No, he was the worst for a lot of groups. Women. Muslims. Hispanics. No one has been this bad. Look at Ted Cruz, he's probably second worst and I'm sure he respects and loves his wife. He wouldn't go out of his way to help Hispanics speciffically but he wasn't vilifying them either.
He has not been “the worst” for any of those groups. The rest is you buying the demagoguery that has been out there.
He argued for controlled immigration and noted that there are a lot of criminals coming in with the good on the southern border and you scream racism. Why can’t we separate the criminals from the good immigrants? Aside from that, can we differentiate Hispanic American citizens from illegal aliens and not just lump them all together for political expediency? It’s not fair to them or the rest of us either.
He argued for restriction of immigration from countries that had no way to screen their people in their country of origin, and you scream anti-Muslim. Yes, they were all Muslim majority countries, but there are also groups in those countries that have sworn to use lax immigration to kill our citizens. And we do rely on those endpoints as part of our security and immigration systems.
You took a 20-year-old video of guy’s banter and parlayed it into Trump having a war on women. Against the prevalence of women in all of his businesses and campaign. Meanwhile you backed Clinton, who actively attacked her husband’s accusers and had a pretty damn big wage gap in her own campaign and her State department.
Meanwhile, there have been a lot of gains during the year+ in the sectors that benefit Hispanic workers. Have there been marked losses in wages or rights, other than abortion, for women? Or is it that abortion rights are now conflated with women’s health because the latter term is more impacting?
Did I choose to view Trump in a favorable light for all of that? Yep. Am I wholly in-the-bag for Trump? Hell no. But there is an entire 5th estate that constantly takes the negative for their views and analysis and that is getting very old. Especially when it plays out so frequently against American citizens that follow the rules and for people who are acting criminally to subvert our immigration, employment, and speech laws.