Harrison Butker's Commencement Speech

I understand why you took a break from the WC now, you needed a break from taking all these Ls. ... Man this is beyond embarrassing for you.
Sorry, Ninja. The problem is you're focusing on the quality of the counterpoints instead of the sting of the insults!

We live in a mindless MAGA World now.
How the fùck are you this consistently wrong?

I understand why you took a break from the WC now, you needed a break from taking all these Ls.

Here's what the Bible actually says about abortion:

Numbers 5:24-27: “[The priest] shall make the [allegedly adulterous] woman drink. […] If she has […] been unfaithful to her husband, […] her womb shall discharge, her uterus drop.”

So the only direct mention of abortion in the Bible is instructions on how to perform one for an adulterous woman.

Man this is beyond embarrassing for you.
funny how you had to use that very specific translation to make your case, when contextually the woman isn't stated to be pregnant.

since you're on a bible kick, here's some more for you:

Exodus 21
If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely[e] but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life
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Sorry, Ninja. The problem is you're focusing on the quality of the counterpoints instead of the sting of the insults!

We live in a mindless MAGA World now.

Annnnnnd we reach the final stage of Adolf Shooky's playbook that goes like this when you have the audacity to disagree with his old ass:

1. Make a post about a topic that takes an extremely leftist stance full of bleeding heart emotional appeals that he tries to pass off as logic.

**someone disagrees**

2. Start autistically screeching with a bunch of utter nonsense in italics. Add three to four exclamation points when necessary. Add eye roll emoticons. Calls the wife in, reads his response, gets a pat on the back from her, and takes a victory lap around the house.

3. When that doesn't work, completely change the topic, move the goalposts, set up a straw man or five, use a red herring, or any number of classic logical fallacies. Conclude things with "RIIIIIIIIGHT GUYYYYYSSSS?!?!??!"

4. Call the people who continue to disagree or think he's stupid a threat to democracy and haters of the Constitution. Advises them to read the Constitution.

5. Reaches his endgame, calls his perpetrators MAGA hats and Donald Trump lap dogs. May even end things with a visceral BY GOLLY!!!!!!

Rinse. Repeat. Recycle. He's been doing this for damn near eight years.
Annnnnnd we reach the final stage of Adolf Shooky's playbook that goes like this when you have the audacity to disagree with his old ass:

1. Make a post about a topic that takes an extremely leftist stance full of bleeding heart emotional appeals that he tries to pass off as logic.

**someone disagrees**

2. Start autistically screeching with a bunch of utter nonsense in italics. Add three to four exclamation points when necessary. Add eye roll emoticons. Calls the wife in, reads his response, gets a pat on the back from her, and takes a victory lap around the house.

3. When that doesn't work, completely change the topic, move the goalposts, set up a straw man or five, use a red herring, or any number of classic logical fallacies. Conclude things with "RIIIIIIIIGHT GUYYYYYSSSS?!?!??!"

4. Call the people who continue to disagree or think he's stupid a threat to democracy and haters of the Constitution. Advises them to read the Constitution.

5. Reaches his endgame, calls his perpetrators MAGA hats and Donald Trump lap dogs. May even end things with a visceral BY GOLLY!!!!!!

Rinse. Repeat. Recycle. He's been doing this for damn near eight years.

He creates threads on every dumbshit idea that pops in his head, and then melts down when people dare to disagree with his opinion being presented as fact. He's either a mentally ill adult or a struggling female teenager, and I have no idea which.
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The normal approach on an open discussion board to topics and arguments that you strongly disagree with is to respond with...(cue trumpet fanfare)...thoughtful counterpoints. (I know, I know, it's pretty revolutionary thinking around here.)

Have ANY of you attempted to address ANY of my points? No. Not a single one. Instead you blather on and on with childish insults. I'm told repeatedly what a horrible, disgusting, braindead creature I am. Boy, did you sure show me!!! ;)

If you have no counters to my arguments, then STFU. The only posters looking ridiculous are you.
The normal approach on an open discussion board to topics and arguments that you strongly disagree with is to respond with...(cue trumpet fanfare)...thoughtful counterpoints. (I know, I know, it's pretty revolutionary thinking around here.)

Have ANY of you attempted to address ANY of my points? No. Not a single one. Instead you blather on and on with childish insults. I'm told repeatedly what a horrible, disgusting, braindead creature I am. Boy, did you sure show me!!! ;)

If you have no counters to my arguments, then STFU. The only posters looking ridiculous are you.

