Yeah, UCFBS, what nonsense!!! As we've seen on this board, libs go ape-sh*t over perceived slights that either don't exist or are harmless.
I mean, really, what's wrong with calling women "dogs" or referring to Iraqis as "semiliterate primative monkeys"? And why bash Ol' Tucker for simply asking how Barack Obama can be considered Black when he had one White parent and one Black one? It's a honest question, right guys? And who can find fault with Ol' Tucker saying "white men should be credited for creating civilization?" Is anybody with a brain really going to take issue with that objective insight?
Yeah, this board has amble evidence of Conservatives 'giving in' when directly confronted with examples of commentary that could possibly be perceived as,
you know, racist.
The only exception would be when our board conservatives are confronted by stupid accusations -- like when we use ambiguous, nonthreatening words that are then taken totally out-of-context. Get this: when we talk about the "invasion" of our borders those liberal snowflakes have a damn conniption fit even though we're using the term in the most innocent of ways.
Hell, it's been regularly used by our President, the Usual Suspects, and our board's resident White Nationalist, so what could possibly be wrong with it?
Yours Truly,
The Dark Lord of Sarcasm