Health Care Costs

You were still subsidizing everyone as the costs for servicing the uninsured at hospitals was being passed on to the insured

Yea, and this cost was wildly over exaggerated by people to make this point. The entire ACA was created to require no more than a few million people to carry insurance who didn't have it- we blew up the entire system for a tiny percentage of people, many of whom were teenagers or idiots who didn't want insurance.

Also, pooling within an insurance pool is absolutely nothing like Ponzi scheme subsidization on the federal level. Your insurance pool is actively managed and there are people actually derisking the people inside that pool to assure they can control costs.

The ACA mandated Federal subsidizing with no thought or concern for how much it would hurt a huge number of people to pay for a small fraction of people. My premium has more than doubled in 2 years when it barely moved in the 8 years prior at this job.
Mine went up 34% this year over last for a family of four. Amazing that this administration has not been called out for the constant lies they tell. I'm so tired of this crap, I had better insurance for a third of the price just four years ago. Eight more months of this moron.
That's because he argued that states should have to pay for it, instead of the federal government, using the Interstate Commerce Clause. The US Supreme Court smacked the President down ... hard, on using that clause. They all said if the President wants to pass a requirement, he can, but he has to use federal dollars for it.

And people wonder why 2/3rds of the state AGs' filed lawsuits? I love the US media. Ignorance beyond recognition.

Even worse ... health insurance companies are losing money hand over foot. The smaller commits that can, have pulled out. The larger commits are stuck.

The entire ACA was designed to be unsustainable from day 1. So the Democrats can go to the American people and say, "Look, all those greedy insurance companies are pulling out!" No, idiots, it's called a non-sustainable plan. Even the most benevolent of companies cannot keep doing something if all they are going to do is lose money.

But what do you expect from a President, and Congress, who just spend in unsustainable ways?

In fact, as much as loathe Trump's popularism, the US media utterly missed his point about "printing money." It just shows how much Trump knows about economics that the US media doesn't. And that's the thing. The more ignorant the US media is, the more people vote Trump.

Sigh ...