Election Chaos Thread

Exactly. Trump is a chaos and divisive person whose behavior is unacceptable for public office. If it were Jeb vs Biden, I would be voting for Jeb.

I know it's overplayed, but I can't help but associate Trump with the Alexander Hamilton quote that concludes with "It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ride the storm and direct the whirlwind."
When Trump loses he will not accept it and this will resonate to his dumb chud legion. They will feel called to act to save America and there will be violence on the street level but likely assassination attempts on liberal politicians just like when they were falsely worked up over Obama being a muslim and Gabby Giffords was shot, except it will be times 10.

This will happen even if the election is a landslide. To them ANY mail in ballots are illegitimate. They believe in the deep state. They believe in pizzagate. They believe in Qanon. They believe whatever they need to because they are insane. They are the flat earthers and moon landing deniers so of course it's not difficult for them to believe an election was stolen if Trump says so, especially if it reinforces their existing belief system of massive conspiracy.

If Trump wins there will be riots and calls against voter suppression and stories of mail in ballots not arriving and all sorts of shit. It's almost impossible for Trump to win the popular vote so that will gain steam and to liberals, Trump will be an illegitimate president chosen by the minority.

I believe this will be horrific and, to my knowledge, the first time we don't have a peaceful transition of power in American history.
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Are mail-in ballots that require a stamp unconstitutional? If a person has to pay 50 cents to vote, isnt that technically a poll tax?
Deep down, in places we don't talk about at parties, we know this to be true.
I wish like hell you were dead wrong -- but my gut tells me you're not.
How can the transition not be peaceful? And define peaceful. Its not like the president or president elect is going to command the military to stop it or move it forward. If all we are talking about is lawsuits, bfd. If we are talking secession of states, that won't happen for several months after inauguration.
When Trump loses he will not accept it and this will resonate to his dumb chud legion. They will feel called to act to save America and there will be violence on the street level but likely assassination attempts on liberal politicians just like when they were falsely worked up over Obama being a muslim and Gabby Giffords was shot, except it will be times 10.

This will happen even if the election is a landslide. To them ANY mail in ballots are illegitimate. They believe in the deep state. They believe in pizzagate. They believe in Qanon. They believe whatever they need to because they are insane. They are the flat earthers and moon landing deniers so of course it's not difficult for them to believe an election was stolen if Trump says so, especially if it reinforces their existing belief system of massive conspiracy.

If Trump wins there will be riots and calls against voter suppression and stories of mail in ballots not arriving and all sorts of shit. It's almost impossible for Trump to win the popular vote so that will gain steam and to liberals, Trump will be an illegitimate president chosen by the minority.

I believe this will be horrific and, to my knowledge, the first time we don't have a peaceful transition of power in American history.

2 years ago I'd call you a fearmongering nut

After reading this board and realizing just how goddamn stupid 47% of the population is, and how incredibly divisive Trump is being stirring up the pot, there might actually be a non zero possibility you are correct.
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Can we just start with this from the tweet in the OP? Do we think Trump cares about or believes this to be true? If someone doesn't follow this then they are either unfit to lead or they actually truly believe what they're saying.

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Can we just start with this from the tweet in the OP? Do we think Trump cares about or believes this to be true? If someone doesn't follow this then they are either unfit to lead or they actually truly believe what they're saying.

I think its obvious that he believes that its true.
When Trump loses he will not accept it and this will resonate to his dumb chud legion. They will feel called to act to save America and there will be violence on the street level but likely assassination attempts on liberal politicians just like when they were falsely worked up over Obama being a muslim and Gabby Giffords was shot, except it will be times 10.

This will happen even if the election is a landslide. To them ANY mail in ballots are illegitimate. They believe in the deep state. They believe in pizzagate. They believe in Qanon. They believe whatever they need to because they are insane. They are the flat earthers and moon landing deniers so of course it's not difficult for them to believe an election was stolen if Trump says so, especially if it reinforces their existing belief system of massive conspiracy.

If Trump wins there will be riots and calls against voter suppression and stories of mail in ballots not arriving and all sorts of shit. It's almost impossible for Trump to win the popular vote so that will gain steam and to liberals, Trump will be an illegitimate president chosen by the minority.

