From the link below: "Cole's specialism is dermopathology -- a discipline focused on diseases of the skin which has little to do with respiratory conditions like COVID-19. But he's a celebrated figure among anti-vaxxers.
In his lab, Cole frequently tells his listeners, he sees data that suggests the vaccine is harming people's immune systems. He acknowledged to Insider that adverse effects after vaccination are
extremely rare, but this point rarely comes up in his talks.
Pate told Insider that the ideas Cole promotes are "simply not consistent" with the science of public health. "And it's undermining our public health efforts," he said.
He added: "Dr. Cole is already using the cloak of his status as a licensed physician. He is using all of those things to give him an air of legitimacy."
The story of Dr Ryan Cole shows how the state's public health apparatus was reshaped by COVID skeptics as the virus swept through Idaho.