You started a thread to insinuate as fact that a Catholic speaking at a Catholic graduation occuring at a Catholic university which is full of other Catholics about values that are important to Catholics is somehow proof that there’s a sinister national Catholic plot to usher in the Handmaid’s Tale, since this is where most of your dumbshit ideas probably come from.

What exactly is there to “respond to”? You’re a mentally ill person who posts the crazy stuff that you believe and then you cry when sane people disagree.

Btw- since you’re big on crying about when things aren’t responded to, I shared a link to the Harvard commencement speaker who went in hard on the Jews. Crickets. You had nothing to say about that, only comments reserved for the meanie KC kicker. You’re a sad little man (or teenage girl).
You started a thread to insinuate as fact that a Catholic speaking at a Catholic graduation occuring at a Catholic university which is full of other Catholics about values that are important to Catholics is somehow proof that there’s a sinister national Catholic plot to usher in the Handmaid’s Tale.
As I explained to Nauti, my thread was about the negative response to Butker's remarks. As I said in my OP, stated again to Nauti, and will repeat once again to you, I support Butker's right to talk about his 'Catholic values' to a Catholic audience.
What exactly is there to “respond to”?
In my OP, I followed up with, quote: "This story wouldn't be 'a thing' if Catholics weren't attempting to turn the United States into their own little theocracy." unquote.

Nauti responded that he disagreed with my take about Catholics seeking to turn the United States into a theocracy. I'll ask you the same thing I asked him: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution that "Life begins at Conception." Go ahead and look. I'll wait.

Yet despite its absence, three Catholic judges ignored the Constitution they were sworn to defend and followed their Catholic teachings in voting to overturn Roe v Wade. It didn't surprise me--that's exactly why Trump picked them. But apparently our two female Republican Senators who voted to confirm them were. They said these three candidates assured them during their confirmation hearings that Roe was 'established law.'

The national outcry and State-to-State clusterf**k that has taken place in this country since that stunning decision has been a pretty clearcut sign that our SCOTUS f'ked up. Throughout our history, America has shown it's very capable of f'king up on a regular basis. But fortunately, we've always managed to 'Get It Right' eventually. This is another one of those 'WTF?' decisions that will get readdressed sooner rather than later.
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As I explained to Nauti, my thread was about the negative response to Butker's remarks. As I said in my OP, stated again to Nauti, and will repeat once again to you, I support Butker's right to talk about his 'Catholic values' to a Catholic audience.

In my OP, I followed up with, quote: "This story wouldn't be 'a thing' if Catholics weren't attempting to turn the United States into their own little theocracy." unquote.

Nauti responded that he disagreed with my take about Catholics seeking to turn the United States into a theocracy. I'll ask you the same thing I asked him: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution that "Life begins at Conception." Go ahead and look. I'll wait.

Yet despite its absence, three Catholic judges ignored the Constitution they were sworn to defend and followed their Catholic teachings in voting to overturn Roe v Wade. It didn't surprise me--that's exactly why Trump picked them. But apparently our two female Republican Senators who voted to confirm them were. They said these three candidates assured them during their confirmation hearings that Roe was 'established law.'

The national outcry and State-to-State clusterf**k that has taken place in this country since that stunning decision has been a pretty clearcut sign that our SCOTUS f'ked up. Throughout our history, America has shown it's very capable of f'king up on a regular basis. But fortunately, we've always managed to 'Get It Right' eventually. This is another one of those 'WTF?' decisions that will get readdressed sooner rather than later.
Oh please. You turn into a malignant twat the nanosecond you read something that differs from what you want. I guess I need to add another stage to your posting habits: tries to legitimize and justify his bad behavior by saying that everyone trolls you, it’s everyone else’s fault, no one posts anything of value, and that you’re some poor victim.

And I see that you conveniently have not addressed the video that 85 posted of the anti-Semitic speech. I’m absolutely shocked.
(cue trumpet fanfare)

Joe Biden No GIF by The Democrats
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Oh please. You turn into a malignant twat the nanosecond you read something that differs from what you want. I guess I need to add another stage to your posting habits: tries to legitimize and justify his bad behavior by saying that everyone trolls you, it’s everyone else’s fault, no one posts anything of value, and that you’re some poor victim.

And I see that you conveniently have not addressed the video that 85 posted of the anti-Semitic speech. I’m absolutely shocked.

