Houston Doctor Says Doctors aren’t treating Covid Right

HCQ does work. Not because it directly fights the virus but because it increases the PH in the body. Not surprising at all that they are finding out that antacids also have a prophylactic effect. Its the same reason why people that have healthy diets and lifestyles get sick less often than ones with poor diets. Diseases of many kinds don't thrive in bodies that have a PH of between 7 and 7.4, which has been common knowledge for decades. Americans in general have terrible diets and lifestyles and we don't expel enough CO2 from our bodies because we are fat and lazy. Simple things like breathing exercises and brisk walking for 20 minutes a day protect you from getting a multitude of diseases including cancer. Why are people in rest homes getting hit by this so hard?: because they have to lay around all day and develop shallow breathing. Same thing goes for the obese.

Is HCQ a cure? Kind of, but no more than anything that a person can do on their own that regulates their bodies PH level and keeps it at the correct levels. I'd be willing to bet my mother's life that 99% of people that have had severe symptoms from this had acidosis.
TLDR...but suffice to say HCQ isn’t a cure and doesn’t prevent getting the virus as the tweet states.
If you didnt read it, why comment? Just wanted to get your 2 cents in that you are immediately opposed to something that you didnt read?
Did it explain how HCQ is the cure and prevents getting the virus? Because that was my only point of contention.

Go to 1:06:00 and 1:51:00 and listen to these 2 doctors talk about how they've been treating the elderly. Pretty interesting stuff.
It is becoming more and more clear, the biggest problem with HCQ, Zinc, and antibiotic combo is the money that will be made with the new drugs.
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It is becoming more and more clear, the biggest problem with HCQ, Zinc, and antibiotic combo is the money that will be made with the new drugs.

The NIH in 2005 said that HCQ was effective against SARS COV1. It stands to reason that it would be effective against SARS COV2
One doctor runs a nursing home in Texas, and they have been using the HCQ regimen. 37 out of 38 recovered.
37 out of 38 nursing home residents that had the virus recovered? That 2.6% mortality rate seems pretty good compared to the 5% the CDC shows for the oldest demographic. Obviously it’s a small sample size one more death would have been over 5%.
Well you have beta teachers threatening to strike if we make them teach in 2020 as a good example. But these teachers are ok with private sector workers at supermarkets working and they have no issues being around people.
So you want to go to in person schooling. I understand that will be an option for you in Florida.
Well you have beta teachers threatening to strike if we make them teach in 2020 as a good example. But these teachers are ok with private sector workers at supermarkets working and they have no issues being around people.
This might surprise you, but I agree. However, to be honest, supermarket workers and related front-line job workers never really had any choice in the matter. They either quit their jobs or worked around a whole bunch of people.

You'd think the least that everybody could have done to support these front-line workers in the service industry would have been to wear masks instead of arguing with them about something they had absolutely no control over.
Well you have beta teachers threatening to strike if we make them teach in 2020 as a good example. But these teachers are ok with private sector workers at supermarkets working and they have no issues being around people.

They're more important than the people who treat their illnesses, bag their groceries, sell them home supplies, and/or supply their required medicines.
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The sad part is you agree for the non satirical reasons.
I mean you tried to make a point that teachers think they are more important than some other professions, when in fact they just have more protection in the form of a teachers union. The fact that those other industries don’t have such protection in a “right to work” state doesn’t make them more important. Aside from medical professionals (for whom dealing with sick people is literally part of the job description) I do think teachers serve a more important purpose. Certainly more so than your example of the guy bagging groceries.

-In sermons posted on YouTube and articles on her website, Immanuel claims that medical issues like endometriosis, cysts, infertility, and impotence are caused by sex with “spirit husbands” and “spirit wives”—a phenomenon Immanuel describes essentially as witches and demons having sex with people in a dreamworld.

-In her sermon, Immanuel offers a sort of demonology of “nephilim,” the biblical characters she claims exist as demonic spirits and lust after dream sex with humans, causing all matter of real health problems and financial ruin. Immanuel blames real-life ailments such as fibroids and cysts stem from the demonic sperm after demon dream sex, an activity she claims affects “many women.”

“They turn into a woman and then they sleep with the man and collect his sperm,” Immanuel said in her sermon. “Then they turn into the man and they sleep with a man and deposit the sperm and reproduce more of themselves.”

-Immanuel’s bizarre medical ideas don’t stop with demon sex in dreams. In a 2015 sermon that laid out a supposed Illuminati plan hatched by “a witch” to destroy the world using abortion, gay marriage, and children’s toys, among other things, Immanuel claimed that DNA from space aliens is currently being used in medicine.

“They’re using all kinds of DNA, even alien DNA, to treat people,” Immanuel said.

Sounds like a reasonable doctor we should all be taking medical advice from.

Immanuel claimed that DNA from space aliens is currently being used in medicine.

“They’re using all kinds of DNA, even alien DNA, to treat people,” Immanuel said.

I like how they threw in the "space" part. Every vaccine does include alien DNA. Virus's are classified as an alien, i.e foreign to the body. Technically she was correct on that one.
Immanuel claimed that DNA from space aliens is currently being used in medicine.

“They’re using all kinds of DNA, even alien DNA, to treat people,” Immanuel said.

I like how they threw in the "space" part. Every vaccine does include alien DNA. Virus's are classified as an alien, i.e foreign to the body. Technically she was correct on that one.
Eureka! That’s it. It must be what they are talking about here too.

Lol. Now this quack so-called "doctor" (scare quotes for effect) is claiming that the Jesus will destroy Facebook if her Covid video doesn't go back up.

On the bright side, we wouldn't need Congress to break them up as a trust. So, she's got that going for her...
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Are they sex demon doctors? If not I’m not interested.
Catholics believe that communion actually becomes the blood and body when it enters their mouth. If your doctor is catholic he believes in cannibalism. Better not listen to his medical opinion. Better to trust the doctors that say men can mensturate.
Well, yes. There are cases when doctors assume to know very precisely the diagnosis and the treatment, but they don’t make all the necessary analysis and people have to suffer because of it. I think doctors should treat the covid by studying the huge clinics that managed to treat well their patients. It will be better to make a total body check in order to be sure if the patient suffers from anything else, except the covid. I know that doctors from helped many people who had this virus.
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