Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

Lolz. I'll take that as admitting: "my guy (Robo Rubio) sucks"

I'm supporting a veteran entertainer who's a vote against the establishment full of wannabes who r nothing but monkey boy cucks. This establishment has laughed off every libertarian leaning candidate I've supported (Paul, Johnson, Paul again) If Trumps not the Republican nominee enjoy the GOP establishment winning then get losing... again, I'll be voting for Libertarian nominee.

Mr Libertarian supports a fascist. That's just fantastic.
Whatever cuck, support your establishment cuck who hasn't won shit & continue the delusion that "o if this guy quits & if this guy quits..." completely ignoring that the reason Trump is kicking ass is because these establishment cucks are out of touch w the people.
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Trump is a racist/sexist and I absolutely hate being a person that says that but it's true. With all the dumb shit he has said Hillary and the media will destroy him. Ban Muslims!!! Kick out american citizens cuz they're brown!!! Look at her face/Bimbo/etc. Sorry that's not the future of the GOP. The future needs to be fiscal conservatism and IDGAF about social issues so don't bother me with them.
At this point its an entertainment game. He's playing & dominating... As usual. Buncha low T in here, surprised establishments cuckbois don't do better w women.

If you idiots actually wanted to win you'd want the GOP to embrace him & start dealing to get ur bitchboy on the ticket & try reign him in. Can't beat him join him. But you're the same imbeciles that think toppling Sadaam was a great idea - maybe it was for the industrial military complex.
Trump is a racist/sexist and I absolutely hate being a person that says that but it's true. With all the dumb shit he has said Hillary and the media will destroy him. Ban Muslims!!! Kick out american citizens cuz they're brown!!! Look at her face/Bimbo/etc. Sorry that's not the future of the GOP. The future needs to be fiscal conservatism and IDGAF about social issues so don't bother me with them.

Nah it needs to abortion fetish, Bible thumping, Israel first military moves etc.
Abortion falls into that. The tax payers don't need to be supporting baby killers. Bible thumpers, meh, they'll always vote GOP, the Dems are awful human beings with all their hypocrisy, baby killing and religion demagoguing. It is a global economy, the US needs to protect its interests whether it's cheap oil or cheap money.

Guess what, when this giant turd of debt comes up we can say look at our military industry and 100 million gun owners,

Debt forgiven.
Trump is going to learn the meaning of schlonged when Hillary gets 90% of a Hispanic vote that may top 90% turnout. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hillary win Texas especially if Cruz's supporters stay home.
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The GOP really went hard in the paint the last two generals w 4 whitey mcwhiterson people, but now a canuckuban & failed robo senator were gonna get all the hispanics out in droves... yeah ok

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Trump is going to learn the meaning of schlonged when Hillary gets 90% of a Hispanic vote that may top 90% turnout. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hillary win Texas especially if Cruz's supporters stay home.
Trust me amnesty supporters would vote for a Democrat over a Republican amnesty any time. With Democrat amnesty you also get a lot of new state benefits to go with your citizenship. With a Republican amnesty, you may be a citizen but you still gotta pay your own way. It doesn't matter what Latino senator, the GOP runs he will never get the poor vote. Which, hint, day laborers are the poor vote. I don't know why you think the hispanic vote is going to be so energized over. They didn't come out in droves against Romney. In fact, Romney failed to excite his base. The post-mortem actually showed that Republican voters stayed home. Had they hit the ground, Obama's numbers were very vulnerable in terms of turn out.
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The GOP really went hard in the paint the last two generals w 4 whitey mcwhiterson people, but now a canuckuban & failed robo senator were gonna get all the hispanics out in droves... yeah ok

You seem to lack the mental capacity to understand that Romney had broad base appeal and should have done much better with independents than he did. People voting for others in 2012 could easily see themselves voting for Romney later on.

On the other hand, the majority of non-Trump supporters now will not support the shithead later on. He's not someone who can possibly appeal to conservatives, independents, center-right people, etc. He is appealing strictly to the mindless fringe that likes idiotic populist sayings without a shred of policy behind them.

Trumps unfavorable ratings amongst most of the Republican Party and independents is awful. He is truly despised by most people with a brain. And he surely is just going to say more stupid shit going forward, which is amazing considering how much idiotic conspiracy theory and madness he's already spewed.

You're supporting a man who invented a story about Muslims cheering on 9/11 in NJ, wants to ban all Muslims from the country, thinks Mexico will actually pay for a wall, is a pussy and won't face Megyn Kelly in a debate, has spent his entire life as a liberal, and called John McCain a loser for getting capture in Vietnam despite Trump himself being a draft dodging pussy.

Lolz. The professional entertainer/trashtalker has said crazy crap - it's really kept him down!

Keep on ignoring the Ws. This is even better than I thought. Enjoy the victory tonight.

