I dont work for the government, and many scientists that dont work for the government also believe in climate change, I already provided you with articles with regards to Exxon. Do their scientists not count either?
I have a friend who has a PHD in physics from Ga Tech ,and no, he doesnt work for the government. I dont see him much because he lives across the country, but he most certainly says it is real. He also says you can immediately discount anyones argument when they bring politics into a science debate, which is precisely what you are doing. Science doesnt have a political party, it just has science. 2+2=4 no matter what political party you are a party of.
Our government has given grants to many researchers in various areas of life, and many of them have conducted very good research. Research for the internet was government funded. THe use of lasers was goverment funded. Satelites in space, weapons, and 100s of other things. So this idea that if someone is paid by the government they arent serious or are biased is a completely ridiculous argument.
And by the way, science isnt meant to be funded to prove or disprove anything, it is funded to find out actual truth of things, and what kind of applicates can come from that truth.
Your economy argument is also bogus. New innovations have always expanded and driven the economy forward. From the steam engine, to automobiles, air travel being accessible, the tech era of the 80s/90s, etc etc, have all created and expanded jobs. So this idea that new technology is going to be bad for the economy is simply not based on any sort of historical accuracy. Plus, China might not be worried about it, but they also have to wear masks to breath half the time because air quality is so bad. But even in saying that
https://www.forbes.com/sites/dominicdudley/2019/01/11/china-renewable-energy-superpower/ they actually are doing things to improve it and will be the leaders of green energy, for no other reason than we dont have the will to actually be world leaders on issues anymore.
HOw are alarmist predictions wrong? THere are reports that artic ice is melting much faster than anticipated. So yeah, I guess you could say they were wrong, but they were wrong in that it is happening faster than they thought.