Fan Support needs to step up next season

This happened as I was leaving my job this evening:

Coworker: hey man, are you going to the bowl game?
ME: yeah! I bought 8 tix through UCF, I hope I don't get screwed with the seats.
CW: I'm not gonna go. To be honest, I'm not excited about Arkansas State
ME: I see

There's a huge problem right there. Big time programs fans go see THEIR team play. They fill stadiums regardless of opponent or winning record. It seems to me that the culture at UCF is fans show up depending on who we're playing against and not to see THEIR team play. Add an average winning record and the fans stay home. Thoughts?
also this Bowl is not even 1 year old, most College Football fans in Florida have no idea it exists
True. Fortunately for us, bowl game sales meant for "college football fans" (whatever the heck those are). They are sold mostly to school alums of the two teams and fans of the two teams playing. Channel flippers will watch the game, but college sports attendance is funded by people who's identity is associated with their team and who enjoy associating with their fans before and during their games. Doubly so for bowl games.