First Zika Baby Now A U.S. Citizen


Bronze Knight
Apr 21, 2008
.... and guess who gets to foot the bill?

First of all, it's unfortunate to see a small child come into this world with a serious disadvantage and anyone with an ounce of heart feels sympathy for the little tyke.

That being said, it's crazy how the mother, who would have required months of visa applications just to get here all of a sudden gets shipped in under the radar because her aunt works in administration for the New Jersey hospital she was admitted into.

Plus, it was made aware that zika was suspected in the pregnancy, which would have made it even harder to get a medical waiver to fly on a commercial jet. After all is said and done, the American taxpayers will be funding this child for the rest of her life and the mother -- an illegal immigrant -- will sit around and collect Social Security checks and receive more per month than our elderly vets that fought in Korea and Vietnam.

And people wonder why more and more Americans are starting to embrace Donald J. Trump.
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I wonder how long the Zika virus has been in Hawaii.
That might explain one low-IQ politician who has caused the nation much harm.
I wonder how long the Zika virus has been in Hawaii.
That might explain one low-IQ politician who has caused the nation much harm.

Hawaii??? Don't you mean Kenya?

You know Putin's just sitting on top of that classified file, just waiting for the right time.
If Cruz didn't have a problem from being born in Canada, Obama should be ok too.
If Cruz didn't have a problem from being born in Canada, Obama should be ok too.

The difference is that Obama's mother (and consequently him as well) would have had to renounce citizenship when they moved to Indonesia, and there is no record on file of citizenship being reinstated.
Is Donald Trump going to get rid of jus soli citizenship?
I'm confident in my support of Donald Trump. The KKK really helped me out in making that decision. Their candidate is my candidate is our candidate.
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The difference is that Obama's mother (and consequently him as well) would have had to renounce citizenship when they moved to Indonesia, and there is no record on file of citizenship being reinstated.

which is the reason for not letting college records out. He got in as a foreign exchange student. He himself said he didn't do well in high school. No way he gets in as an American.
Is Donald Trump going to get rid of jus soli citizenship?

I certainly hope that, at the very least, he calls for a re-examination of the 14th Amendment, which guarantees birthright citizenship. As a post-Civil War "Reconstruction Amendment", it was written to safeguard the freedoms of former slaves and basically struck down the 3/5 compromise as well as Dred Scott vs. Sanford (both cases essentially saying that black Americans were "property" and not afforded the protections of the Constitution).

Now, the 14th Amendment is just being misused to "fundamentally change America" into a Third World craphole.
14th fundamentally changing the US? Ok. There were already rules broken here, so maybe address those instead of destroying jus soli and the 14th amendment.

It's already at the discretion of border control officers to deny entry to pregnant visitors (or anyone they please). Just direct officers to enforce that more. I understand there has been an issue with Chinese visitors doing this and there have been crackdowns over the practice.
14th fundamentally changing the US? Ok. There were already rules broken here, so maybe address those instead of destroying jus soli and the 14th amendment.

I never said the 14th amendment itself was "fundamentally transforming America." Rather, the 14th Amendment is one of the tools that Obama is using to "fundamentally transform America" (those are his exact words used when campaigning in 2008).

The 14th Amendment is now a worthless Amendment when weighed against its original intent; almost as useless as the original Prohibition amendment.

It's already at the discretion of border control officers to deny entry to pregnant visitors (or anyone they please). Just direct officers to enforce that more. I understand there has been an issue with Chinese visitors doing this and there have been crackdowns over the practice.

Border agents have complained constantly over the last 7 years about how this administration has given a 'stand down' order to ICE. You say to "direct officers to enforce" the laws, but that's the thing; border agents are being directed to NOT ENFORCE the laws and look the other way by the current administration. Also, the current administration has changed the status of Mexican and Central Americans to 'refugee' in order to make it harder to deny them entry and keep them here.

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