Game Thread

Malzahn would be a great Navy coach but instead of the triple option, he’d stick to his 4 running plays.

Does he have a true passing scheme at all? Besides the wheel route, it’s always a deep sideline jump ball!?

I understand now why he can’t recruit a top tier QB, what I dont understand is how he gets TE’s and WR’s to come here?

I’d love to see our passing scheme to look like Colorado’s. Quick receivers in space. Combine that with our RB room and we would be top tier.
Said exact same thing today. His ability to recruit is incredible based on what he actually does during a game. It blows my mind.

There’s just no excuse to not have a dynamic passing game. None. It’s never a talent issue. It’s coaching and stubbornness.
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WOW! He really said that? Dam good thing we have two scrimmages to start the season. I guess the days of playing big boy college football against another varsity team is gone. Unless you are say someone like Clemson playing Georgia right out of the gate...wait, maybe their game plan will be vanilla too. Will have to watch Saturday to find out.
Good grief!
Jefferson’s post game was not real reassuring either. He thought he played well after the 1st He played 45 minutes of bad ball
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I know many are focused on our offense and understandably so. However, I would not get overly confident about our overall defense just yet. While the Dline and DBs generally looked good, we seemed quite vulnerable to underneath passes of 7-10 yards which can lead to easy first downs if not corrected.

Furthermore, I only saw one LB consistently around the ball and that was DeShawn Pace. Ethan Barr seemed 2 steps to slow almost all night. I hope I'm wrong but I am not at all impressed by his play so far. We need at least 2 LBs who can consistently get to the ball and disrupt/make plays. So far I've only seen one.
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I haven’t been on here in quite a while. I’ll just pile on what’s probably already been said 100 times already.

KJ’s performance was abysmal and there is no excuse for a 6th year guy coming in as a hired gun to not make an immediate impact.

in the current environment too many head coaches are rolling with so-called “proven” resumes rather than starting a younger kid because they are afraid to toss away a season and then the kid leaves. We probably have done that (looks like FSU is probably going to join this club as well).

No reason we shouldn’t have been doing more things like just running go routes and let our talent beat their talent. That’s not giving any wrinkles away. My expectations were not 400 yds passing. My expectation in KJ this game was showing confidence in running the offense and making good reads/throws (regardless of the result). New Hampshire is a team we could have made a lot of mistakes against and still won big. The QB showed nothing. The WRs showed nothing.

It’s week one and this performance has me thinking .500 at best right now. Preseason I was leaning 9-3. They can change my mind by what I see with my own eyes.
I haven’t been on here in quite a while. I’ll just pile on what’s probably already been said 100 times already.

KJ’s performance was abysmal and there is no excuse for a 6th year guy coming in as a hired gun to not make an immediate impact.

in the current environment too many head coaches are rolling with so-called “proven” resumes rather than starting a younger kid because they are afraid to toss away a season and then the kid leaves. We probably have done that (looks like FSU is probably going to join this club as well).

No reason we shouldn’t have been doing more things like just running go routes and let our talent beat their talent. That’s not giving any wrinkles away. My expectations were not 400 yds passing. My expectation in KJ this game was showing confidence in running the offense and making good reads/throws (regardless of the result). New Hampshire is a team we could have made a lot of mistakes against and still won big. The QB showed nothing. The WRs showed nothing.

It’s week one and this performance has me thinking .500 at best right now. Preseason I was leaning 9-3. They can change my mind by what I see with my own eyes.
I thought the QB play was poor in the first quarter and only slightly improved second quarter. The third quarter was a different story, the QB play met my expectations. As far as fourth quarter play, the backup has potential. I want to see how he performs going forward. As a fifth year hired gun, I expected the QB to not have some of the issues we saw.

I thought the defense looked better than last year. They looked like they were tackling better, the line looks bigger, and they controlled the line.

Our RBs look amazing! The jury is out on our WRs as we kept passing to the RB.

I want to see the team gel more and I want the QB to enter the game with confidence. I want to see more accuracy from his throws - if he throws something catchable, then it’s not on him. But he threw so many that were just not catchable.
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I haven’t been on here in quite a while. I’ll just pile on what’s probably already been said 100 times already.

KJ’s performance was abysmal and there is no excuse for a 6th year guy coming in as a hired gun to not make an immediate impact.

in the current environment too many head coaches are rolling with so-called “proven” resumes rather than starting a younger kid because they are afraid to toss away a season and then the kid leaves. We probably have done that (looks like FSU is probably going to join this club as well).

No reason we shouldn’t have been doing more things like just running go routes and let our talent beat their talent. That’s not giving any wrinkles away. My expectations were not 400 yds passing. My expectation in KJ this game was showing confidence in running the offense and making good reads/throws (regardless of the result). New Hampshire is a team we could have made a lot of mistakes against and still won big. The QB showed nothing. The WRs showed nothing.

It’s week one and this performance has me thinking .500 at best right now. Preseason I was leaning 9-3. They can change my mind by what I see with my own eyes.
Well said. Once we went up 2 scores, the entire point of the game moving forward should be on working on the weaknesses of the offense. What does Gus do? Runs the ball with plays our offense knows like the back of their hands. I just don’t understand him and he’s so frustrating because it seems everyone but him knows this.

Does winning by 50 by running help long term or addressing the passing game that is clearly the problem and winning by 15? I don’t care about meaningless blowouts. I’m looking for improvement.