Fighting for the Soul of the GOP


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
I’m a Republican and voted for Trump twice. Elections aren’t ever foolproof or perfect, but Trump lost by too much to say it was rigged. Stop embarrassing Republicans and making this look like a cult following. The mail in votes killed him.
Of course it did. Any sane, rational Republican knows that.

And guess what? Once upon a time, most Republicans:
  • Believed in conserving our natural resources.
  • Believed in the life-saving nature of modern vaccines.
  • Would have considered themselves Democracy's strongest advocates.
  • Were anti-Soviet Union and anti-Russia
  • Believed in Science.
  • Believed in working across the aisle to pass important legislation.
  • Put together an actual policy platform to share with voters prior to a Presidential election.
  • Accepted the outcome of elections. (Just imagine the 2000 POTUS election with today's cast of characters IN REVERSE.)
  • Were fiscally-conservative and actually cared about the national debt.
  • And guess what? You could be a Republican and defend a woman's right to choose. Imagine that!
So what has happened to the Grand Ol' Party? Why are many Republicans (and former Republicans) shaking their heads in disbelief with where the party is now. Why are they being blasted as "evil libs" by the MAGA Crowd? To me, the most dangerous political trend I've seen in my lifetime has been the way the batsh*t crazy MAGA crowd had usurped the party from responsible Conservatives.

If true conservative leaders like Liz Cheney don't turn the party away from the spineless cowards who continue to play along with all the idiots out there, this country will eventually be screwed because the nature of American politics is to ying and yang between the two parties. Once upon a time, regardless of your party affiliation, you could trust that our elected leaders would keep this country on an even keel. But now? Holy sh*t, its scary as hell to even imagine the MAGA Crowd back in power!!!
When Republican candidates for elective office have to pause before answering a simple question about whether the 2020 election was 'stolen,' you know we're in Crazytown.

I've heard two types of responses: Type 1 - The Double-Down: "Hell, yeah, I believe the election was stolen!" or Type 2 - The Non-Answer: "I accept the fact that Joe Biden is our President."

:) :) :)
Prior to trump I was a lifelong (R) voting Republican. The answer to your question is easy:

Learn to pronounce
a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
"the cult of St. Olaf"

a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing
Biden Inspires his base and triess to deliver for it. Mitch McConnell conspires against his base and lies about it.

Part of me says Trump ain't running . Part of me says Desantis will and if he does he is likely to become President. It's fun to debate personality as personally is often weak and flawed .

Our country is facing critical issues from energy , inflation , the border with millions upon millions crossing who are largely functionally illiterate and in need of prolonged government assistance. You can't have a welfare state coupled with open borders . It will bankrupt the system . Y'all on the left may think this current monetary policy will work of simply passing trillions upon trillions and printing more money ,but history proves this notion just foolish just look at Germany in the late 20s and early 30s with hyper inflation or better yet Venezuela in the last 10 -15 years with their failed system mired in hyper inflation.

Right or wrong the party in charge gets blamed here for the economic success or misery.

The push for EVs by the government will fail I predict . I still drive a 2008 Toyota Tundra one because it ain't broke, two I need it for work and *three I can't afford a Tesla. Then again I need a truck . My point is many Americans can't afford the green vision put forth and the green vision put forth is so flawed . We truly need nuclear power to achieve a cleaner coal free power system, not solar or wind or ridiculous environmentally destructive lithium batteries . If the Democrats were serious and not hypocrites on green energy they would embrace nuclear . They aren't serious and won't. Point source energy produces significantly more carbon dioxide than cars. We should tackle the big stuff and seriously acknowledge the flaws and limits to solar and wind.

So, come 2024 I predict Republicans could run Trump again because the country is sad shape now and add two more years of the current policies Americans won't care about the personality. What they will care about are ideas and solutions to the economic and energy crisis we are racing towards .
So, come 2024 I predict Republicans could run Trump again because the country is sad shape now and add two more years of the current policies Americans won't care about the personality. What they will care about are ideas and solutions to the economic and energy crisis we are racing towards .
Ideas and solutions to the economic and energy crisis we are racing towards..... from the MAGA Crowd??!? You've got to be kidding.
  • Haha
Reactions: NinjaKnight
DaShuckster is a Nazi according to Merriam-Webster.