He also didn't really address why he's crying over 3 SCOTUS Justices who ruled in favor of Dobbs when it was a 5-4 vote. He only has issue with 3 of them, and can you guess what's common amongst the 3 of the 5 that he's bitching endlessly about?

They're all massively qualified justices who wrote lengthy, informed consenting opinions on the vote, yet bigoted dumbshit Shookster has already concluded that they had no rationale for ruling the way they did other than being meanie Catholics who take their orders from Rome. All of this being funny of course since he's apart of modern American political society that claims to be against all forms of prejudice and discrimination while in practice doing exactly that - they're just too stupid to understand 😭 😭 😭 😭

None of this mind you has a f*cking thing to do with the KC kicker and his commencement speech, but to mentally ill lunatics like Shookster, it's all part of a connected sinister plot and we're all in on it. Joe, did you get your "theocracy underground" marching orders at Mass on Sunday?
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He also didn't really address why he's crying over 3 SCOTUS Justices who ruled in favor of Dobbs when it was a 5-4 vote. He only has issue with 3 of them, and can you guess what's common amongst the 3 of the 5 that he's bitching endlessly about?

They're all massively qualified justices who wrote lengthy, informed consenting opinions on the vote, yet bigoted dumbshit Shookster has already concluded that they had no rationale for ruling the way they did other than being meanie Catholics who take their orders from Rome. All of this being funny of course since he's apart of modern American political society that claims to be against all forms of prejudice and discrimination while in practice doing exactly that - they're just too stupid to understand 😭 😭 😭 😭

None of this mind you has a f*cking thing to do with the KC kicker and his commencement speech, but to mentally ill lunatics like Shookster, it's all part of a connected sinister plot and we're all in on it. Joe, did you get your "theocracy underground" marching orders at Mass on Sunday?
Man, you really epitomize Christianity. I can see Jesus himself saying something similar, maybe a couple more "bitch"s or "fúcks" thrown in for emphasis.
He also didn't really address why he's crying over 3 SCOTUS Justices who ruled in favor of Dobbs when it was a 5-4 vote. He only has issue with 3 of them, and can you guess what's common amongst the 3 of the 5 that he's bitching endlessly about?

They're all massively qualified justices who wrote lengthy, informed consenting opinions on the vote, yet bigoted dumbshit Shookster has already concluded that they had no rationale for ruling the way they did other than being meanie Catholics who take their orders from Rome. All of this being funny of course since he's apart of modern American political society that claims to be against all forms of prejudice and discrimination while in practice doing exactly that - they're just too stupid to understand 😭 😭 😭 😭

None of this mind you has a f*cking thing to do with the KC kicker and his commencement speech, but to mentally ill lunatics like Shookster, it's all part of a connected sinister plot and we're all in on it. Joe, did you get your "theocracy underground" marching orders at Mass on Sunday?

Hell yes I did. Father said we'll begin with the Lutherans since they were the ones who started this whole mess. Glad both my kids were there to hear this. Start them early.

It is my opinion that when Trump gets re-elected in November that he seeks to impeach Kagan and Jackson from the bench and appoint two more Catholics to get to nine. Gorsuch started out as Anglican, but saw the light and converted. He gets a pass. Offer Kagan and Jackson the same opportunity or they are dismissed.

We aren't playing around. Convert or face a weenie roast in hell, mother fukcers.
Nebraska people are weird. They see the world differently. Too isolated I guess
My mom's family is from the midwest. Her small town had 2 groups: Catholics and Lutherans. If you were Lutheran you didn't go to the Catholic dentist for (insert reason) or the hard ware store was owned by a Catholic so you drove to the Lutheran one in the next town. But that was life in the midwest in the 50s/60s/70s. None of that matters now because the town is about half the size of what it was when my mom lived there though it is still one of the largest towns in the county at just under 11,000 residents.
He also didn't really address why he's crying over 3 SCOTUS Justices who ruled in favor of Dobbs when it was a 5-4 vote. He only has issue with 3 of them, and can you guess what's common amongst the 3 of the 5 that he's bitching endlessly about?
LOL For your information, six of the nine judges are Catholic. I highlighted the three Catholics Trump picked while in office.
They're all massively qualified justices who wrote lengthy, informed consenting opinions on the vote, yet bigoted dumbshit Shookster has already concluded that they had no rationale for ruling the way they did other than being meanie Catholics who take their orders from Rome.
Heeeellllloooo...these "massively qualified judges who wrote lengthy, informed opinions" STRIPPED AWAY THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN to make their own health care decisions!!!! Show me where their justification for taking away this right is found in the Constitution.

