lol you're out of your mind. Unreal. Kagan and Sotomayor are liberals in every sense of the word and were fairly left leaning in most of their judicial decisions and writing before being nominated to the SC.
They went through because Republicans, while not liking them being liberal judges, acknowledged that they were at least qualified in the academic sense and deferred to the President's pick. Unlike now, where we have moron Democrats blindly voting NO on a guy who is more qualified than any of the judges you just mentioned, with 13 years of experience on the Circuit Court.
Kavanaugh is only "partisan" because Democrats decided to try to slander and destroy a supremely qualified guy, all because he holds personal conservative views.
Kagan had no "judicial decisions" because she was never a judge. She was an ultra liberal in charge of Harvard Law. In fact, she HIRED Kavanaugh at Harvard Law because she thought the students needed a conservative point of view. So basically ... she tacitly admitted that Harvard Law is full of liberals .... and thought highly enough of Kavanaugh to hire him to teach.
So while some FIW in the dungeon thinks Kavanaugh is too extreme .... a sitting supreme court justice thought he was good enough to hire at Harvard Law.