i actually enjoy talking with you, ace, and other liberals. i think we can have productive conversations at times. i dont enjoy talking to chemmie, ninja, or mac because they are leftists and dont seem capable of anything but talking leftist party lines.
That's why I differentiate what I call "Progressive" viewpoints and "Liberal" viewpoints.
Liberals agree there are issues with some undocumented residents, and they should be addressed separately, all while preserving their "everyone deserves a chance" consideration for other undocumented residents.
I can respect that. It's a good argument, even if I have some disagreement, it's logical.
Progressives use the classic, bleeding heart argument for every, negative situation, and continually go against logic with the clear statistics on how bad it's getting with untrackable, criminal, undocumented residents ... as if saying there is a single issue with undocument residency will undo all ... even legal refugees, who they equate as the same. They are incapable of realizing what damage this is doing to even the law-abiding, undocument resisdents, let alone legal refugees.
That is the stalwart, Progressive counter to the stalwart, Neo-Con counter, "They already broke the law by becoming illegal aliens." Both of them are too hardlined to make any sense with.
The President made a very non-PC statement, that basically the US needs to stop being the destination for everyone, especially everyone not even our own allies will allow in ... or even ask us to solve for them. It's non-PC, totally inconsiderate, but like everything Trump says, there's a modicum of truth, amplified by frustration, to the point it misses the mark, hard.
Americans are tired of the Progressives bleeding everything where it shouldn't go, and even the Liberals of this country -- like myself who actually believe in 'open borders' (with the counter 'fraud makes you an illegal, not merely crossing the border') -- are tired of the Progressives causing more backlash.