Na·zi | \ ˈnät-sē: a harshly domineering, dictatorial, or intolerant person
DaShuckster is a Nazi according to Merriam-Webster. Na·zi | \ ˈnät-sē: a harshly domineering, dictatorial, or intolerant person
It's true that I have a "Nazi-like" intolerance level for idiots like Jedi.Knight and his batsh*t crazy ilk.

But being your classic 'middle-of-the-road' guy, I'm kind of open to all fresh ideas for improving the US of A, whoever the hell happens to embrace them.

It's crazy to me that good folks of all political persuations can't see that our country has survived for two and a half centuries because we debated, fought, influenced, arm-twisted, and eventually compromised our way through the various challenges facing our country.

It speaks to the power of marketing. If you tell somebody something often enough, they'll eventually believe it. In my opinion, when the FCC killed the Fairness Doctrine Act back in 1987, it paved the way for the eventual destruction of the United States -- from within.
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It's true that I have a "Nazi-like" intolerance level for idiots like Jedi.Knight and his batsh*t crazy ilk.

But being your classic 'middle-of-the-road' guy, I'm kind of open to all fresh ideas for improving the US of A, whoever the hell happens to embrace them.

It's crazy to me that good folks of all political persuations can't see that our country has survived for two and a half centuries because we debated, fought, influenced, arm-twisted, and eventually compromised our way through the various challenges facing our country.

It speaks to the power of marketing. If you tell somebody something often enough, they'll eventually believe it. In my opinion, when the FCC killed the Fairness Doctrine Act back in 1987, it paved the way for the eventual destruction of the United States -- from within.
This ass clown definitely is not a "middle of the road guy." Go back and look at his posts only to discover he's the poster boy for liberalism being a mental disorder. He's intolerant, smug, and holier-than-thou. Preaching tolerance while representing the very opposite.

Go do what you do best,head and slob the knob.
This ass clown definitely is not a "middle of the road guy." Go back and look at his posts only to discover he's the poster boy for liberalism being a mental disorder. He's intolerant, smug, and holier-than-thou. Preaching tolerance while representing the very opposite.
Says the wacko "the last election was stolen" toadie troll. Watch the Jan. 6th hearings tomorrow afternoon. You might learn something.
My point with this thread is to bemoan the fact that Conservatives are adrift now -- they've lost their party.

I won't deny that when it comes to most social issues, I tend to be "one of those libs" but it's based on the fact that I feel people should be able to live their lives as they see fit as long as they're not hurting anybody.

But I've always been a fiscal conservative who was railing about the dangers of our growing federal deficit long before Bush borrowed a couple trillion for our Mideastern wars, before Bush and Obama bailed out the banks 'too big to fail,' before Trump gave away a couple trillion to his billionaire buddies, and Biden gave away a few more trillion to folks struggling because of COVID's impact on the economy.

Our country has been a near-constant ying-yank tug-of-war between progressives and conservatives. I believe that's been one of the secrets to our country's longevity. But now, the 'yang' had been replaced by the Crazy MAGA crowd.

Unless conservatives like Liz Cheney can wrestle her party back to sanity, the ying-yang nature of our politics is destined to put our democracy in danger.
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On Patriot Radio on Sirus the Friday before the midterms, one of their hosts was boasting on air about the coming 'Red Tidal Wave' that was going to be sweeping America. He chuckled that all the libs were going to react like 'The Sky was Falling' and he was going to enjoy listening to them whine.

So, I was curious how this radio guy was going to respond to the actual results and -- surprise, surprise -- he apparently had more important 'cultural' issues (i.e. the LBGTQ 'agenda') to talk about on his radio show instead.