The notion that 'The States' should decide instead of the Federal government it is like saying let the States decide whether they wish to reinstitute slavery. The right of a woman to make her own health care decisions shouldn't depend on which damn state she lives in.
All of this being funny of course since he's apart of modern American political society that claims to be against all forms of prejudice and discrimination ...
Speaking of modern American political society, back in 2012, Newt Gingrich and his homies in the GOP fearmongered that Muslims in America wanted to -- GASP!!! -- impose their religious beliefs as law. Remember all that Right-wing hand-wringing? But now we've witnessed Catholics and other like-minded people of faith impose their 'Life begins at Conception' religious belief into actual law. Now access to contraceptions and IVF are fair game too.

But I guess THAT kind of religious lawmaking is a-okay with all you 'Get the Damn Government off my Back' guys, right? ;)
LOL For your information, six of the nine judges are Catholic. I highlighted the three Catholics Trump picked while in office.

It's worse. It's seven of the nine. You even more triggered?

The notion that 'The States' should decide instead of the Federal government it is like saying let the States decide whether they wish to reinstitute slavery.

Today I learned abortion = slavery

Speaking of modern American political society, back in 2012, Newt Gingrich and his homies in the GOP fearmongered that Muslims in America wanted to -- GASP!!! -- impose their religious beliefs as law. Remember all that Right-wing hand-wringing? But now we've witnessed Catholics and other like-minded people of faith impose their 'Life begins at Conception' religious belief into actual law.

Life does begin at conception. Hope this helps.
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The right of a woman to make her own health care decisions shouldn't depend on which damn state she lives in.
see that's wild cuz you loved making fun of people who didn't like government mandates about healthcare decisions
All you "anti-commies" were wringing your hands in dismay at the loss of 'freedom' when various state governments mandated the wearing of face masks in public during a pandemic!!! OH THE HORROR!!!
and i love how you say "healthcare decisions" as if women have been banned from going to the urgent care or buying nyquil

just an ounce of intellectually honesty and consistency would do so much for people being willing to take you seriously
We’ve had a Newt Gingrich mention folks. This idiot doesn’t know when to stop digging.

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It's worse. It's seven of the nine. You even more triggered?

Today I learned abortion = slavery

Life does begin at conception. Hope this helps.

If this were 1865, Shookster would be crying in hysterics about abolishing slavery. This was legal under the Constitution - muh freedoms are being stripped away!!!!1
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I highlighted the three Catholics Trump picked while in office.

One of my favorite moments in World History is when the Pope flew to the United States on three separate occasions and stuck the barrel of a shotgun in Protestant Donald's big mouth and said, "Appoint a Catholic, or die, mother fukcer."

And Donald listened all three times. Can't wait to see the movie adaptation.
One of my favorite moments in World History is when the Pope flew to the United States on three separate occasions and stuck the barrel of a shotgun in Protestant Donald's big mouth and said, "Appoint a Catholic, or die, mother fukcer."

And Donald listened all three times. Can't wait to see the movie adaptation.

Anything is possible when you’re a mentally ill Nebraska fan who spends all of his day shit posting on a UCF message board from the confines of a padded room.
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I find it absolutely hysterical that Adolf Shooky rages against all the Catholic Supreme Court justices.

There is one person, and one person only who should draw his ire since they are 100% the cause of Roe v. Wade being overturned:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg
A Catholic speaks to a Catholic University graduating class and Shookster thinks this is proof that “Catholics are turning the US into a theocracy”

😂 😂

What a bedwetting stupid bitch.
Well this is embarrassing for you:

Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) announced the formation of the task force on Tuesday, saying in a statement, "We need a coordinated strategy to save America and stop this coup before it's too late."

It's no wonder why more and more Americans are skeptical of our Supreme Court. The religious zeal that Justice Alito has shown in public statements --- or privately, with his recent taped remarks --- have been evident for a long time now.

When he thought he was talking with a fellow conservative Catholic, he didn't even pretend to be a neutral, unbiased judge. Alito basically said 'Screw the Constitution, it's an 'Us vs Them' war between The Moral vs The Immoral and only one can be the 'winner.'