I believe this will be horrific and, to my knowledge, the first time we don't have a peaceful transition of power in American history.
I'm loading up on ammo. Gotta be a lot of shooting going on.
2 years ago I'd call you a fearmongering nut

After reading this board and realizing just how goddamn stupid 47% of the population is, and how incredibly divisive Trump is being stirring up the pot, there might actually be a non zero possibility you are correct.
There is going to be war. You'll either have to defend yourself against the angry red hats or remove the usurper. There is no other option.
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Let's say Trump wins and then the vote is verified and he still wins. What response from the left is reasonable? What response would you support? Are riots appropriate? How about secession of states like California?
Let's say Trump wins and then the vote is verified and he still wins. What response from the left is reasonable? What response would you support? Are riots appropriate? How about secession of states like California?
He wouldn't have won the popular vote. Instead of being humble like W., Trump would be a complete asshat and antagonize the left. The left would response foolishly and then Trump will say "look aren't you glad that you didn't vote for that?"
He wouldn't have won the popular vote. Instead of being humble like W., Trump would be a complete asshat and antagonize the left. The left would response foolishly and then Trump will say "look aren't you glad that you didn't vote for that?"
What if he did win the popular vote?
What if he did win the popular vote?
There is less than a 2% chance of that happening. The only way that we avoid a war is someone wins both the popular vote and electoral vote ON election night.
So lets say Trump gets something crazy like 380 EC votes but loses the popular vote. Still riots, or does the left accept the results?
I don't think that's possible but it would likely mean that Trump overwhelming lost NY and CA. I could see them leaving.

The chaos has already begun. These are unconstitutional rulings based on article 2 of the constitution which gives the power of how electors are chosen specifically to the state legislatures.

"Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector."

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out in federal court

The chaos has already begun. These are unconstitutional rulings based on article 2 of the constitution which gives the power of how electors are chosen specifically to the state legislatures.

"Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector."

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out in federal court
My question is why CNN thinks that extending the deadline for the receipt of votes is a "big win" for Biden. Why would they have any reason at all to think that there would be a party bias to votes just because they've been delayed in the mail? Do they know something that they aren't sharing?
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My question is why CNN thinks that extending the deadline for the receipt of votes is a "big win" for Biden. Why would they have any reason at all to think that there would be a party bias to votes just because they've been delayed in the mail? Do they know something that they aren't sharing?
They are feeding the narrative. The hopes of a Biden win are based on mail-in ballots just like the scenario Boosted laid out in the OP. They know that Trump will win on election night so they want to give the left hope that things might change. State officials are going to be put in a really bad situation with having to decide when to certify their vote. The left will be like "we could have won if (x) official had waited a few more days.
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My question is why CNN thinks that extending the deadline for the receipt of votes is a "big win" for Biden. Why would they have any reason at all to think that there would be a party bias to votes just because they've been delayed in the mail? Do they know something that they aren't sharing?
Increased voter turnout has always been something democrats have pushed. Whether or not it truly benefits them is up for debate, but they think it does.
My question is why CNN thinks that extending the deadline for the receipt of votes is a "big win" for Biden. Why would they have any reason at all to think that there would be a party bias to votes just because they've been delayed in the mail? Do they know something that they aren't sharing?

High turnout almost always favors Democrats. There are more Democrats in this country, they often dont vote at the same clips as Republicans.
He wouldn't have won the popular vote. Instead of being humble like W., Trump would be a complete asshat and antagonize the left. The left would response foolishly and then Trump will say "look aren't you glad that you didn't vote for that?"
As he should. Lets not forget obama spied on his campaign and worked with other media agents to derail his presidency for 4 years. Time to replace RBG and shutdown the mail fraud voters and lock this thing ul against your dementia candidate
They are feeding the narrative. The hopes of a Biden win are based on mail-in ballots just like the scenario Boosted laid out in the OP. They know that Trump will win on election night so they want to give the left hope that things might change. State officials are going to be put in a really bad situation with having to decide when to certify their vote. The left will be like "we could have won if (x) official had waited a few more days.
Bingo. You will find 10 trump signs for every biden sign and thats of the voters willing to out themselves in the era of a woke mob. Economy is booming, joe biden cant string together a sentence, and trump will win bigly and send the shook chicken into hiding
My question is why CNN thinks that extending the deadline for the receipt of votes is a "big win" for Biden. Why would they have any reason at all to think that there would be a party bias to votes just because they've been delayed in the mail? Do they know something that they aren't sharing?

Because Biden is going to get a much larger share of the mail in vote - according to public polling at least. Thus any shift that makes mail-in votes more likely to get counted benefits him, and any shift making them less likely to be counted benefits Trump.

Per polling data in 538 article linked below (polling data was mid August I think)
  • 11% of Trump voters said they intend to vote by mail
  • 47% of Biden voters said they intend to vote by mail
Assuming a 50/50 split national vote, that would lead to ~80% of mail in ballots going to Biden.
Because Biden is going to get a much larger share of the mail in vote - according to public polling at least. Thus any shift that makes mail-in votes more likely to get counted benefits him, and any shift making them less likely to be counted benefits Trump.

