Better.Women are crazy, not retarded. Crazy and smart and fight dirty as hell. Basically demons walking the earth. And yet beautiful and amazing as well.
My only complaint with women isn't so much women, but the American legal system. There are advantages to being a woman, legally. Of course, there are negatives in American society overall to being a woman.
And I will fully admit transgender women get it the worst, by far.
But utterly refusing to accept classifications like we do weight, muscle density and other aspects in so many sports, and saying that 'segments' or otherwise 'discriminates' them ... is not going to build many allies.
It's the NCAA rules, for now. And any other sports federations that refuse to treat transgender women as women, 1:1, will result in anti-scientific statements like @DaShuckster, and called 'transphobic.'
I'm not arguing against the fact that there are not 'transphobic' conservatives out there. There are, very much so! But science is science, and redefining science with politics, and labeling anyone who disagrees as 'transphobic,' is a continued lie everyone is tired of.
Especially feminists. We all agree transgender women should be allowed to compete with women. But there are strong arguments those who only recently converted need to be classified differently when it comes to records.
It's going to happen sooner or later, whether people like it or not. Why? Actual science. It doesn't matter what @DaShuckster wants to 'blindly believe' with his 'Church of Progressivism,' it's still not true, and easily disproven.