Mid Marchish when you realize he can't be stumped you'll change your tune.
Nah I'm a first class Trump train ticket holder. I think it's hilarious how stupid the Republican party brass is, so I am loving the melt down.

I'll be back later w the Donald's endorsements, such people without a brain like Carl Icahn & Dana White and now he's getting advice from Rudy Guiliani also heard Mark Cuban speak fondly of him recently. Again these are just loonie nut jobbers like they say on Cux News & the cuckstream media.
I don't know who I like. They are virtually all the same except for their demeanor.

And I don't think many of you are giving Trump enough credit.
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Trump is going to learn the meaning of schlonged when Hillary gets 90% of a Hispanic vote that may top 90% turnout. I wouldn't be surprised to see Hillary win Texas especially if Cruz's supporters stay home.
yep Trump is currently at -50 favorability w Hispanics that have sizable populations in important swing states. Spanish language channel Univision gets higher primetime ratings than NBC and they've already been on a full steam anti-Trump campaign for at least 6 months.
I don't know who I like. They are virtually all the same except for their demeanor.

And I don't think many of you are giving Trump enough credit.
Total grief stages.

Don't you have some Hispanics in your family? What's their opinion of the Donald?

I know what cuck media narrative is - which the last nails of the coffin will be taken care of after he defeats Cruzman Sachs & Robo Rubio in their home states soon enough.
yep Trump is currently at -50 favorability w Hispanics that have sizable populations in important swing states. Spanish language channel Univision gets higher primetime ratings than NBC and they've already been on a full steam anti-Trump campaign for at least 6 months.
You need to figure this out. The more the news networks go after a Trump, the more support he gets. The thing none of you guys want to admit is, Trump is the only republican candidate that can get 20% of the democrat vote.

Demographics have changed and a conservative republican will not get elected anymore.
this primary has gone off the deep end. You have conservative blogs calling Rubio a liberal when he's way right of Romney or McCain yet are propping up Trump who everyday contradicts himself on what his policy is
Total grief stages.

Don't you have some Hispanics in your family? What's their opinion of the Donald?

I know what cuck media narrative is - which the last nails of the coffin will be taken care of after he defeats Cruzman Sachs & Robo Rubio in their home states soon enough.

Yup. I married a Cuban, which means when I married her, I married half of that God forsaken hellhole of Miami. I really haven't had a conversation with them about what they think of Trump. I need to ask them next time I see them - I'm not positive but I think they are kinda tired of the establishment Rhinos that the party keeps shoving down our throat. I don't know if they'd be a representative sample though. They are both educated and worked their way legally into citizenship. They would have no problem deporting every illegal out there. They were hard working professionals and therefore are ultra conservative, who donate to the Republican party. Their whole social group consisted of engineers, lawyers, dentists, MDs,... I even spoke with Mel Martinez on a couple of occasions at some social gatherings before he was elected to office (after office, he was ostracized from the group because of the sleezy crap he pulled).

As far as my wife is concerned, she always asks me who to vote for.
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You need to figure this out. The more the news networks go after a Trump, the more support he gets. The thing none of you guys want to admit is, Trump is the only republican candidate that can get 20% of the democrat vote.

Demographics have changed and a conservative republican will not get elected anymore.
I remember you being completely wrong on your 2012 predictions, the pattern continues
Being able to choose our nominee is a clown show?
Your top 3 choices are a racist goon, a guy who thinks god anointed him to be President, and a bigger robot than Obama.
Republicans are really putting their best foot forward for this election.
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Your top 3 choices are a racist goon, a guy who thinks god anointed him to be President, and a bigger robot than Obama.
Republicans are really putting their best foot forward for this election.
Whereas the Dem choices are a socialist and a Federal indictment waiting to happen. This whole election cycle sucks.
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Your top 3 choices are a racist goon, a guy who thinks god anointed him to be President, and a bigger robot than Obama.
Republicans are really putting their best foot forward for this election.

And you're going to vote for the most despicable, unlikeable candidate in history who by all accounts should be in prison right now.

I personally like all the Republican candidates. It's like Christmas with all good gifts vice the lumps of coal we've had to choose from these past few election cycles. I feel badly for the Dems with the coal they're stuck with.
I remember you being completely wrong on your 2012 predictions, the pattern continues
That is why I believe I am right now. I underestimated the stupidity out in the Country and this president has done nothing but prove me right over the past four years. That being said, what we learned in 2012 is no matter how bad a democrat is, if the republican party nominates someone that can't get democratic votes, they won't win. Cruz and Rubio stand no chance of getting democratic votes, only Trump can.
But but he's a big meanie doo doo head racist!!!!!

That's a pretty small sample and not really surprising to me. They were provided no good options. Maybe Hispanics (Cruz & Rubio) wanting to deport other Hispanics is seen as being worse than Trump wanting to do so. Maybe you can't lump all Hispanics together and think Mexicans are giddy over a Cuban-American or Cuban-Canadian-American president.
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