It is pretty easy to tell which of our local christian white males have never had to deal with any adversity, exploitation, or discrimination in their lives, and never talked to a child dealing with any of those things. Maybe we should send these guys into our local middle or elementary schools to meet a few children dealing with gender and sexuality issues at an early age. Maybe a crying child will change their mind.
Oh. Good to know. If you'd like to talk about helping kids deal with adversity we can do that. How many foster kids have you taken in? How many times have you done family support work with kids who have only 1 parent and that parent is a meth addict? Ever work with special needs kids? How about helping immigrant kids who had no education up until they were 13 years old and training them in a trade that they were interested in?
I dont throw the term hypocrite around very often, but you meet the definition. You think your empty words are worth more than the actions of people who actually do good in life. Do us all a favor and just take a break.