I admire Pope Francis, particularly his stance on climate change.
You know damn well what my beef is about. I respect the rights of Catholics and Southern Baptists to believe what they want to believe without the Government stepping in. But what I don't like is when judges try to push their beliefs over the Constitution they've sworn to uphold. We don't need churches overstepping their boundaries any more than when the government does it. This week the Southern Baptists voted on a resolution at their national convention
opposing IVF. Yes, believe it or not, our "Right to Life" crowd is against it. (link below)
I've always thought it was bizarre that our "Freedom FROM Goverment" crowd rails against the government 'stepping in' when it comes to guns or --
heaven forbid -- pandemic safety controls. But when it comes to women's reproduction rights and prenatal health care, it's full-steam ahead and
GOVERNMENT-THE-HELL-OUT-OF-THEM!!!! I'd love someone here to give me any kind of logical explanation for that dichotomy.
At its annual meeting, the nation's largest Protestant denomination also urged members “to advocate for the government to restrain actions inconsistent with the dignity and value of every human being.”