Great Economic News 🇺🇸

Biden is missing a golden opportunity here. When you have labor shortages that lead to supply chain problems, it's pretty easy to make the case that we need to bring in more legal immigrants to fill the void. He could increase his voter base and bring stability back to the economy, which is what everybody wants. Don't just let inflationary pressure on the labor market get out of control.
Biden is missing a golden opportunity here. When you have labor shortages that lead to supply chain problems, it's pretty easy to make the case that we need to bring in more legal immigrants to fill the void. He could increase his voter base and bring stability back to the economy, which is what everybody wants. Don't just let inflationary pressure on the labor market get out of control.
I don't think the immigration process is shut down so not sure what this has to do with Biden.
I don't think the immigration process is shut down so not sure what this has to do with Biden.
I'm saying that a very good case could be made right now for increasing legal immigration. Craft it around segments of the economy that have labor shortages which are leading to supply chain issues and he's got a winning argument.
A real concern for retirement age on a fix income.
Both of my parents are in this state and both voted Democrat party line and both voted for $15 minimum wage. When asked if any of the people they voted for included a commensurate Soc. Security increase to offset the inevitable inflation from these policies, they don't have a clue or an answer. But they'll rail on about fixing the world and evil Trump/Republicans.
Unlike our politicians who can't handle money,
This poor boy is debt free.

Still waiting for Shuck to explain how we can make Covid just go away.

Well we knew that the White House wasn't going to like the CBO score, but calling it fake seems a bit desperate.
It should be taking several hundred dollars a month back out of those pockets that would otherwise spend it on products like food and gas.
Yeah but you’re assuming they don’t use it as an impetus to push student loan forgiveness back into BBB.

Let's throw another 2.5 trillion on the fire. Good idea guys.
Gotta wonder why they're only shooting for $2.5. All that's going to do is create another crisis point in the very near future. Why not $10T or $25T. They're ignoring the impact of debt at this point anyways so what difference does it make.
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