Per polling data in 538 article linked below (polling data was mid August I think)
  • 11% of Trump voters said they intend to vote by mail
  • 47% of Biden voters said they intend to vote by mail
Assuming a 50/50 split national vote, that would lead to ~80% of mail in ballots going to Biden.
Please tell me what would drive the difference in vote-by-mail numbers to that degree of variance?

Especially if we’re saying that the Trump base is more rural and thus more distant from polling places and the Democrat base is more urban and thus much closer to in-person polling places.
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Please tell me what would drive the difference in vote-by-mail numbers to that degree of variance?

Especially if we’re saying that the Trump base is more rural and thus more distant from polling places and the Democrat base is more urban and thus much closer to in-person polling places.

Two factors: (1) Trump telling his base that mail in voting is "the greatest scam in the history of politics." And (2) Republicans less concerned about COVID generally than Democrats (look at the maskless MAGA crowds at Trump's rallies).

Trump has spent the last several months telling his base how bad mail in voting his.

"I do sense the skepticism among a lot of Republican voters about the mail-in balloting thing," said Rohn Bishop, the GOP county chairman in Fond du Lac, north of Milwaukee. "They don't trust it, and one of the reasons they don't trust it is the president's previous tweets and comments about it."
At the same time, Democrats have been the ones championing expanded mail in voting as an alternative to in-person polling during a pandemic, so their base was on board with the idea of voting by mail.

I agree the spread in the polling data I cited seems extreme, and with all the dust-up over the post office, and the adaptation to the "new normal" of going out in masks and distancing, I think far fewer Democrats are going to end up voting by mail vs the summer poll numbers.

Regardless, as long as Trump keeps hammering against vote-by-mail, his supporters are less likely to vote that way versus Biden's, hence some disparity (whatever the magnitude actually is).
Please tell me what would drive the difference in vote-by-mail numbers to that degree of variance?

Especially if we’re saying that the Trump base is more rural and thus more distant from polling places and the Democrat base is more urban and thus much closer to in-person polling places.

Forgot to link this article in my earlier reply.
Please tell me what would drive the difference in vote-by-mail numbers to that degree of variance?

Especially if we’re saying that the Trump base is more rural and thus more distant from polling places and the Democrat base is more urban and thus much closer to in-person polling places.

Urban places also typically have longer lines, so it isnt just about distance from a polling place, But like Boosted said, Trump has been claiming voting by mail is fraudulent for months now, so it would make sense his supporters are less likely to vote by mail when the guy they are voting for is against it. But it is also just the idea that higher turnout, typically benefits Democrats, and mail in voting will likely increase turnout.
Urban places also typically have longer lines, so it isnt just about distance from a polling place, But like Boosted said, Trump has been claiming voting by mail is fraudulent for months now, so it would make sense his supporters are less likely to vote by mail when the guy they are voting for is against it. But it is also just the idea that higher turnout, typically benefits Democrats, and mail in voting will likely increase turnout.
I'm fine with the mail-in voting as long as they are are postmarked by the 4th and verified and counted by the following Saturday. For those who want, they can avoid the lines and get their mail-in ballot and drop it off in person on the 3rd. There should be no in-person drop box ballots accepted after the 3rd just like there is no in-person voting allowed.
I'm fine with the mail-in voting as long as they are are postmarked by the 4th and verified and counted by the following Saturday. For those who want, they can avoid the lines and get their mail-in ballot and drop it off in person on the 3rd. There should be no in-person drop box ballots accepted after the 3rd just like there is no in-person voting allowed.
I'm not sure who is calling for people to be able to vote after the election is over.
I'm not sure who is calling for people to be able to vote after the election is over.
The Pennsylvania courts said that mail-in ballots can be dropped off in person and counted by that Friday.
The Pennsylvania courts said that mail-in ballots can be dropped off in person and counted by that Friday.

Did I miss something? I saw that ballots postmarked by election day and received by 3 days after have to count. Nothing about allowing people to cast a vote after election day.
Common sense that people who don’t want to unnecessarily wait at crowded polling centers during a pandemic and who don’t think that mail in voting is “the greatest scam” are going to lean towards Biden.
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Did I miss something? I saw that ballots postmarked by election day and received by 3 days after have to count. Nothing about allowing people to cast a vote after election day.

"The court extended the deadline for accepting mail ballots, will allow voters to submit their ballots through drop boxes, and removed the Green Party's candidate for president from the ballot."

So we will have the media reporting results for a full 3 days before people can cast ballots in person without a postmark