In contrast, Chief Justice Roberts gave a measured response to the same woman at the same gala. The fact the Alito's wife was later caught raging against her neighbor's...gasp!... Pride Flag tells us all we need to know where he wants to take the court in the future.

Alito is entitled to his religious convictions. But he's supposed to be a Constitution-following Supreme Court Justice, not some damn religous warrior for crying out loud. This zealot has no business on ANY federal court, let alone the SCOTUS.
It's no wonder why more and more Americans are skeptical of our Supreme Court. The religious zeal that Justice Alito has shown in public statements --- or privately, with his recent taped remarks --- have been evident for a long time now.

When he thought he was talking with a fellow conservative Catholic, he didn't even pretend to be a neutral, unbiased judge. Alito basically said 'Screw the Constitution, it's an 'Us vs Them' war between The Moral vs The Immoral and only one can be the 'winner.'
uh-oh! you said something retarded, looks like your daddy has to come fact check you again.

here's what was said, verbatim, on the super secret recording when asked about what he was going to do:

"I don't think it's something we can do. We have a very defined role and we need to do what we're supposed to do. American citizens in general need to work on this, to try to heal this polarization because it's very dangerous."

So no comment on the Congressional inquiry submitted that literally proves shucksters points? Just baseless name-calling?

Awesome guys, you are so cool. Man I wish I could be like you when I grow up.
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It's no wonder why more and more Americans are skeptical of our Supreme Court. The religious zeal that Justice Alito has shown in public statements --- or privately, with his recent taped remarks --- have been evident for a long time now.

When he thought he was talking with a fellow conservative Catholic, he didn't even pretend to be a neutral, unbiased judge. Alito basically said 'Screw the Constitution, it's an 'Us vs Them' war between The Moral vs The Immoral and only one can be the 'winner.'

In contrast, Chief Justice Roberts gave a measured response to the same woman at the same gala. The fact the Alito's wife was later caught raging against her neighbor's...gasp!... Pride Flag tells us all we need to know where he wants to take the court in the future.

Alito is entitled to his religious convictions. But he's supposed to be a Constitution-following Supreme Court Justice, not some damn religous warrior for crying out loud. This zealot has no business on ANY federal court, let alone the SCOTUS.

Yes, I forgot this gem from our resident lunatic.

That got damn Alito and his Catholicism.

You step in more shit than a pig.
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What are you even talking about? Alito has openly interleaved his religion and rulings.

This is fact.
Exactly. I gauge the effectiveness of my arguments on the type of responses they generate. When I trigger a bunch of whiny insults, I know our resident ankle-biters have no answer.

It's easy for sane posters to bat a 1000 in today's MAGA clown show. Like I've said, it's like fishing in a barrel. :)
Try to keep up
LMAO. THIS LANDMARK decision proved what? That Alito is a square-shooter? That the Catholic majority on Supreme Court are impartial??!? We're left to wonder because your idea of presenting anything worthy here is to pop a link. Ooookay. :)

Let's review: This decision upheld the Federal Drug Administration's decision to approve the abortion drug, milfepristone. Guess what? The FDA did this back in September, 2000. The drug has been on the market for decades for crying out loud!!!

I suppose the judges could have made fools of themselves with a decision that implied they knew more about safe drugs than the actual experts at the FDA. But they saved face by ruling against the anti-abortion groups who'd put it before them.

So what does this mean??? Have the conservatives on the court had a change-of-heart since Roe v Wade? Hell, no! Alito and the rest ruled that the people who challenged it did not have standing to sue! Case closed!
LMAO. THIS LANDMARK decision proved what? That Alito is a square-shooter? That the Catholic majority on Supreme Court are impartial??!? We're left to wonder because your idea of presenting anything worthy here is to pop a link. Ooookay. :)

Let's review: This decision upheld the Federal Drug Administration's decision to approve the abortion drug, milfepristone. Guess what? The FDA did this back in September, 2000. The drug has been on the market for decades for crying out loud!!!

I suppose the judges could have made fools of themselves with a decision that implied they knew more about safe drugs than the actual experts at the FDA. But they saved face by ruling against the anti-abortion groups who'd put it before them.

So what does this mean??? Have the conservatives on the court had a change-of-heart since Roe v Wade? Hell, no! Alito and the rest ruled that the people who challenged it did not have standing to sue! Case closed!

What does this prove?

That you are fukcing idiot and wrong, yet again. Hope this helps.
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