Hypocritical discrimination by the libs


Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Aug 3, 2011
Stuck in traffic

Wouldn't discrimination based on political ideology be the equivalent to discrimination based on protected status? Libs in DC are refusing to rent out their houses to Trump supporters. Rockettes and Mormon choir members refusing to perform for Trump. How is that all that different from bakers refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding?

Wouldn't discrimination based on political ideology be the equivalent to discrimination based on protected status? Libs in DC are refusing to rent out their houses to Trump supporters. Rockettes and Mormon choir members refusing to perform for Trump. How is that all that different from bakers refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding?

Those Trump supporters just have to publicly identify as some sort of strange gender or other sexual deviant and the problem would be solved.
Wouldn't discrimination based on political ideology be the equivalent to discrimination based on protected status?
Its even worse.
More hypocritical liberal turds. Shows what we're up against. Amazing they can raise so much money so quickly. Trump's election should embolden his supporters to raise money to defend themselves against the {quo}}. The west depends on it.
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Wouldn't discrimination based on political ideology be the equivalent to discrimination based on protected status? Libs in DC are refusing to rent out their houses to Trump supporters. Rockettes and Mormon choir members refusing to perform for Trump. How is that all that different from bakers refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding?

The baker refusing to supply a gay wedding has much more constitutional backing than these clowns. Yet the left wing will completely refuse to admit that. There is by law a freedom of religion guaranteed in this country, despite the Obama Admin's best attempts to trample that in the past 8 years. There specifically are protections for people who feel that certain actions may violate their religious beliefs.

That is entirely different from some whiny asshole refusing to rent to someone because they think that they voted for the other side.