, and we're gonna win." It's amazing how the US media and Democrats basically turned Trump into a candidate ... from the barely 4% polling he was at before primaries started. That was worse than Gary Johnson (as a Republican) in 2012.
Sinema in AZ is already on record as saying that her state sucks and that she despises most people who live there.

Now they found video of her shitting all over stay at home mothers and calling them leeches. Apparently loving and raising a child is worthy of this woman’s disdain and hate.

All of these comments came while pandering to progressive groups.
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