InfoWars' Alex Jones exposed in Sandy Hook Hoax


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003

Of all the nauseating conspiracy theories that Red Hats enjoy reveling in, The Most Pathetic by far was the claim by Alex Jones of InfoWars that the Sandy Hook massacre of those little kids was all an orchestrated hoax. Hucksters like Jones have been making a fortune nowadays sucking in gullible Joe Sixpacks to their latest conspiracy theories.

Today's market is full of these yahoos and their crackpot claims. We've got the 'Q' crowd, the 'Deep State' fear mongers, the 'Hillary-is-still-planning-to-take-over-the-world' alarmists, and -- I kid you not -- the 'Michelle Obama is a transexual' believers.

Is it any wonder that Putin's Russian agents were so easily able to recruit the masses into becoming little Trumpsters?
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How pathetic of a partisan blowhard do you have to be to assert that all Trump supporters believed this conspiracy theory? Like how mentally warped and brain dead does one have to be to insist things like this are true?

You’re presence here gets more pathetic by the post
How pathetic of a partisan blowhard do you have to be to assert that all Trump supporters believed this conspiracy theory? Like how mentally warped and brain dead does one have to be to insist things like this are true?

You’re presence here gets more pathetic by the post

Fab posted a link to an Infowars site.

And you still defend him. STFU you stupid little bitch.
I never listen to or read his stuff, I guess he is a liar/ hoaxter. Have heard Glen Beck call him out for his BS a few times.
Fab posted a link to an Infowars site.

One would certainly hope that the vast majority of conservatives wouldn't pay attention to hucksters like Jones. But the money these muckrakers make from their hot, new conspiracy theories is coming from somebody.

I honest-to-goodness thought nobody here was an Infowars follower. It seems I learn something surprising about this place everyday.
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There is some good news to this, recent evidence shows that since he has been banned from social media his out reach has been diminished.

I fully believe in his right to speak and hold his opinions. But I completely agree that social media doesn’t have to act as a megaphone for him and other bad actors.